鉛筆星雲 kah 超新星震波


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 鉛筆星雲 kah 超新星震波

這个超新星震波 用一點鐘 超過 50 萬公里 ê 速度,迵過星際空間。 Tī 這幅 有清楚細節 ê 彩色組合影像 中央,向頂懸徙動 ê 彼个薄薄光光、相纏做伙 ê 雲絲,實際上是 ùi 側邊看著 ê 發光氣體 ê 長波紋。 1840 年代 John Herschel 爵士 發現伊,所以這个看起來狹狹 ê 星雲,嘛叫做 Herschel ê 光束。 這个星雲 去予編做 NGC 2736,伊尖尖 ê 外形,予伊提著鉛筆星雲 ê 現代名。 鉛筆星雲 差不多 tī 800 光年遠 ê 所在。 伊差不多有 5 光年長,是 船帆座超新星殘骸 足細 ê 一部份。 這个 足大 ê 船帆座殘骸 ê 直徑差不多有 100 光年長,是人類 tī 1 萬 1000 年前看著 ê 恆星 爆炸 湠出去 ê 殘骸雲。 爆炸 震波 就成做這个 鉛筆星雲。 上開始 ê 時陣,伊 ê 速度是一點鐘 幾若百萬公里。 毋過等伊 kā 四箍圍仔 ê 星際物質掃予清氣了後,伊 ê 速度就變較慢矣。

[POJ] Iân-pit Seng-hûn kah Chhiau-sin-seng Chìn-pho

Chit-ê chhiau-sin-seng chìn-pho iōng chi̍t tiám-cheng chhiau-kòe 50 bān kong-lí ê sok-tō͘, thàng-kòe seng-chè khong-kan. Tī chit pak ū chheng-chhó͘ sè-chiat ê chhái-sek cho͘-ha̍p iáⁿ-siōng tiong-ng, hiòng téng-koân sóa-tāng ê hit-ê po̍h-po̍h kng-kng, sio-tîⁿ chò-hóe ê hûn-si, si̍t-chè-siōng sī ùi chhek-pīⁿ khòaⁿ--tio̍h ê hoat-kng khì-thé ê tn̂g-pho-bûn. 1840 nî-tāi John Herschel chiok-sū hoat-hiān i, só͘-í chit-ê khòaⁿ--khí-lâi e̍h-e̍h ê seng-hûn, mā kiò-chò Herschel ê kng-sok. Chit-ê seng-hûn khì hō͘ pian-chò NGC 2736, i chiam-chiam ê gōa-hêng, hō͘ i the̍h-tio̍h Iân-pit Seng-hûn ê hiān-tāi miâ. Iân-pit Seng-hûn chha-put-to tī 800 kng nî hn̄g ê só͘-chāi. I chha-put-to ū 5 kng-nî tn̂g, sī Chûn-phâng-chō chhiau-sin-seng chân-hâi chiok sè ê chi̍t-pō͘-hūn. Chit-ê chiok tōa ê Chûn-phâng-chō chân-hâi ê ti̍t-kèng chha-put-to ū 100 kng-nî tn̂g, sī jîn-lūi tī 1 bān 1000 nî-chêng khòaⁿ--tio̍h ê hêng-chheⁿ po̍k-chà thòaⁿ chhut-khì ê chân-hâi hûn. Po̍k-chà chìn-pho to̍h chiâⁿ-chò chit-ê Iân-pit Seng-hûn. Siōng khai-sí ê sî-chūn, i ê sok-tō͘ sī chi̍t tiám-cheng kúi-nā pah-bān kong-lí. M̄-koh tán i kā sì-kho͘-ûi-á ê seng-chè bu̍t-chit sàu hō͘ chheng-khì liáu-āu, i ê sok-tō͘ to̍h piàn khah bān--ah.

[KIP] Iân-pit Sing-hûn kah Tshiau-sin-sing Tsìn-pho

Tsit-ê tshiau-sin-sing tsìn-pho iōng tsi̍t tiám-tsing tshiau-kuè 50 bān kong-lí ê sok-tōo, thàng-kuè sing-tsè khong-kan. Tī tsit pak ū tshing-tshóo sè-tsiat ê tshái-sik tsoo-ha̍p iánn-siōng tiong-ng, hiòng tíng-kuân suá-tāng ê hit-ê po̍h-po̍h kng-kng, sio-tînn tsò-hué ê hûn-si, si̍t-tsè-siōng sī uì tshik-pīnn khuànn--tio̍h ê huat-kng khì-thé ê tn̂g-pho-bûn. 1840 nî-tāi John Herschel tsiok-sū huat-hiān i, sóo-í tsit-ê khuànn--khí-lâi e̍h-e̍h ê sing-hûn, mā kiò-tsò Herschel ê kng-sok. Tsit-ê sing-hûn khì hōo pian-tsò NGC 2736, i tsiam-tsiam ê guā-hîng, hōo i the̍h-tio̍h Iân-pit Sing-hûn ê hiān-tāi miâ. Iân-pit Sing-hûn tsha-put-to tī 800 kng nî hn̄g ê sóo-tsāi. I tsha-put-to ū 5 kng-nî tn̂g, sī Tsûn-phâng-tsō tshiau-sin-sing tsân-hâi tsiok sè ê tsi̍t-pōo-hūn. Tsit-ê tsiok tuā ê Tsûn-phâng-tsō tsân-hâi ê ti̍t-kìng tsha-put-to ū 100 kng-nî tn̂g, sī jîn-luī tī 1 bān 1000 nî-tsîng khuànn--tio̍h ê hîng-tshenn po̍k-tsà thuànn tshut-khì ê tsân-hâi hûn. Po̍k-tsà tsìn-pho to̍h tsiânn-tsò tsit-ê Iân-pit Sing-hûn. Siōng khai-sí ê sî-tsūn, i ê sok-tōo sī tsi̍t tiám-tsing kuí-nā pah-bān kong-lí. M̄-koh tán i kā sì-khoo-uî-á ê sing-tsè bu̍t-tsit sàu hōo tshing-khì liáu-āu, i ê sok-tōo to̍h piàn khah bān--ah.

[English] The Pencil Nebula Supernova Shock Wave

This supernova shock wave plows through interstellar space at over 500,000 kilometers per hour. Centered and moving upward in the sharply detailed color composite its thin, bright, braided filaments are actually long ripples in a cosmic sheet of glowing gas seen almost edge-on. Discovered in the 1840s by Sir John Herschel, the narrow-looking nebula is sometimes known as Herschel's Ray. Cataloged as NGC 2736, its pointed appearance suggests its modern popular name, the Pencil Nebula. The Pencil Nebula is about 800 light-years away. Nearly 5 light-years long it represents only a small part of the Vela supernova remnant though. The enormous Vela remnant itself is around 100 light-years in diameter, the expanding debris cloud of a star that was seen to explode about 11,000 years ago. Initially, the section of the shock wave seen as the Pencil nebula was moving at millions of kilometers per hour but has slowed considerably, sweeping up surrounding interstellar material.


  • 【鉛筆星雲】Iân-pit Seng-hûn/Iân-pit Sing-hûn/鉛筆星雲/Pencil Nebula
  • 【超新星震波】chhiau-sin-seng chìn-pho/tshiau-sin-sing tsìn-pho/超新星震波/supernova shock wave
  • 【Herschel ê 光束】Herschel ê kng-sok/Herschel ê kng-sok/赫歇爾射線/Herschel's Ray
  • 【John Herschel 爵士】John Herschel Chiok-sū/John Herschel Tsiok-sū/約翰·赫歇爾爵士/Sir John Herschel
  • 【NGC 2736】NGC jī-chhit-sam-lio̍k/NGC jī-chhit-sam-lio̍k/NGC 2736/NGC 2736
  • 【船帆座】Chûn-phâng-chō/Tsûn-phâng-tsō/船帆座/Vela
  • 【超新星殘骸】chhiau-sin-seng chân-hâi/tshiau-sin-sing tsân-hâi/超新星殘骸/supernova remnant
  • 【星際物質】seng-chè bu̍t-chit/sing-tsè bu̍t-tsit/星際物質/interstellar material

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