心臟星雲 內底 ê 星團 Melotte 15


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 心臟星雲 內底 ê 星團 Melotte 15

發射星雲 IC 1805 ê 中心區 有 奇妙形體 ê 宇宙雲。 這寡雲會生做這形,是 新形成 ê 星團 Melotte 15 內底 ê 大質量恆星 ê 恆星風 kah 輻射 kā 雕出來--ê。 這个 彩色 ê 天景 內底規个攏是這个少年星團,伊差不多才 150 萬歲爾爾。 伊 kah 烏暗塗粉雲 ê 外形,攏去予發光 ê 原子氣體 照予光。 這張組合影像是 狹頻 kah 闊頻 ê 望遠鏡影像 鬥出來--ê。 這个視野差不多有 15 光年闊,內底有 水素 離子、硫磺 離子、kah 酸素 原子。 照彼个有名 ê Hubble 色盤 kā in 漆色,分別是 青色、紅色、kah 藍色。 闊幅影像表示講,IC 1805 ê 外形會當用一个閣較簡單 ê 名來 kā 號,就叫做 心臟星雲。 IC 1805 就 tī 仙后座 方向 7500 光年 ê 所在。

[POJ] Sim-chōng Seng-hûn lāi-té ê Seng-thoân Melotte 15

Hoat-siā seng-hûn IC 1805 ê tiong-sim khu ū kî-miāu hêng-thé ê ú-tiū hûn. Chit kóa hûn ē seⁿ-chò chit hêng, sī sin hêng-sêng ê seng-thoân Melotte 15 lāi-té ê tōa chit-liōng hêng-chhiⁿ ê hêng-chhiⁿ-hong kah hok-siā kā tiau chhut-lâi--ê. chit-ê chhái-sek ê thiⁿ kéng lāi-té kui-ê lóng sī chit-ê siàu-liân seng-thoân,i chha-put-to chiah 150 bān-sòe niā-niā. I kah o͘-àm thô͘-hún-hûn ê gōa-hêng, lóng khì hō͘ hoat-kng ê goân-chú khì-thé chiàu hō͘ kng. Chit-tiuⁿ cho͘-ha̍p iáⁿ-siōng sī e̍h-pîn kah khoah-pîn ê bōng-oán-kiàⁿ iáⁿ-siōng tàu--chhut-lâi--ê. Chit-ê sī-iá chha-put-to ū 15 kng-nî khoah, lāi-té ū chúi-sò͘ lī-chú, liû-hông lī-chú, kah sàng-sò͘ goân-chú. Chiàu hit-ê ū-miâ ê Hubble sek-pôaⁿ kā in chhat-sek, hun-pia̍t sī chhiⁿ-sek, âng-sek,kah nâ-sek. Khoah-pak iáⁿ-siōng piáu-sī kóng, IC 1805 ê gōa-hêng ē-tàng iōng chi̍t-ê koh-khah kán-tan ê miâ lâi kā hō, to̍h kiò-chò Sim-chōng seng-hûn. IC 1805 to̍h tī Sian-hiō-chō hong-hiòng 7500 kng-nî hn̄g ê só͘-chāi.

[KIP] Sim-tsōng Sing-hûn lāi-té ê Sing-thuân Melotte 15

Huat-siā sing-hûn IC 1805 ê tiong-sim khu ū kî-miāu hîng-thé ê ú-tiū hûn. Tsit kuá hûn ē senn-tsò tsit hîng, sī sin hîng-sîng ê sing-thuân Melotte 15 lāi-té ê tuā tsit-liōng hîng-tshinn ê hîng-tshinn-hong kah hok-siā kā tiau tshut-lâi--ê. tsit-ê tshái-sik ê thinn kíng lāi-té kui-ê lóng sī tsit-ê siàu-liân sing-thuân,i tsha-put-to tsiah 150 bān-suè niā-niā. I kah oo-àm thôo-hún-hûn ê guā-hîng, lóng khì hōo huat-kng ê guân-tsú khì-thé tsiàu hōo kng. Tsit-tiunn tsoo-ha̍p iánn-siōng sī e̍h-pîn kah khuah-pîn ê bōng-uán-kiànn iánn-siōng tàu--tshut-lâi--ê. Tsit-ê sī-iá tsha-put-to ū 15 kng-nî khuah, lāi-té ū tsuí-sòo lī-tsú, liû-hông lī-tsú, kah sàng-sòo guân-tsú. Tsiàu hit-ê ū-miâ ê Hubble sik-puânn kā in tshat-sik, hun-pia̍t sī tshinn-sik, âng-sik,kah nâ-sik. Khuah-pak iánn-siōng piáu-sī kóng, IC 1805 ê guā-hîng ē-tàng iōng tsi̍t-ê koh-khah kán-tan ê miâ lâi kā hō, to̍h kiò-tsò Sim-tsōng sing-hûn. IC 1805 to̍h tī Sian-hiō-tsō hong-hiòng 7500 kng-nî hn̄g ê sóo-tsāi.

[English] Melotte 15 in the Heart Nebula

Cosmic clouds form fantastic shapes in the central regions of emission nebula IC 1805. The clouds are sculpted by stellar winds and radiation from massive hot stars in the nebula's newborn star cluster, Melotte 15. About 1.5 million years young, the cluster stars are scattered in this colorful skyscape, along with dark dust clouds in silhouette against glowing atomic gas. A composite of narrowband and broadband telescopic images, the view spans about 15 light-years and includes emission from ionized hydrogen, sulfur, and oxygen atoms mapped to green, red, and blue hues in the popular Hubble Palette. Wider field images reveal that IC 1805's simpler, overall outline suggests its popular name - the Heart Nebula. IC 1805 is located about 7,500 light years away toward the boastful constellation Cassiopeia.


心臟星雲Sim-chōng Seng-hûnSim-tsōng Sing-hûn心臟星雲Heart Nebula
發射星雲hoat-siā seng-hûnhuat-siā sing-hûn發射星雲emission nebula
IC 1805IC it-pat-khòng-ngó͘IC it-pat-khòng-ngóoIC 1805IC 1805
Melotte 15Melotte cha̍p-gō͘Melotte tsa̍p-gōoMelotte 15Melotte 15
星團seng-thoânsing-thuân星團star cluster
恆星風hêng-chhiⁿ-honghîng-tshinn-hong恆星風stellar wind
狹頻e̍h-pîne̍h-pîn窄頻narrow band
闊頻khoah-pînkhuah-pîn寬頻broad band
Hubble 色盤Hubble sek-pôaⁿHubble sik-puânn哈伯色盤Hubble palette

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