NGC 1499:加州星雲


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4

太空中敢有 Calafia 女王 ê 神話島嶼? 可能無,毋過這團太空分子雲 ê 外形,kah 美國加州是有成。 咱 ê 太陽 就 tī 銀河系 ê 獵戶座捲螺仔手骨 頂懸,離 加州星雲 才 1000光年遠爾爾。 伊嘛叫做 NGC 1499,是一个典型 ê 發射星雲,差不多有 100 光年 長。 Tī 這張影像 內底,加州星雲上顯目 ê 紅光,是 ùi 水素 原子重新 kah phàng 見 ê 電子複合,發出 ê 光。 這个 phàng 見 ê 電子,是去予 高能恆星光 kā 電離,才走去-⁠-ê。 發出 高能恆星光、kā 大部份 星雲氣體 電離 ê,應該是 tī 星雲 ê 正爿彼粒較光、高溫、藍色 ê 英仙座 ξ。 加州星雲是天文攝影師愛翕 ê 目標。 Tī 烏暗夜空中,用闊幅望遠鏡 tī 英仙座 方向、昴宿星團 附近就 揣會著伊

Thài-khong-tiong kám-ū Calafia lú-ông ê sîn-ōe tó-sū? Khó-lêng bô, m̄-koh chit thoân thài-khong hun-chú-hûn ê gōa-hêng, kah Bí-kok Ka-chiu sī ū sêng. Lán ê Thài-iông to̍h tī Gîn-hô-hē ê La̍h-hō͘-chō kńg-lê-á chhiú-kut téng-koân, lī Ka-chiu Seng-hûn chiah 1000 kng-nî hn̄g niā-niā. I mā kiò-chò NGC 1499, sī chi̍t-ê tián-hêng ê hoat-siā seng-hûn, chha-put-to ū 100 kng-nî tn̂g. Tī chit-tiuⁿ iáⁿ-siōng lāi-té, Ka-chiu Seng-hûn siōng hiáⁿ-ba̍k ê âng-kng, sī ùi chúi-sò͘ goân-chú tiông-sin kah phàng-kìⁿ ê tiān-chú ho̍k-ha̍p, hoat-⁠-chhut ê kng. Chit-ê phàng-kìⁿ ê tiān-chú, sī khì hō͘ ko-lêng hêng-chheⁿ-kng kā tiān-lî, chiah cháu-⁠-khì-⁠-ê. Hoat-chhut ko-lêng hêng-chheⁿ-kng, kā tōa-pō͘-hūn seng-hûn khì-thé tiān-lî-⁠-ê, eng-kai sī tī seng-hûn ê chiàⁿ-pêng hit-lia̍p khah kng, ko-un, nâ-sek ê Eng-sian-chō ξ. Ka-chiu Seng-hûn sī thian-bûn liap-iáⁿ-su ài hip ê bo̍k-piau. Tī o͘-àm iā-khong tiong, iōng khoah-pak bōng-oán-kiàⁿ tī Eng-sian-chō hong-hiòng, Báu-siù Seng-thoân hù-kīn to̍h chhōe ē tio̍h i.

Thài-khong-tiong kám-ū Calafia lú-ông ê sîn-uē tó-sū? Khó-lîng bô, m̄-koh tsit thuân thài-khong hun-tsú-hûn ê guā-hîng, kah Bí-kok Ka-tsiu sī ū sîng. Lán ê Thài-iông to̍h tī Gîn-hô-hē ê La̍h-hōo-tsō kńg-lê-á tshiú-kut tíng-kuân, lī Ka-tsiu Sing-hûn tsiah 1000 kng-nî hn̄g niā-niā. I mā kiò-tsò NGC 1499, sī tsi̍t-ê tián-hîng ê huat-siā sing-hûn, tsha-put-to ū 100 kng-nî tn̂g. Tī tsit-tiunn iánn-siōng lāi-té, Ka-tsiu Sing-hûn siōng hiánn-ba̍k ê âng-kng, sī uì tsuí-sòo guân-tsú tiông-sin kah phàng-kìnn ê tiān-tsú ho̍k-ha̍p, huat-⁠-tshut ê kng. Tsit-ê phàng-kìnn ê tiān-tsú, sī khì hōo ko-lîng hîng-tshenn-kng kā tiān-lî, tsiah tsáu-⁠-khì-⁠-ê. Huat-tshut ko-lîng hîng-tshenn-kng, kā tuā-pōo-hūn sing-hûn khì-thé tiān-lî-⁠-ê, ing-kai sī tī sing-hûn ê tsiànn-pîng hit-lia̍p khah kng, ko-un, nâ-sik ê Ing-sian-tsō ξ. Ka-tsiu Sing-hûn sī thian-bûn liap-iánn-su ài hip ê bo̍k-piau. Tī oo-àm iā-khong tiong, iōng khuah-pak bōng-uán-kiànn tī Ing-sian-tsō hong-hiòng, Báu-siù Sing-thuân hù-kīn to̍h tshuē ē tio̍h i.

Could Queen Calafia's mythical island exist in space? Perhaps not, but by chance the outline of this molecular space cloud echoes the outline of the state of California, USA. Our Sun has its home within the Milky Way's Orion Arm, only about 1,000 light-years from the California Nebula. Also known as NGC 1499, the classic emission nebula is around 100 light-years long. On the featured image, the most prominent glow of the California Nebula is the red light characteristic of hydrogen atoms recombining with long lost electrons, stripped away ionized by energetic starlight. The star most likely providing the energetic starlight that ionizes much of the nebular gas is the bright, hot, bluish Xi Persei just to the right of the nebula. A regular target for astrophotographers, the California Nebula can be spotted with a wide-field telescope under a dark sky toward the constellation of Perseus, not far from the Pleiades.

NGC 1499NGC it-sù-kiú-kiúNGC it-sù-kiú-kiúNGC 1499NGC 1499
加州星雲Ka-chiu Seng-hûnKa-tsiu Sing-hûn加州星雲California Nebula
銀河系Gîn-hô-hēGîn-hô-hē銀河系Milky Way Galaxy
獵戶座捲螺仔手骨La̍h-hō͘-chō kńg-lê-á chhiú-kutLa̍h-hōo-tsô kńg-lê-á tshiú-kut獵戶座臂Orion Arm
發射星雲hoat-siā seng-hûnhuat-siā sing-hûn發射星雲emission nebula
英仙座 ξEng-sian-chō ksiIng-sian-tsō ksi英仙座 ξXi Persei
昴宿星團Báu-siù Seng-thoânBáu-siù Sing-thuân昴宿星團Pleiades

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