日食發生 tī Magog 湖 ê 月娘烏影


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[漢羅] 日食發生 tī Magog 湖 ê 月娘烏影

這張速翕是 4 月 8 號 tī 地球北美洲 Quebec 省 Magog 湖天頂翕著 ê 月娘烏影。 Tùi tī 湖邊 逐日食 ê 人來講,這場日全食是 tī 好天 ê 時陣,忽然間出現 ê 短短 ê 暗暝,是一个予人讚嘆 ê 壯麗景色。 是講這个 Magog 湖,是這擺 tī 美洲發生日全食 ê 過程中,月球烏影經過上落尾 ê 所在。 這條 2024 年 日全食 ê 狹狹全食帶,是 ùi 墨西哥 ê 太平洋海岸 向東北爿 迵過美國 kah 加拿大。 毋過日偏食差不多 tī 規个美洲大陸攏看會著。

[POJ] Ji̍t-si̍t hoat-seng tī Magog ô͘ ê Goe̍h-niû o͘-iáⁿ

Chit-tiuⁿ sok-hip sī 4 goe̍h 8 hō tī Tē-kiû pak-bí-chiu Quebec séng Magog ô͘ thiⁿ-téng hip--tio̍h ê goe̍h-niû o͘-iáⁿ. Tùi tī ô͘-piⁿ jiok ji̍t-si̍t ê lâng lâi-kóng, chit-tiûⁿ ji̍t-choân-si̍t sī tī hó-thiⁿ ê sî-chūn, hut-jiân-kan chhut-hiān ê té-té ê àm-mê, sī chi̍t-ê hō͘ lâng chàn-thàn ê chòng-lē kéng-sek. Sī-kóng chit-ê Magog ô͘, sī chit pái tī Bí-chiu hoat-seng ji̍t-choân-si̍t ê kòe-têng tiong, Goe̍h-kiû o͘-iáⁿ keng-kòe siāng lo̍h-bóe ê só͘-chāi. Chit tiâu 2024 nî ji̍t-choân-si̍t ê e̍h-e̍h choân-chia̍h-tòa, sī ùi Be̍k-se-ko ê Thài-pêng-iûⁿ hái-hōaⁿ hiòng tang-pak-pêng thàng-kòe Bí-kok kah Ka-ná-tà. M̄-koh ji̍t-phian-si̍t chha-put-to tī kui-ê Bí-chiu tāi-lio̍k lóng khòaⁿ-ē-tio̍h.

[KIP] Ji̍t-si̍t huat-sing tī Magog ôo ê Gue̍h-niû oo-iánn

Tsit-tiunn sok-hip sī 4 gue̍h 8 hō tī Tē-kiû pak-bí-tsiu Quebec síng Magog ôo thinn-tíng hip--tio̍h ê gue̍h-niû oo-iánn. Tuì tī ôo-pinn jiok ji̍t-si̍t ê lâng lâi-kóng, tsit-tiûnn ji̍t-tsuân-si̍t sī tī hó-thinn ê sî-tsūn, hut-jiân-kan tshut-hiān ê té-té ê àm-mê, sī tsi̍t-ê hōo lâng tsàn-thàn ê tsòng-lē kíng-sik. Sī-kóng tsit-ê Magog ôo, sī tsit pái tī Bí-tsiu huat-sing ji̍t-tsuân-si̍t ê kuè-tîng tiong, Gue̍h-kiû oo-iánn king-kuè siāng lo̍h-bué ê sóo-tsāi. Tsit tiâu 2024 nî ji̍t-tsuân-si̍t ê e̍h-e̍h tsuân-tsia̍h-tuà, sī uì Bi̍k-se-ko ê Thài-pîng-iûnn hái-huānn hiòng tang-pak-pîng thàng-kuè Bí-kok kah Ka-ná-tà. M̄-koh ji̍t-phian-si̍t tsha-put-to tī kui-ê Bí-tsiu tāi-lio̍k lóng khuànn-ē-tio̍h.

[English] Moon's Shadow over Lake Magog

Captured in this snapshot, the shadow of the Moon came to Lake Magog, Quebec, North America, planet Earth on April 8. For the lakeside eclipse chasers, the much anticipated total solar eclipse was a spectacle to behold in briefly dark, but clear skies. Of course Lake Magog was one of the last places to be visited by the Moon's shadow. The narrow path of totality for the 2024 total solar eclipse swept from Mexico's Pacific Coast north and eastward through the US and Canada. But a partial eclipse was visible across most of the North American continent.


日全食ji̍t-choân-si̍tji̍t-tsuân-si̍t日全食total solar eclipse
日偏食ji̍t-phian-si̍tji̍t-phian-si̍t日偏食partial solar eclipse
全食帶choân-si̍t-tòatsuân-si̍t-tuà全食帶path of totality

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昨昏 ê 圖:美國 Wyoming 州天頂 ê 日全食 明仔載 ê 圖:日全食 kah 伊邊仔 ê 行星