天頂 ê 圓厝頂形極光


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 天頂 ê 圓厝頂形極光

這看起來敢若是暗暝 ê 景色,毋過天頂有一部份是茄仔色 ê 光。 其實這是 2024 年 5 月 10 號暗暝,這工 tī 世界無仝所在 ê 人攏報講,天頂出現美麗 ê 極光。 這張相片是今仔日翻點了後 tī 美國 WisconsinArlington 翕--ê。 這張全景圖是 kā 幾若張 感光 6 秒 ê 相片疊出來--ê,相片以 北方 為中心,佔天頂 三分二 ê 範圍。 資料有做一寡處理,包括加強色水,kah kā 電線刣掉。 前景 ê 攝影師報講,極光 敢若是 ùi 頭頂某一點發出來--ê,毋過干焦 kā 北方 天頂照予光爾爾。 極光 ê 高能粒子是幾若工前 ùi 有足濟太陽烏子 ê 太陽活跳區 AR 3664 噴出來 ê 日冕物質噴射 來--ê。 這个 大型太陽活跳區,頂禮拜踅到 太陽後壁,毋過 可能會活到 後禮拜 閣踅倒轉來 地球 這爿。

[POJ] Thiⁿ-téng ê Îⁿ-chhù-téng hêng Ke̍k-kng

Che khòaⁿ--khí-lâi káⁿ-ná sī àm-mê ê kéng-sek, m̄-koh thiⁿ-téng ū chi̍t-pō͘-hūn sī kiô-á-sek ê kng. Kî-si̍t che-sī 2024 nî 5 goe̍h 10 hō àm-mî, chit kang tī sè-kài bô-kâng só͘-chāi ê lâng lóng pò kóng, thiⁿ-téng chhut-hiān bí-lē ê ke̍k-kng. Chit-tiuⁿ siòng-phìⁿ sī kin-á-ji̍t hoan-tiám liáu-āu tī Bí-kok Wisconsin chiu Arlington hip--ê. Chit-tiuⁿ choân-kéng-tô͘ sī kā kúi-nā tiuⁿ kám-kng 6 bió ê siòng-phìⁿ tha̍h chhut-lâi--ê, siòng-phìⁿ í pak-hong ūi tiong-sim, chiàm thiⁿ-téng saⁿ hun jī ê hoān-ûi. Chu-liāu ū chò chi̍t-kóa chhú-lí, pau-koat ka-kiông sek-chúi, kah kā tiān-sòaⁿ thâi-tiāu. Chiân-kéng ê liap-iáⁿ-su pò kóng, ke̍k-kng káⁿ-ná sī ùi thâu-téng bó͘ chi̍t-tiám hoat--chhut lâi--ê, m̄-koh kan-na kā pak-hong thiⁿ-téng chiàu hō͘ kng niā-niā. Ke̍k-kng ê ko-lêng lia̍p-chú sī kúi-nā kang chêng ùi ū chiok chē thài-iông o͘-chú ê thài-iông oa̍h-thiàu khu AR 3664 phùn--chhut-lâi ê Ji̍t-bián Bu̍t-chit Phùn-siā lâi--ê. Chit-ê tōa-hêng thài-iông oa̍h-thiàu khu, téng-lé-pài se̍h kàu thài-iông āu-piah, m̄-koh khó-lêng ē oa̍h kàu āu-lé-pài koh se̍h tò-tńg-lâi Tē-kiû chit-pêng.

[KIP] Thinn-tíng ê Înn-tshù-tíng hîng Ki̍k-kng

Tse khuànn--khí-lâi kánn-ná sī àm-mê ê kíng-sik, m̄-koh thinn-tíng ū tsi̍t-pōo-hūn sī kiô-á-sik ê kng. Kî-si̍t tse-sī 2024 nî 5 gue̍h 10 hō àm-mî, tsit kang tī sè-kài bô-kâng sóo-tsāi ê lâng lóng pò kóng, thinn-tíng tshut-hiān bí-lē ê ki̍k-kng. Tsit-tiunn siòng-phìnn sī kin-á-ji̍t huan-tiám liáu-āu tī Bí-kok Wisconsin tsiu Arlington hip--ê. Tsit-tiunn tsuân-kíng-tôo sī kā kuí-nā tiunn kám-kng 6 bió ê siòng-phìnn tha̍h tshut-lâi--ê, siòng-phìnn í pak-hong uī tiong-sim, tsiàm thinn-tíng sann hun jī ê huān-uî. Tsu-liāu ū tsò tsi̍t-kuá tshú-lí, pau-kuat ka-kiông sik-tsuí, kah kā tiān-suànn thâi-tiāu. Tsiân-kíng ê liap-iánn-su pò kóng, ki̍k-kng kánn-ná sī uì thâu-tíng bóo tsi̍t-tiám huat--tshut lâi--ê, m̄-koh kan-na kā pak-hong thinn-tíng tsiàu hōo kng niā-niā. Ki̍k-kng ê ko-lîng lia̍p-tsú sī kuí-nā kang tsîng uì ū tsiok tsē thài-iông oo-tsú ê thài-iông ua̍h-thiàu khu AR 3664 phùn--tshut-lâi ê Ji̍t-bián Bu̍t-tsit Phùn-siā lâi--ê. Tsit-ê tuā-hîng thài-iông ua̍h-thiàu khu, tíng-lé-pài se̍h kàu thài-iông āu-piah, m̄-koh khó-lîng ē ua̍h kàu āu-lé-pài koh se̍h tò-tńg-lâi Tē-kiû tsit-pîng.

[English] Aurora Dome Sky

It seemed like night, but part of the sky glowed purple. It was the now famous night of May 10, 2024, when people over much of the world reported beautiful aurora-filled skies. The featured image was captured this night during early morning hours from Arlington, Wisconsin, USA. The panorama is a composite of several 6-second exposures covering two thirds of the visible sky, with north in the center, and processed to heighten the colors and remove electrical wires. The photographer (in the foreground) reported that the aurora appeared to flow from a point overhead but illuminated the sky only toward the north. The aurora's energetic particles originated from CMEs ejected from our Sun over sunspot AR 3664 a few days before. This large active region rotated to the far side of the Sun last week, but may well survive to rotate back toward the Earth next week.


太陽活跳區thài-iông oa̍h-thiàu-khuthài-iông ua̍h-thiàu-khu太陽活躍區active region
AR 3664AR sam-lio̍k-lio̍k-sùAR sam-lio̍k-lio̍k-sùAR 3664AR 3664
日冕物質噴射Ji̍t-bián Bu̍t-chit Phùn-siāJi̍t-bián Bu̍t-tsit Phùn-siā日冕物質拋射coronal mass ejection (CME)
太陽烏子thài-iông o͘-chúthài-iông oo-tsú太陽黑子sunspot

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