日出 tī 天頂 ê 烏影


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 日出 tī 天頂 ê 烏影

天文定義 ê 秋分,今年是 tī 9 月 22 ê UTC 世界協調時間 12:44。 逐年 秋分 ê 時陣,日頭 tī 地球天頂行過 天球赤道,向南方徙動。 秋分 是 地球北半球 秋天 ê 開始,tī 南半球是 春天 ê 開始,這工 ê 日時 kah 暗暝是平長。 是講,你若是欲慶祝天文季節 ê 變化,你嘛會使揣 雲縫光,嘛會使叫做 佛祖光 抑是 耶穌光。 雲縫光 是因為去予雲閘著產生 ê 烏影,會 tī 日出 抑是 日落 ê 時陣 出現戲劇性 ê 外形。 因為透視效果 ê 關係,平行 ê 雲影會 指向 日出 ê 方向。 Tī 秋分這工,這个方向是 tī 東爿地平線。 毋過 6 月初翕--ê 這張壯觀 ê 日出天景中,平行 ê 烏影 kah 雲縫光攏收 tùi 東爿地平線 較倚 北爿 ê 日出 方向。 這張相片 ê 構圖有設計過,日頭就 ùi 西班牙 加泰隆尼亞 巴塞隆納 省 Vic 鎮 一間教堂 ê 鐘樓 後壁 peh 起來。

[POJ] Ji̍t-chhut tī thiⁿ-téng ê O͘-iáⁿ

Thian-bûn tēng-gī ê chhiu-hun, kin-nî sī tī 9 goe̍h 22 ê UTC Sè-kài Hia̍p-tiau Sî-kan 12:44. Ta̍k-nî chhiu-hun ê sî-chūn, ji̍t-thâu tī Tē-kiû thiⁿ-téng kiâⁿ-kòe thian-kiû chhek-tō, hiòng lâm-hong sóa-tāng. Chhiu-hun sī Tē-kiû pak-pòaⁿ-kiû chhiu-thiⁿ ê khai-sí, tī lâm-pòaⁿ-kiû sī chhun-thiⁿ ê khai-sí, chit kang ê ji̍t--sî kah àm-mê sī pêⁿ tn̂g. Sī-kóng, lí nā-sī beh khèng-chiok thian-bûn kùi-chiat ê piàn-hòa, lí mā ē-sái chhōe hûn-phāng-kng, mā ē-sái kiò-chò hu̍t-chó͘-kng ia̍h-sī iâ-so͘-kng. Hûn-phāng-kng sī in-ūi khì hō͘ hûn cha̍h-tio̍h sán-seng ê o͘-iáⁿ, ē tī ji̍t-chhut ia̍h-sī ji̍t-lo̍h ê sî-chūn chhut-hiān hì-kio̍k sèng ê gōa-hêng In-ūi thàu-sī hāu-kó ê koan-hē, pêng-hêng ê hûn-iáⁿ ē chí-hiòng ji̍t-chhut ê hong-hiòng. Tī chhiu-hun chit kang, chit-ê hong-hiòng sī tī tang-pêng tē-pêng-sòaⁿ. M̄-koh 6 goe̍h-chhe hip--ê chit-tiuⁿ chòng-koan ê ji̍t-chhut thian-kéng tiong, pêng-hêng ê o͘-iáⁿ kah hûn-phāng-kng lóng siu tùi tang-pêng tē-pêng-sòaⁿ khah óa pak-pêng ê ji̍t-chhut hong-hiòng. Chit-tiuⁿ siòng-phìⁿ ê kò͘-tô͘ ū siat-kè-kòe, ji̍t-thâu to̍h ùi Se-pan-gâ Ka-thài-liông-nî-a Pa-sài-lông-ná séng Vic tìn chi̍t-keng kàu-tn̂g ê cheng-lâu āu-piah peh--khí-lâi.

[KIP] Ji̍t-tshut tī thinn-tíng ê Oo-iánn

Thian-bûn tīng-gī ê tshiu-hun, kin-nî sī tī 9 gue̍h 22 ê UTC Sè-kài Hia̍p-tiau Sî-kan 12:44. Ta̍k-nî tshiu-hun ê sî-tsūn, ji̍t-thâu tī Tē-kiû thinn-tíng kiânn-kuè thian-kiû tshik-tō, hiòng lâm-hong suá-tāng. Tshiu-hun sī Tē-kiû pak-puànn-kiû tshiu-thinn ê khai-sí, tī lâm-puànn-kiû sī tshun-thinn ê khai-sí, tsit kang ê ji̍t--sî kah àm-mê sī pênn tn̂g. Sī-kóng, lí nā-sī beh khìng-tsiok thian-bûn kuì-tsiat ê piàn-huà, lí mā ē-sái tshuē hûn-phāng-kng, mā ē-sái kiò-tsò hu̍t-tsóo-kng ia̍h-sī iâ-soo-kng. Hûn-phāng-kng sī in-uī khì hōo hûn tsa̍h-tio̍h sán-sing ê oo-iánn, ē tī ji̍t-tshut ia̍h-sī ji̍t-lo̍h ê sî-tsūn tshut-hiān hì-kio̍k sìng ê guā-hîng In-uī thàu-sī hāu-kó ê kuan-hē, pîng-hîng ê hûn-iánn ē tsí-hiòng ji̍t-tshut ê hong-hiòng. Tī tshiu-hun tsit kang, tsit-ê hong-hiòng sī tī tang-pîng tē-pîng-suànn. M̄-koh 6 gue̍h-tshe hip--ê tsit-tiunn tsòng-kuan ê ji̍t-tshut thian-kíng tiong, pîng-hîng ê oo-iánn kah hûn-phāng-kng lóng siu tuì tang-pîng tē-pîng-suànn khah uá pak-pîng ê ji̍t-tshut hong-hiòng. Tsit-tiunn siòng-phìnn ê kòo-tôo ū siat-kè-kuè, ji̍t-thâu to̍h uì Se-pan-gâ Ka-thài-liông-nî-a Pa-sài-lông-ná síng Vic tìn tsi̍t-king kàu-tn̂g ê tsing-lâu āu-piah peh--khí-lâi.

[English] Sunrise Shadows in the Sky

The defining astronomical moment of this September's equinox is at 12:44 UTC on September 22, when the Sun crosses the celestial equator moving south in its yearly journey through planet Earth's sky. That marks the beginning of fall for our fair planet in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern hemisphere, when day and night are nearly equal around the globe. Of course, if you celebrate the astronomical change of seasons by watching a sunrise you can also look for crepuscular rays. Outlined by shadows cast by clouds, crepuscular rays can have a dramatic appearance in the twilight sky during any sunrise (or sunset). Due to perspective, the parallel cloud shadows will seem to point back to the rising Sun and a place due east on your horizon on the equinox date. But in this spectacular sunrise skyscape captured in early June, the parallel shadows and crepuscular rays appear to converge toward an eastern horizon's more northerly sunrise. The well-composed photo places the rising Sun just behind the bell tower of a church in the town of Vic, province of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.


秋分chhiu-huntshiu-hun秋分the autumnal equinox
北半球pak-pòaⁿ-kiûpak-puànn-kiû北半球north hemishpere
南半球lâm-pòaⁿ-kiûlâm-puànn-kiû南半球southern hemisphere
天球thian-kiûthian-kiû天球celestial sphere
天球赤道thian-kiû chhek-tōthian-kiû tshik-tō天球赤道celestial equator
雲縫光hûn-phāng-knghûn-phāng-kng雲隙光crepuscular rays
耶穌光iâ-so͘-kngiâ-soo-kng耶穌光crepuscular rays
佛祖光hu̍t-chó͘-knghu̍t-tsóo-kng佛祖光crepuscular rays
世界協調時間Sè-kài Hia̍p-tiau Sî-kanSè-kài Hia̍p-tiau Sî-kan世界協調時間Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)
鐘樓cheng-lâutsing-lâu鐘樓bell tower

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