冰島天頂 ê 鳳凰極光


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 冰島天頂 ê 鳳凰極光

看極光 ê 人攏轉去矣! 佇 冰島 九月一个安靜 ê 暗暝,半暝三點半,大部份 ê 極光攏已經消失矣。 忽然間煞出現一陣新爆發 ê 粒子對天頂瀉落來,閣再 kā 地球 ê 大氣層 照予光。 這个時陣,雄雄煞看著天頂 親像是 予一隻 非常 大隻 ê 鳳凰 kā 夜空照予光。 用準備好 ê kha-mé-lah tùi 天頂趕緊翕兩張,閣加翕一張地景。 Tī 後壁 ê 山頭是 Helgafell 山,tī 頭前 ê 河川是 Kaldá 河,兩个攏離冰島首都 Reykjavík 北爿 30 外公里遠。 有經驗 ê 觀星者 to̍h 認會出 tī 山頂倒爿 ê 獵戶座昴宿 星團 嘛 tī 相片中央面頂看會著。 2016 年 ê 極光,干焦有一分鐘久,而且隨無去。 若是無這張 數位組合相片,可能會予人當做是咧 臭彈

[POJ] Tī Peng-tó téng-koân ê hōng-hông ke̍k-kng

Khòaⁿ ke̍k-kng ê lâng lóng tńg–khì-ah. Tī Peng-tó káu-goe̍h chi̍t-ê an-chēng ê àm-mî, pòaⁿ-mî saⁿ-tiám-pòaⁿ, tōa-pō͘-hūn ê ke̍k-kng í-keng lóng siau-sit ah. Hut-jiân-kan soah chhut-hiān chi̍t-tīn sin po̍k-hoat ê lia̍p-chú tùi thiⁿ-téng sià–lo̍h-lâi, koh-chài kā Tē-kiû ê tōa-khì-chân chiò hō͘ kng. Chit-ê sî-chūn, hiông-hiông soah khòaⁿ-tio̍h thiⁿ-téng chhin-chhiūⁿ sī chi̍t-chiah hui-siông tōa-chiah ê hōng-hông kā iā-khong chiò hō͘ kng. Iōng chún-pī-hó ê kha-mé-lah tùi thiⁿ-téng kóaⁿ-kín hip nn̄g-tiuⁿ, koh ke hip chi̍t-tiuⁿ tē-kéng. Tī āu-piah ê soaⁿ-thâu sī Helgafell soaⁿ, tī thâu-chêng ê hô-chhoan sī Kaldá hô, nn̄g-ê lóng lî Peng-tó siú-to͘ Reykjavik pak-pêng saⁿ-cha̍p gōa kong-lí hn̄g. Ū keng-giām ê koan-seng-chiá to̍h jīn-ē-chhut tī soaⁿ-téng tò-pêng ê La̍h-hō͘-chō. Báu-siù-seng-thoân mā tī siòng-phìⁿ tiong-ng bīn-téng khòaⁿ-ē-tio̍h. Jī-khòng-it-lio̍k nî ê ke̍k-kng, kan-na ū chi̍t-hun-cheng kú, jî-chhiáⁿ sûi bô–khì. Nā-sī bô chi̍t-tiuⁿ sò͘-ūi cho͘-ha̍p-siòng-phìⁿ, khó-lêng ē hō͘ lâng tòng-chò sī-leh chhàu-tōaⁿ.

[KIP] Tī Ping-tó tíng-kuân ê hōng-hông ki̍k-kng

Khuànn ki̍k-kng ê lâng lóng tńg–khì-ah. Tī Ping-tó káu-gue̍h tsi̍t-ê an-tsīng ê àm-mî, puànn-mî sann-tiám-puànn, tuā-pōo-hūn ê ki̍k-kng í-king lóng siau-sit ah. Hut-jiân-kan suah tshut-hiān tsi̍t-tīn sin po̍k-huat ê lia̍p-tsú tuì thinn-tíng sià–lo̍h-lâi, koh-tsài kā Tē-kiû ê tuā-khì-tsân tsiò hōo kng. Tsit-ê sî-tsūn, hiông-hiông suah khuànn-tio̍h thinn-tíng tshin-tshiūnn sī tsi̍t-tsiah hui-siông tuā-tsiah ê hōng-hông kā iā-khong tsiò hōo kng. Iōng tsún-pī-hó ê kha-mé-lah tuì thinn-tíng kuánn-kín hip nn̄g-tiunn, koh ke hip tsi̍t-tiunn tē-kíng. Tī āu-piah ê suann-thâu sī Helgafell suann, tī thâu-tsîng ê hô-tshuan sī Kalda2 hô, nn̄g-ê lóng lî Ping-tó siú-too Reykjavik pak-pîng sann-tsa̍p guā kong-lí hn̄g. Ū king-giām ê kuan-sing-tsiá to̍h jīn-ē-tshut tī suann-tíng tò-pîng ê La̍h-hōo-tsō. Báu-siù-sing-thuân mā tī siòng-phìnn tiong-ng bīn-tíng khuànn-ē-tio̍h. Jī-khòng-it-lio̍k nî ê ki̍k-kng, kan-na ū tsi̍t-hun-tsing kú, jî-tshiánn suî bô–khì. Nā-sī bô tsi̍t-tiunn sòo-uī tsoo-ha̍p-siòng-phìnn, khó-lîng ē hōo lâng tòng-tsò sī-leh tshàu-tuānn.

[English] A Phoenix Aurora over Iceland

All of the other aurora watchers had gone home. By 3:30 am in Iceland, on a quiet September night, much of that night’s auroras had died down. Suddenly, unexpectedly, a new burst of particles streamed down from space, lighting up the Earth’s atmosphere once again. This time, surprisingly, pareidoliacally, the night lit up with an amazing shape reminiscent of a giant phoenix. With camera equipment at the ready, two quick sky images were taken, followed immediately by a third of the land. The mountain in the background is Helgafell, while the small foreground river is called Kaldá, both located about 30 kilometers north of Iceland’s capital Reykjavík. Seasoned skywatchers will note that just above the mountain, toward the left, is the constellation of Orion, while the Pleiades star cluster is also visible just above the frame center. The 2016 aurora, which lasted only a minute and was soon gone forever – would possibly be dismissed as a fanciful fable – were it not captured in the featured, digitally-composed, image mosaic.


  • 【鳳凰】hōng-hông/hōng-hông/鳳凰/phoenix
  • 【極光】ke̍k-kng/ki̍k-kng/極光/aurora
  • 【粒子】lia̍p-chú/lia̍p-tsú/粒子/particle
  • 【大氣層】tōa-khì-chân/tuā-khì-tsân/大氣層/atmosphere
  • 【kha-mé-lah】kha-mé-lah/kha-mé-lah/相機/camera
  • 【相機】siòng-ki/siòng-ki/相機/camera
  • 【獵戶座】La̍h-hō͘-chō/La̍h-hōo-tsō/獵戶座/Orion
  • 【昴宿星團】Báu-siù seng-thoân/Báu-siù seng-thuân/昴宿星團/Pleiades star cluster

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