月球探測軌道衛星(LRO)翕 ê 月球自轉

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[漢羅] 月球探測軌道衛星(LRO)翕--ê 月球自轉

目前猶無人看過月球按呢踅。 這是因為月球去予潮汐力鎖 tī 地球,所以才會一直是 仝一爿面對咱。 毋過,利用 現代數位技術,咱會當 kā 月球探測軌道衛星 (LRO) 送轉來 ê 懸解析度影像鬥起來,造出這支 月球自轉 ê 短片。 這支 縮時攝影影片 是 ùi 地球 定定看著 ê 月球這爿 開始。 毋過,真緊就會出現地球較歹看著 ê 東方海,這是一个足大 ê 隕石坑,就 tī 月球赤道下面。 影片 kā 月球自轉一個月 ê 時間濃縮做 24 秒。 咱會當看著面對地球這爿 ê 月娘 有足濟 較暗 ê 月海,月球後壁彼爿主要是較光 ê 高原。 目前有足濟國家 kah 公司 當咧開發新 ê 月球計畫,攏總超過 32 个。 其中包括 NASA ê Artemis 計畫,這主要是欲 tī 紲落來幾若年內 kā 人類送去哩月球

[POJ] Goe̍h-kiû Thàm-chhek Kúi-tō Ūi-chheⁿ (LRO) hip--ê Goe̍h-kiû chū-choán

Bo̍k-chêng iáu bô-lâng khòaⁿ-kòe Goe̍h-kiû án-ne se̍h. Che-sī in-ūi Goe̍h-kiû khì hō͘ tiau-se̍k-le̍k só tī Tē-kiû, só͘-í chiah-ē it-ti̍t sī kāng chi̍t-pêng bīn-tùi lán. M̄-koh, lī-iōng hiān-tāi sò͘-ūi ki-su̍t, lán ē-tàng kā Goe̍h-kiû thàm-chhek kúi-tō ūi-chheⁿ (LRO) sàng--tńg-lâi ê koân kái-sek-tō͘ iáⁿ-siōng tàu--khí-lâi, chō chhut chit-ki Goe̍h-kiû chū-choán ê té-phìⁿ. Chit-ki sok-sî-liap-iáⁿ iáⁿ-phìⁿ sī ùi Tē-kiû tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ khòaⁿ--tio̍h ê Goe̍h-kiû chit-pêng khai-sí. M̄-koh, chin-kín to̍h ē chhut-hiān Tē-kiû khah pháiⁿ khòaⁿ--tio̍h ê Tang-hong-hái, che-sī chi̍t-ê chiok tōa ê ún-se̍k-kheⁿ, to̍h tī Goe̍h-kiû chhek-tō ē-bīn. Iáⁿ-phìⁿ kā Goe̍h-kiû chū-choán chi̍t kò goe̍h ê sî-kan lông-sok chò 24 bió. Lán ē-tàng khòaⁿ-tio̍h bīn-tùi Tē-kiû chit-pêng ê goe̍h-niû ū chiok chē khah àm ê goe̍h-hái, Goe̍h-kiû āu-piah hit-pêng chú-iàu sī khah kng ê ko-goân. Bo̍k-chiân ū chiok chē kok-ka kah kong-si tng-leh khai-hoat sin ê Goe̍h-kiû kè-ōe, lóng-chóng chhiau-kòe 32 ê. Kî-tiong pau-koat NASA ê Artemis kè-ōe, che chú-iàu sī beh tī sòa--lo̍h-lâi kúi-nā nî lāi kā jîn-lūi sàng khì-li̍h Goe̍h-kiû.

[KIP] Gue̍h-kiû Thàm-tshik Kuí-tō Uī-tshenn (LRO) hip--ê Gue̍h-kiû tsū-tsuán

Bo̍k-tsîng iáu bô-lâng khuànn-kuè Gue̍h-kiû án-ne se̍h. Tse-sī in-uī Gue̍h-kiû khì hōo tiau-si̍k-li̍k só tī Tē-kiû, sóo-í tsiah-ē it-ti̍t sī kāng tsi̍t-pîng bīn-tuì lán. M̄-koh, lī-iōng hiān-tāi sòo-uī ki-su̍t, lán ē-tàng kā Gue̍h-kiû thàm-tshik kuí-tō uī-tshenn (LRO) sàng--tńg-lâi ê kuân kái-sik-tōo iánn-siōng tàu--khí-lâi, tsō tshut tsit-ki Gue̍h-kiû tsū-tsuán ê té-phìnn. Tsit-ki sok-sî-liap-iánn iánn-phìnn sī uì Tē-kiû tiānn-tiānn khuànn--tio̍h ê Gue̍h-kiû tsit-pîng khai-sí. M̄-koh, tsin-kín to̍h ē tshut-hiān Tē-kiû khah pháinn khuànn--tio̍h ê Tang-hong-hái, tse-sī tsi̍t-ê tsiok tuā ê ún-si̍k-khenn, to̍h tī Gue̍h-kiû tshik-tō ē-bīn. Iánn-phìnn kā Gue̍h-kiû tsū-tsuán tsi̍t kò gue̍h ê sî-kan lông-sok tsò 24 bió. Lán ē-tàng khuànn-tio̍h bīn-tuì Tē-kiû tsit-pîng ê gue̍h-niû ū tsiok tsē khah àm ê gue̍h-hái, Gue̍h-kiû āu-piah hit-pîng tsú-iàu sī khah kng ê ko-guân. Bo̍k-tsiân ū tsiok tsē kok-ka kah kong-si tng-leh khai-huat sin ê Gue̍h-kiû kè-uē, lóng-tsóng tshiau-kuè 32 ê. Kî-tiong pau-kuat NASA ê Artemis kè-uē, tse tsú-iàu sī beh tī suà--lo̍h-lâi kuí-nā nî lāi kā jîn-luī sàng khì-li̍h Gue̍h-kiû.

[English] Rotating Moon from LRO

No one, presently, sees the Moon rotate like this. That's because the Earth's moon is tidally locked to the Earth, showing us only one side. Given modern digital technology, however, combined with many detailed images returned by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), a high resolution virtual Moon rotation movie has been composed. The featured time-lapse video starts with the standard Earth view of the Moon. Quickly, though, Mare Orientale, a large crater with a dark center that is difficult to see from the Earth, rotates into view just below the equator. From an entire lunar month condensed into 24 seconds, the video clearly shows that the Earth side of the Moon contains an abundance of dark lunar maria, while the lunar far side is dominated by bright lunar highlands. Currently, over 32 new missions to the Moon are under active development from multiple countries and companies, including NASA's Artemis program which aims to land people on the Moon again within the next few years.


月球探測軌道衛星Goe̍h-kiû Thàm-chhek Kúi-tō Ūi-chheⁿGue̍h-kiû Thàm-tshik Kuí-tō Uī-tshenn月球探測軌道衛星Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO)
潮汐力tiâu-se̍k-le̍ktiâu-si̍k-li̍k潮汐力tidal force
東方海Tang-hong-háiTang-hong-hái東方海Mare Orientale
月海goe̍h-háigue̍h-hái月海lunar maria
Artemis 計畫Artemis kè-ōeArtemis kè-uē阿提米斯計畫Artemis program

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