Pandora 星系團


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] Pandora 星系團

這幅深空視野拼鬥圖 leh 展示一个 hŏng 足讚嘆 ê 景色,這是 James Webb 太空望遠鏡 ê NIRCam 紀錄 loài ê 星系團 Abell 2744。 Abell 2744 嘛叫做 Pandora 星系團,伊敢若是 3 个無仝 ê 大質量星系團合併 ê 結果。 伊就 tī 玉夫座方向 35 億光年遠 ê 所在。 這个大型星系團 因為 內底攏是烏暗物質,所以伊就 kā 時空扭曲去,這个 重力透鏡 效應嘛 影響著 閣較遠方 ê 天體。 比 Pandora 星系團閣較紅 ê 天體,有足濟攏是受著透鏡效應 ê 影響,in 大部份攏是早期宇宙 ê 遙遠星系。 受著透鏡效應扭曲 ê 影響,in ê 影像 去予搝長、拗彎,變做弧形。 是講影像內底這寡 特別 ê 繞射光針,是銀河內 ê 前景星。 照目前估計 ê Pandora 星系團 距離來看,這个宇宙盒仔差不多有 600 萬 光年大。 毋過免驚! 你閣會當看 這支 2 分鐘 ê 影片,來探索這个迷人 ê 天區。

[POJ] Pandora seng-hē-thoân

Chit-pak chhim-khong sī-iá pheng-tàu-tô͘ tián-sī chi̍t-ê hőng chiok chàn-thàn ê kéng-sek, che-sī James Webb thài-khong bōng-oán-kiàⁿ ê NIRCam kì-lio̍k loài ê seng-hē-thoân Abell 2744. Abell 2744 mā kiò-chò Pandora seng-hē-thoân, i ká-ná sī 3 ê bô-kâng ê tōa chit-liōng seng-hē-thoân ha̍p-pèng ê kiat-kó. I tō tī Gio̍k-hu-chō hong-hiòng 35 ek kng-nî hn̄g ê só͘-chāi. Chit-ê tōa-hêng seng-hē-thoân in-ūi lāi-té lóng sī o͘-àm-bu̍t-chit, só͘-í i to̍h kā sî-khong niú-khiok khì, chit-ê tiōng-le̍k-thàu-kiàⁿ hāu-èng mā éng-hióng-tio̍h koh-khah oán-hong ê thian-thé. Pí Pandora seng-hē-thoân koh-khah âng ê thian-thé, ū chiok chē lóng sī siū-tio̍h thàu-kiàⁿ-hāu-èng ê éng-hióng, in tōa-pō͘-hūn lóng sī chá-kî ú-tiū ê iâu-oán seng-hē. Siū-tio̍h thàu-kiàⁿ-hāu-èng ê éng-hióng, in ê iáⁿ-siōng khì hō͘ khiú-tn̂g, áu-oan, piàn-chò hô͘ hêng. Sī-kóng iáⁿ-siōng lāi-té chit-kóa te̍k-pa̍t ê jiàu-siā kng-chiam, sī Gîn-hô lāi ê chiân-kéng-chheⁿ. Chiàu bo̍k-chiân kó͘-kè ê Pandora seng-hē-thoân ê kū-lī lâi-khòaⁿ, chit-ê ú-tiū a̍p-á chha-put-to ū 600 bān kng-nî tōa. M̄-koh bián kín-tiuⁿ! Lí koh ē-tàng khòaⁿ chit-ki 2 hun-cheng ê iáⁿ-phìⁿ, lâi thàm-soh chit-ê bê-lâng ê thiⁿ khu.

[KIP] Pandora sing-hē-thuân

Tsit-pak tshim-khong sī-iá phing-tàu-tôo tián-sī tsi̍t-ê hőng tsiok tsàn-thàn ê kíng-sik, tse-sī James Webb thài-khong bōng-uán-kiànn ê NIRCam kì-lio̍k luài ê sing-hē-thuân Abell 2744. Abell 2744 mā kiò-tsò Pandora sing-hē-thuân, i ká-ná sī 3 ê bô-kâng ê tuā tsit-liōng sing-hē-thuân ha̍p-pìng ê kiat-kó. I tō tī Gio̍k-hu-tsō hong-hiòng 35 ik kng-nî hn̄g ê sóo-tsāi. Tsit-ê tuā-hîng sing-hē-thuân in-uī lāi-té lóng sī oo-àm-bu̍t-tsit, sóo-í i to̍h kā sî-khong niú-khiok khì, tsit-ê tiōng-le̍k-thàu-kiànn hāu-ìng mā íng-hióng-tio̍h koh-khah uán-hong ê thian-thé. Pí Pandora sing-hē-thuân koh-khah âng ê thian-thé, ū tsiok tsē lóng sī siū-tio̍h thàu-kiànn-hāu-ìng ê íng-hióng, in tuā-pōo-hūn lóng sī tsá-kî ú-tiū ê iâu-uán sing-hē. Siū-tio̍h thàu-kiànn-hāu-ìng ê íng-hióng, in ê iánn-siōng khì hōo khiú-tn̂g, áu-uan, piàn-tsò hôo hîng. Sī-kóng iánn-siōng lāi-té tsit-kuá ti̍k-pa̍t ê jiàu-siā kng-tsiam, sī Gîn-hô lāi ê tsiân-kíng-tshenn. Tsiàu bo̍k-tsiân kóo-kè ê Pandora sing-hē-thuân ê kū-lī lâi-khuànn, tsit-ê ú-tiū a̍p-á tsha-put-to ū 600 bān kng-nî tuā. M̄-koh bián kín-tiuⁿ! Lí koh ē-tàng khuànn tsit-ki 2 hun-tsing ê iánn-phìnn, lâi thàm-soh tsit-ê bê-lâng ê thinn khu.

[English] Pandora's Cluster of Galaxies

This deep field mosaicked image presents a stunning view of galaxy cluster Abell 2744 recorded by the ce's NIRCam. Also dubbed Pandora's Cluster, Abell 2744 itself appears to be a ponderous merger of three different massive galaxy clusters. It lies some 3.5 billion light-years away, toward the constellation Sculptor. Dominated by dark matter, the mega-cluster warps and distorts the fabric of spacetime, gravitationally lensing even more distant objects. Redder than the Pandora cluster galaxies many of the lensed sources are very distant galaxies in the early Universe, their lensed images stretched and distorted into arcs. Of course distinctive diffraction spikes mark foreground Milky Way stars. At the Pandora Cluster's estimated distance this cosmic box spans about 6 million light-years. But don't panic. You can explore the tantalizing region in a 2 minute video tour.


Pandora 星系團Pandora seng-hē-thoânPandora sing-hē-thuân潘多拉星系團Pandora's Cluster of Galaxies
深空視野chhim-khong sī-iátshim-khong sī-iá深空視野deep field
Abell 2744Abell jī-chhit-sù-sùAbell jī-tshit-sù-sùAbell 2744Abell 2744
拼鬥圖pheng-tàu-tô͘phing-tàu-tôo拼接圖mosaicked image
James Webb 太空望遠鏡James Webb thài-khong bōng-oán-kiàⁿJames Webb thài-khong bōng-uán-kiànn詹姆斯韋伯太空望遠鏡James Webb Space Telescope
烏暗物質o͘-àm-bu̍t-chitoo-àm-bu̍t-tsit暗物質dark matter
重力透鏡效應tiōng-le̍k-thàu-kiàⁿ-hāu-èngtiōng-li̍k-thàu-kiànn-hāu-ìng重力透鏡效應gravitationally lensing effect
早期宇宙chá-kî ú-tiūtsá-kî ú-tiū早期宇宙early universe
遙遠星系iâu-oán seng-hēiâu-uán sing-hē遙遠星系distant galaxy
前景星chiân-kéng-chheⁿtsiân-kíng-tshenn前景星foreground star

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