銀河 下底 ê 國王翼巫毒石林


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4

[漢羅] 銀河 下底 ê 國王翼巫毒石林

這款岩石結構毋是假--ê,是真--ê。 伊毋是遐爾有名,可能是因為伊毋是蓋大,干焦 幾若公尺 爾爾。 就算是按呢,這个 tī 美國 新墨西哥州 ê 國王翼 石坪,猶是一款特別 ê 岩石結構,叫做 巫毒石林巫毒石林 應該是 去予侵蝕 的軟岩石 頂懸 疊 一重𠕇岩石 形成--ê。 欲翕出 有 巫毒石林 細節 ê 夜空相片,是開攝影師一冬 ê 時間。 除了愛 等一个無啥物雲 ê 好天暗暝,前景嘛愛有 人工照明,才會 kah 背景 ê 自然光 四配。 經過長時間 ê 計畫 kah 等待,總算 tī 2016 年 5 月 翕著 這張相片。 背景天頂 ê 銀河,kah 前景 ê 橫篙 互相呼應。

[POJ] Gîn-hô ē-té ê Kok-ông-si̍t Bû-to̍k-chio̍h-nâ

Chit-khoán giâm-chio̍h kiat-kò͘ m̄-sī ké--ê, sī chin--ê. I m̄-sī hiah-nī ū-miâ, khó-lêng sī in-ūi i m̄-sī kài tōa, kan-na kúi-nā kong-chhioh niā-niā. Tiō-sǹg-sī án-ne, chit-ê tī Bí-kok Sin Be̍k-se-ko chiu ê Kok-ông-si̍t chio̍h-phiâⁿ, iáu-sī chi̍t-khoán te̍k-pa̍t ê giâm-chio̍h kiat-kò͘, kiò-chò bû-to̍k-chio̍h-nâ. Bû-to̍k-chio̍h-nâ eng-kai sī khì hō͘ chhim-sit ê nńg giâm-chio̍h téng-koân thia̍p chi̍t têng tēng giâm-chio̍h ê kiat-kó. Beh hip chhut ū bû-to̍k-chio̍h-nâ sè-chiat ê iā khang siòng-phìⁿ,sī khui liap-iáⁿ-su chi̍t tang hêng-sêng--ê. Tû-liáu ài tán chi̍t-ê bô-siáⁿ-mih hûn ê hó-thiⁿ àm-mî, chiân-kéng mā ài ū jîn-kang chiàu-bêng, chiah-ē kah pōe-kéng ê chū-jiân-kng sù-phòe. Keng-kòe tn̂g sî-kan ê kè-ōe kah tán-thāi, chóng-sǹg tī 2016 nî 5 goe̍h hip-tio̍h chit-tiuⁿ siòng-phìⁿ. Pōe-kéng thiⁿ-téng ê Gîn-hô, kah chiân-kéng ê hoâiⁿ-ko hō͘-siong ho͘-èng.

[KIP] Gîn-hô ē-té ê Kok-ông-si̍t Bû-to̍k-tsio̍h-nâ

Tsit-khuán giâm-tsio̍h kiat-kòo m̄-sī ké--ê, sī tsin--ê. I m̄-sī hiah-nī ū-miâ, khó-lîng sī in-uī i m̄-sī kài tuā, kan-na kuí-nā kong-tshioh niā-niā. Tiō-sǹg-sī án-ne, tsit-ê tī Bí-kok Sin Bi̍k-se-ko tsiu ê Kok-ông-si̍t tsio̍h-phiânn, iáu-sī tsi̍t-khuán ti̍k-pa̍t ê giâm-tsio̍h kiat-kòo, kiò-tsò bû-to̍k-tsio̍h-nâ. Bû-to̍k-tsio̍h-nâ ing-kai sī khì hōo tshim-sit ê nńg giâm-tsio̍h tíng-kuân thia̍p tsi̍t tîng tīng giâm-tsio̍h ê kiat-kó. Beh hip tshut ū bû-to̍k-tsio̍h-nâ sè-tsiat ê iā khang siòng-phìnn,sī khui liap-iánn-su tsi̍t tang hîng-sîng--ê. Tû-liáu ài tán tsi̍t-ê bô-siánn-mih hûn ê hó-thinn àm-mî, tsiân-kíng mā ài ū jîn-kang tsiàu-bîng, tsiah-ē kah puē-kíng ê tsū-jiân-kng sù-phuè. King-kuè tn̂g sî-kan ê kè-uē kah tán-thāi, tsóng-sǹg tī 2016 nî 5 gue̍h hip-tio̍h tsit-tiunn siòng-phìnn. Puē-kíng thinn-tíng ê Gîn-hô, kah tsiân-kíng ê huâinn-ko hōo-siong hoo-ìng.

[English] King of Wings Hoodoo under the Milky Way

This rock structure is not only surreal -- it's real. Perhaps the reason it's not more famous is that it is smaller than one might guess: the capstone rock overhangs only a few meters. Even so, the King of Wings outcrop, located in New Mexico, USA, is a fascinating example of an unusual type of rock structure called a hoodoo. Hoodoos may form when a layer of hard rock overlays a layer of eroding softer rock. Figuring out the details of incorporating this hoodoo into a night-sky photoshoot took over a year. Besides waiting for a suitably picturesque night behind a sky with few clouds, the foreground had to be artificially lit just right relative to the natural glow of the background. After much planning and waiting, the final shot, featured here, was taken in May 2016. Mimicking the horizontal bar, the background sky features the band of our Milky Way Galaxy stretching overhead.


銀河Gîn-hôGîn-hô銀河Milky Way
橫篙hoâiⁿ-kohuâinn-ko單槓horizontal bar
國王翼Kok-ông-si̍tKok-ông-si̍t國王翼King of Wings

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