波蘭天頂 ê 紅色極光


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 波蘭天頂 ê 紅色極光

北極 ê 極光通常袂走到遮爾南爿去。 毋過,tī 一个大區 ê 太陽活跳區 AR 3664,因為磁場混亂,tī 表面產生爆炸,kā 大量 電子、質子、kah 較大質量 ê 帶電原子核 送入去 太陽系 內底。 幾工後,日冕物質噴射(CME)影響著地球,引起極光。 有回報講,這擺 ê 極光,行到離 北極 kah 南極 足遠 ê 所在去。 這个天空 show 可能袂遐爾緊結束。 太陽烏子足濟 ê 活跳區 AR 3664 已經噴出比以前閣較濟 ê CME,這可能會 tī 下暗抑是明仔載 影響著地球。 毋過,活跳區這馬出現 tī 太陽邊緣,會隨踅過後壁,按呢就離 地球 愈來愈遠矣。 這張相片是 chăng 暝天拄暗 ê 時陣 tī 波蘭 Racibórz 翕--ê 感光 6 秒 ê 紅色 輻射形 極光。 相片內底遠遠 ê 所在,有翕著攝影師 ê 朋友,伊是 頭一擺 看著極光,嘛咧翕這个 美麗 ê 彩色 夜空。

[POJ] Pho-lân thiⁿ-téng ê Âng-sek Ke̍k-kng

Pak-ke̍k ê ke̍k-kng thong-siông bē cháu kàu chiah-nī lâm-pêng khì. M̄-koh, tī chi̍t-ê tōa-khu ê thài-iông oa̍h-thiàu-khu AR 3664, in-ūi chû-tiûⁿ hūn-loān, tī piáu-bīn sán-seng po̍k-chà, kā tāi-liōng tiān-chú, chit-chú, kah khah tōa chit-liōng ê tài-tiān goân-chú-he̍k sàng ji̍p-khì Thài-iông-hē lāi-té. Kúi-kang āu, Ji̍t-bián Bu̍t-chit Phùn-siā (CME) éng-hióng-tio̍h Tē-kiû, ín-khí ke̍k-kng. Ū hôe-pò kóng, chit pái ê ke̍k-kng, kiâⁿ kàu lī pak-ke̍k kah lâm-ke̍k chiok hn̄g ê só͘-chāi khì. Chit-ê thian-khong show khó-lêng bē hiah-nī kín kiat-sok. Thài-iâng o͘-chú chiok chē ê oa̍h-thiàu-khu AR 3664 í-keng phùn-chhut pí í-chêng koh khah chē ê CME, che khó-lêng ē tī ē-àm ia̍h-sī bîn-á-chài éng-hióng-tio̍h Tē-kiû. M̄-koh, oa̍h-thiàu-khu chit-má chhut-hiān tī Thài-iông pian-iân, ē sûi se̍h-kòe āu-piah, án-ne to̍h lī Tē-kiû lú-lâi-lú hn̄g ah. Chit-tiuⁿ siòng-phìⁿ sī cha̋ng-mê thiⁿ tú àm ê sî-chūn tī Pho-lân Racibórz hip--ê kám-kng 6 bió ê âng-sek hok-siā-hêng ke̍k-kng. Siòng-phìⁿ lāi-té hn̄g-hn̄g ê só͘-chāi, ū hip-tio̍h liap-iáⁿ-su ê pêng-iú, i sī thâu-chi̍t-pái khòaⁿ-tio̍h ke̍k-kng, mā leh hip chit-ê bí-lē ê chhái-sek iā-khong.

[KIP] Pho-lân thinn-tíng ê Âng-sik Ki̍k-kng

Pak-ki̍k ê ki̍k-kng thong-siông bē tsáu kàu tsiah-nī lâm-pîng khì. M̄-koh, tī tsi̍t-ê tuā-khu ê thài-iông ua̍h-thiàu-khu AR 3664, in-ūi tsû-tiûnn hūn-luān, tī piáu-bīn sán-sing po̍k-tsà, kā tāi-liōng tiān-tsú, tsit-tsú, kah khah tuā tsit-liōng ê tài-tiān guân-tsú-hi̍k sàng ji̍p-khì Thài-iông-hē lāi-té. Kuí-kang āu, Ji̍t-bián Bu̍t-tsit Phùn-siā (CME) íng-hióng-tio̍h Tē-kiû, ín-khí ki̍k-kng. Ū huê-pò kóng, tsit pái ê ki̍k-kng, kiânn kàu lī pak-ki̍k kah lâm-ki̍k tsiok hn̄g ê sóo-tsāi khì. Tsit-ê thian-khong show khó-lîng bē hiah-nī kín kiat-sok. Thài-iâng oo-tsú tsiok tsē ê ua̍h-thiàu-khu AR 3664 í-king phùn-tshut pí í-tsîng koh khah tsē ê CME, tse khó-lîng ē tī ē-àm ia̍h-sī bîn-á-tsài íng-hióng-tio̍h Tē-kiû. M̄-koh, ua̍h-thiàu-khu tsit-má tshut-hiān tī Thài-iông pian-iân, ē suî se̍h-kuè āu-piah, án-ne to̍h lī Tē-kiû lú-lâi-lú hn̄g ah. Tsit-tiunn siòng-phìnn sī tsa̋ng-mê thinn tú àm ê sî-tsūn tī Pho-lân Racibórz hip--ê kám-kng 6 bió ê âng-sik hok-siā-hîng ki̍k-kng. Siòng-phìnn lāi-té hn̄g-hn̄g ê sóo-tsāi, ū hip-tio̍h liap-iánn-su ê pîng-iú, i sī thâu-tsi̍t-pái khuànn-tio̍h ki̍k-kng, mā leh hip tsit-ê bí-lē ê tshái-sik iā-khong.

[English] Red Aurora over Poland

Northern lights don't usually reach this far south. Magnetic chaos in the Sun's huge Active Region 3664, however, produced a surface explosion that sent a burst of electrons, protons, and more massive, charged nuclei into the Solar System. A few days later, that coronal mass ejection (CME) impacted the Earth and triggered auroras that are being reported unusually far from our planet's north and south poles. The free sky show might not be over -- the sunspot rich AR3664 has ejected even more CMEs that might also impact the Earth tonight or tomorrow. That active region is now near the Sun's edge, though, and will soon be rotating away from the Earth. Pictured, a red and rayed aurora was captured in a single 6-second exposure from Racibórz, Poland early last night. The photographer's friend, seeing an aurora for the first time, is visible in the distance also taking images of the beautifully colorful nighttime sky.


太陽活跳區thài-iông oa̍h-thiàu-khuthài-iông ua̍h-thiàu-khu太陽活躍區Active Region
AR 3664AR sam-lio̍k-lio̍k-sùAR sam-lio̍k-lio̍k-sùAR 3664Active Region 3664
磁場chû-tiûⁿtsû-tiûnn磁場magnetic field
帶電原子核tài-tiān goân-chú-he̍ktài-tiān guân-tsú-hi̍k帶電原子核charged nuclei
日冕物質噴射Ji̍t-bián Bu̍t-chit Phùn-siāJi̍t-bián Bu̍t-tsit Phùn-siā日冕物質拋射coronal mass ejection (CME)
太陽烏子thài-iông o͘-chúthài-iông oo-tsú太陽黑子sunspot

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昨昏 ê 圖:太陽活跳區 AR 3664:一大陣太陽烏子 明仔載 ê 圖:日落時 ê 太陽活跳區 AR 3664