夏至 ê 月娘


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 夏至 ê 月娘

六月 ê 月圓 會 tī 夏至過了 28 點鐘內 ùi 日頭相對面 peh 起來。 因為月球 tī 天頂咧行路線 足倚 太陽咧行 ê 黃道面,所以夏至 日頭 peh 到天頂足懸 ê 時陣,彼暗 tī 北緯看著 ê 六月月圓猶是足低--ê。 實際上,這張 6 月 21 tī 土耳其 Bursa 厝頂翕--ê 地平線附近 ê 月圓相片,是 tī 月娘 peh 起來 到落去 之間,每 10 分鐘感光一擺 ê 合成相片。 月球軌道 ê 進動週期是 18.6 年,會 tī 18.134 度 (上細月球至點) 到 28.725 度 (上大月球至點) 之間 進行週期變化。 所以逐個月 自月出到月落之間,月娘行到上北爿 kah 上南爿 ê 南北差,嘛會無仝。 2024 年月球來到 上大月球至點,月圓會行到上倚南爿 ê 所在,所以 今年夏至 ê 月出 kah 月落 攏會出現 tī 地平線附近

[POJ] Hē-chì ê Goe̍h-niû

La̍k-goe̍h ê goe̍h-îⁿ ē tī hē-chì kòe-liáu 28 tiám-cheng lāi ùi ji̍t-thâu sio-tùi-bīn peh-khí-lâi. In-ūi Goe̍h-kiû tī thiⁿ-téng leh kiâⁿ lō͘-sòaⁿ chiok óa Thài-iông leh kiâⁿ ê n̂g-tō-bīn, só͘-í hē-chì ji̍t-thâu peh kàu thiⁿ-téng chiok koân ê sî-chūn, hit-àm tī pak-hūi khòaⁿ--tio̍h ê la̍k-goe̍h goe̍h-îⁿ iáu-sī chiok kē--ê. Si̍t-chè-siōng, chit-tiuⁿ 6 goe̍h 21 tī Thó͘-ní-kî Bursa chhù-téng hip--ê tē-pêng-sòaⁿ hù-kīn ê goe̍h-îⁿ siòng-phìⁿ, sī tī goe̍h-niû peh--khí-lâi kàu lo̍h-khì chi-kan, múi 10 hun-cheng kám-kng chi̍t-pái ê ha̍p-sêng siòng-phìⁿ. Goe̍h-kiû kúi-tō ê chìn-tōng chiu-kî sī 18.6 nî, ē tī 18.134 tō͘ (siōng-sè Goe̍h-kiû Chì tiám) kàu 28.725 tō͘ (siōng-tōa Goe̍h-kiû Chì-tiám) chi-kan chìn-hêng chiu-kî piàn-hòa. Só͘-í ta̍k kò goe̍h chū goe̍h-chhut kàu goe̍h-lo̍h chi-kan, goe̍h-niû kiâⁿ kàu siōng pak-pêng kah siōng lâm-pêng ê lâm-pak chha, mā ē bô-kâng. 2024 nî Goe̍h-kiû lâi-kàu siōng-tōa Goe̍h-kiû Chì-tiám, goe̍h-îⁿ ē kiâⁿ kàu siōng óa lâm-pêng ê só͘-chāi, só͘-í kin-nî hē-chì ê goe̍h-chhut kah goe̍h-lo̍h lóng ē chhut-hiān tī tē-pêng-sòaⁿ hù-kīn.

[KIP] Hē-tsì ê Gue̍h-niû

La̍k-gue̍h ê gue̍h-înn ē tī hē-tsì kuè-liáu 28 tiám-tsing lāi uì ji̍t-thâu sio-tuì-bīn peh-khí-lâi. In-uī Gue̍h-kiû tī thinn-tíng leh kiânn lōo-suànn tsiok uá Thài-iông leh kiânn ê n̂g-tō-bīn, sóo-í hē-tsì ji̍t-thâu peh kàu thinn-tíng tsiok kuân ê sî-tsūn, hit-àm tī pak-huī khuànn--tio̍h ê la̍k-gue̍h gue̍h-înn iáu-sī tsiok kē--ê. Si̍t-tsè-siōng, tsit-tiunn 6 gue̍h 21 tī Thóo-ní-kî Bursa tshù-tíng hip--ê tē-pîng-suànn hù-kīn ê gue̍h-înn siòng-phìnn, sī tī gue̍h-niû peh--khí-lâi kàu lo̍h-khì tsi-kan, muí 10 hun-tsing kám-kng tsi̍t-pái ê ha̍p-sîng siòng-phìnn. Gue̍h-kiû kuí-tō ê tsìn-tōng tsiu-kî sī 18.6 nî, ē tī 18.134 tōo (siōng-sè Gue̍h-kiû Tsì tiám) kàu 28.725 tōo (siōng-tuā Gue̍h-kiû Tsì-tiám) tsi-kan tsìn-hîng tsiu-kî piàn-huà. Sóo-í ta̍k kò gue̍h tsū gue̍h-tshut kàu gue̍h-lo̍h tsi-kan, gue̍h-niû kiânn kàu siōng pak-pîng kah siōng lâm-pîng ê lâm-pak tsha, mā ē bô-kâng. 2024 nî Gue̍h-kiû lâi-kàu siōng-tuā Gue̍h-kiû Tsì-tiám, gue̍h-înn ē kiânn kàu siōng uá lâm-pîng ê sóo-tsāi, sóo-í kin-nî hē-tsì ê gue̍h-tshut kah gue̍h-lo̍h lóng ē tshut-hiān tī tē-pîng-suànn hù-kīn.

[English] A Solstice Moon

Rising opposite the setting Sun, June's Full Moon occurred within about 28 hours of the solstice. The Moon stays close to the Sun's path along the ecliptic plane and so while the solstice Sun climbed high in daytime skies, June's Full Moon remained low that night as seen from northern latitudes. In fact, the Full Moon hugs the horizon in this June 21 rooftop night sky view from Bursa, Turkey, constructed from exposures made every 10 minutes between moonrise and moonset. In 2024 the Moon also reached a major lunar standstill, an extreme in the monthly north-south range of moonrise and moonset caused by the precession of the Moon's orbit over an 18.6 year cycle. As a result, this June solstice Full Moon was at its southernmost moonrise and moonset along the horizon.


月圓goe̍h-îⁿgue̍h-înn滿月Full Moon
夏至hē-chìhē-tsì夏至June's solstice
夏至hā-chìhā-tsì夏至June's solstice
黃道面n̂g-tō-bīnn̂g-tō-bīn黃道面ecliptic plane
南緯lâm-hūilâm-huī南緯southern latitude
北緯pak-hūipak-huī北緯northern latitude
上細月球至點siōng-sè goe̍h-kiû chì-tiámsiōng-sè gue̍h-kiû tsì-tiám最大月球至點major lunar standstill
上大月球至點siōng-tōa goe̍h-kiû chì-tiámsiōng-tuā gue̍h-kiû tsì-tiám最小月球至點minor lunar standstill
18.6 年cha̍p-peh tiám lio̍k nîtsa̍p-peh tiám lio̍k nî18.6 年18.6 years
18.134 度cha̍p-peh tiám it-sam-sù tō͘tsa̍p-peh tiám it-sam-sù tōo18.134 度18.134 degree

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昨昏 ê 圖:彗星 13P/Olbers 明仔載 ê 圖:地球 peh 起來:重新處理 ê 影片