NGC 7635:氣泡星雲


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[漢羅] NGC 7635:氣泡星雲

這个太空氣泡是按怎做出來的? 是 ùi 恆星風 kā 歕出來的。 這个 唌--人 ê 星雲 就親像是一粒頭,伊 ê 編號是 NGC 7635,一般攏 kā 伊叫做 氣泡星雲.。 這个遮爾媠 ê 景色,是愛長時間感光才有法度翕出這粒 宇宙氣泡 kah 伊邊仔 ê 複雜細節。 雖罔講伊看起來敢若是會隨破去,毋過這粒直徑 10 光年 ê 氣泡其實會當證明講,進前捌發生過 激烈 ê 活動氣泡 中心 ê 正爿頂懸有一粒足光 ê 高溫 恆星,就藏 tī 星雲 ê 反射 塗粉內底。 一粒差不多是 10 到 20 倍 太陽 質量 ê 恆星,發出 足猛 ê 恆星風 kah 足強 ê 輻射,kā 邊仔 較厚 ê 分子雲 歕開,形成這个 發光 ê 氣體結構。 這个 趣味 ê 氣泡星雲 就 tī 仙后座 方向 1 萬 1000 光年 遠 ê 所在。



[English] NGC 7635: The Bubble Nebula

What created this huge space bubble? Blown by the wind from a star, this tantalizing, head-like apparition is cataloged as NGC 7635, but known simply as the Bubble Nebula. The featured striking view utilizes a long exposure to reveal the intricate details of this cosmic bubble and its environment. Although it looks delicate, the 10 light-year diameter bubble offers evidence of violent processes at work. Seen here above and right of the Bubble's center, a bright hot star is embedded in the nebula's reflecting dust. A fierce stellar wind and intense radiation from the star, which likely has a mass 10 to 20 times that of the Sun, has blasted out the structure of glowing gas against denser material in a surrounding molecular cloud. The intriguing Bubble Nebula lies a mere 11,000 light-years away toward the boastful constellation Cassiopeia.


NGC 7635NGC chhit-lio̍k-sam-ngó͘NGC tshit-lio̍k-sam-ngóoNGC 7635NGC 7635
氣泡星雲Khì-phàu Seng-hûnKhì-phàu Sing-hûn氣泡星雲Bubble Nebula
恆星風hêng-chhiⁿ-honghîng-tshinn-hong恆星風stellar wind
分子雲hun-chú-hûnhun-tsú-hûn分子雲molecular cloud
太陽質量thài-iông chit-liōngthài-iông tsit-liōng太陽質量solar mass

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