山尖石林 天頂 ê 海鷗星雲


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 山尖石林 天頂 ê 海鷗星雲

這隻鳥仔是比這粒山頭閣較大。 海鷗星雲 會叫這个名是因為伊 ê 外形 就親像是一隻鳥仔。 伊是一个發射星雲,tī 夜空中是 足闊--ê,伊 ê 角寸尺是 規粒月娘 ê 5 倍大以上,按呢差不多有 200 光年 大。 海鷗星雲 ê 頭,編號是 IC 2177,正爿 ê 翼 下底 是一个星團,編號是 NGC 2343。 海鷗星雲 主要 ê 成份是發紅光 ê 水素 氣體,內底閣有一寡塗粉帶,當咧形成 恆星。 山頭頂懸這隻海鷗,就敢若是 tī 美國 加州 ê 山尖國家公園 頂懸咧飛這幅影像,是 kā 長時間感光 ê 背景 佮 短時間感光 ê 前景 組合起來--ê。 兩張攏是用仝一台 kha-mé-lah,tī 仝一个地點翕--ê。

[POJ] Soaⁿ-chiam Chio̍h-nâ thiⁿ-téng ê Hái-o͘ Seng-hûn

Chit chiah chiáu-á sī pí chit lia̍p soaⁿ-thâu koh-khah tōa. Hái-o͘ Seng-hûn ē kiò chit-ê miâ sī in-ūi i ê gōa-hêng to̍h chhin-chhiūⁿ sī chi̍t chiah chiáu-á. I sī chi̍t-ê hoat-siā seng-hûn, tī iā-khong tiong sī chiok khoah--ê, i ê kak-chhùn-chhioh sī kui-lia̍p goe̍h-niû ê 5 pōe tōa í-siōng,án-ne chha-put-to ū 200 kng-nî tōa. Hái-o͘ Seng-hûn ê thâu, pian-hō sī IC 2177, chiàⁿ-pêng ê si̍t ē-té sī chi̍t-ê seng-thoân, pian-hō sī NGC 2343. Hái-o͘ Seng-hûn chú-iàu ê sêng-hūn sī hoat âng-kng ê chúi-sò͘ khì-thé, lāi-té koh-ū chi̍t-kóa thô͘-hún-tòa, tng-leh hêng-sêng hêng-chheⁿ. soaⁿ-thâu téng-koân chit chiah Hái-o͘, to̍h káⁿ nā-sī tī Bí-kok Ka-chiu ê Soaⁿ-chiam Kok-ka Kong-hn̂g téng-koân leh poe. Chit pak iáⁿ-siōng, sī kā tn̂g sî-kan kám-kng ê pōe-kéng kah té sî-kan kám-kng ê chiân-kéng cho͘-ha̍p khí-lâi--ê. Nn̄g tiuⁿ lóng sī iōng kāng chi̍t tâi kha-mé-lah,t ī kāng chi̍t-ê tē-tiám hip--ê.

[KIP] Suann-tsiam Tsio̍h-nâ thinn-tíng ê Hái-oo Sing-hûn

Tsit tsiah tsiáu-á sī pí tsit lia̍p suann-thâu koh-khah tuā. Hái-oo Sing-hûn ē kiò tsit-ê miâ sī in-uī i ê guā-hîng to̍h tshin-tshiūnn sī tsi̍t tsiah tsiáu-á. I sī tsi̍t-ê huat-siā sing-hûn, tī iā-khong tiong sī tsiok khuah--ê, i ê kak-tshùn-tshioh sī kui-lia̍p gue̍h-niû ê 5 puē tuā í-siōng,án-ne tsha-put-to ū 200 kng-nî tuā. Hái-oo Sing-hûn ê thâu, pian-hō sī IC 2177, tsiànn-pîng ê si̍t ē-té sī tsi̍t-ê sing-thuân, pian-hō sī NGC 2343. Hái-oo Sing-hûn tsú-iàu ê sîng-hūn sī huat âng-kng ê tsuí-sòo khì-thé, lāi-té koh-ū tsi̍t-kuá thôo-hún-tuà, tng-leh hîng-sîng hîng-tshenn. suann-thâu tíng-kuân tsit tsiah Hái-oo, to̍h kánn nā-sī tī Bí-kok Ka-tsiu ê Suann-tsiam Kok-ka Kong-hn̂g tíng-kuân leh pue. Tsit pak iánn-siōng, sī kā tn̂g sî-kan kám-kng ê puē-kíng kah té sî-kan kám-kng ê tsiân-kíng tsoo-ha̍p khí-lâi--ê. Nn̄g tiunn lóng sī iōng kāng tsi̍t tâi kha-mé-lah,t ī kāng tsi̍t-ê tē-tiám hip--ê.

[English] Seagull Nebula over Pinnacles' Peak

The bird is bigger than the peak. Nicknamed for its avian shape, the Seagull Nebula is an emission nebula on the night sky that is vast, spanning an angle over five times the diameter of the full moon and over 200 light years. The head of the nebula is catalogued as IC 2177, and the star cluster under its right wing is catalogued as NGC 2343. Consisting of mostly red-glowing hydrogen gas, the Seagull Nebula incorporates some dust lanes and is forming stars. The peak over which this Seagull seems to soar occurs at Pinnacles National Park in California, USA. The featured image is a composite of long exposure images of the background sky and short exposure images of the foreground, all taken consecutively with the same camera and from the same location.


  • 【海鷗星雲】Hái-o͘ Seng-hûn/Hái-oo Sing-hûn/海鷗星雲/Seagull Nebula
  • 【山尖石林】Soaⁿ-chiam Chio̍h-nâ/Suann-tsiam Tsio̍h-nâ/尖峰石陣/Pinnacles' Peak
  • 【角寸尺】kak-chhùn-chhioh/kak-tshùn-tshioh/角寸尺/angular size
  • 【發射星雲】hoat-siā seng-hûn/huat-siā sing-hûn/發射星雲/emission nebula
  • 【星團】seng-thoân/sing-thuân/星團/star cluster
  • 【IC 2177】IC jī-it-chhit-chhit/IC jī-it-tshit-tshit/IC 2177/IC 2177
  • 【NGC 2343】NGC jī-sam-sù-sam/NGC jī-sam-sù-sam/NGC 2343/NGC 2343
  • 【水素】chúi-sò͘/tsuí-sòo/氫/hydrogen
  • 【山尖國家公園】Soaⁿ-chiam Kok-ka Kong-hn̂g/Suann-tsiam Kok-ka Kong-hn̂g/尖頂國家公園/Pinnacles National Park

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