18. January 2024
平流層 ê 北極光
探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4。
- 原始文章:Northern Lights from the Stratosphere
- 影像來源 kah 版權:Ralf Rohner
- 台文翻譯:An-Li Tsai (NSYSU)
[漢羅] 平流層 ê 北極光
Tī 這張 1 月 15 翕 ê 夜空相片,北極光 就 tī 地球平流層 咧發光。 這張 5 秒鐘 ê 孤張感光相片,是手扞 kha-mé-lah 翕飛 tī 加拿大 Winnipeg 天頂 ê 飛龍機。 感光 ê 時陣,tī 飛龍機 高速飛行下底 ê 燈火,出現五彩 ê 光跡。 Tī 遠方地平線頂懸,去予 地球極區 磁場 加速 ê 高能粒子,激發酸素原子,產生閃閃爍爍 ê 北極光。 極光發出 ê 青光,是 tī 海拔 100 - 300 公里懸 ê 所在產生--ê。 紅色是 tī 較低大氣密度、較懸海拔 ê 所在產生--ê。 銀河盤頂懸暗暗 ê 恆星 tī 夜空中 chiâⁿ 做一條彎弓。 北天 ê 仙女座星系,予這个夜空擴展到 銀河系以外 ê 世界。 仙女座星系是 kah 咱銀河系上倚 ê 大型捲螺仔星系。 這个霧霧 ê 星系,就 tī 相片倒爿頂懸。
[POJ] Pêng-liû-chân ê Pak-ke̍k-kng
Tī chit-tiuⁿ 1 goe̍h 15 hip ê iā-khong siòng-phìⁿ, pak-ke̍k-kng tō tī tē-kiû pêng-liû-chân lih hoat-kng. Chit-tiuⁿ 5 bió-cheng ê ko͘-tiuⁿ kám-kng siòng-phìⁿ, sī chhiú-hōaⁿ kha-mé-lah hip poe tī Ka-ná-tāi Winnipeg thiⁿ-téng ê poe-lêng-ki. Kám-kng ê sî-chūn, tī poe-lêng-ki ko-sok hui-hêng ē-té ê teng-hóe, chhut-hiān ngó͘-chhái ê kng-jiah. Tī oán-hong tē-pêng-sòaⁿ téng-koân, khì hō͘ tē-kiû ke̍k-khu chû-tiûⁿ ka-sok ê ko-lêng lia̍p-chú, kek-hoat sàng-sò͘ goân-chú, sán-seng siám-siám-sih-sih ê pak-ke̍k-kng. Ke̍k-kng hoat--chhut ê chheⁿ kng, sī tī hái-poa̍t 100 - 300 kong-lí koân ê só͘-chāi sán-seng--ê. Âng-sek sī tī khah kē tāi-khì bi̍t-tō͘, khah koân hái-poa̍t ê só͘-chāi sán-seng--ê. Gîn-hô-pôaⁿ téng-koân àm-àm ê hêng-chheⁿ tī iā-khong tiong chiâⁿ-chò chi̍t tiâu oan-keng. Pak-thian ê Sian-lú-chō seng-hē, hō͘ chit-ê iā-khong khok-tián kàu Gîn-hô-hē í-gōa ê sè-kài. Sian-lú-chō seng-hē sī kah lán Gîn-hô-hē siōng óa ê tōa-hêng kńg-lê-á seng-hē. Chit-ê bū-bū ê seng-hē, to̍h tī siòng-phìⁿ tò-pêng téng-koân.
[KIP] Pîng-liû-tsân ê Pak-ki̍k-kng
Tī tsit-tiunn 1 gue̍h 15 hip ê iā-khong siòng-phìnn, pak-ki̍k-kng tō tī tē-kiû pîng-liû-tsân lih huat-kng. Tsit-tiunn 5 bió-tsing ê koo-tiunn kám-kng siòng-phìnn, sī tshiú-huānn kha-mé-lah hip pue tī Ka-ná-tāi Winnipeg thinn-tíng ê pue-lîng-ki. Kám-kng ê sî-tsūn, tī pue-lîng-ki ko-sok hui-hîng ē-té ê ting-hué, tshut-hiān ngóo-tshái ê kng-jiah. Tī uán-hong tē-pîng-suànn tíng-kuân, khì hōo tē-kiû ki̍k-khu tsû-tiûnn ka-sok ê ko-lîng lia̍p-tsú, kik-huat sàng-sòo guân-tsú, sán-sing siám-siám-sih-sih ê pak-ki̍k-kng. Ki̍k-kng huat--tshut ê tshenn kng, sī tī hái-pua̍t 100 - 300 kong-lí kuân ê sóo-tsāi sán-sing--ê. Âng-sik sī tī khah kē tāi-khì bi̍t-tōo, khah kuân hái-pua̍t ê sóo-tsāi sán-sing--ê. Gîn-hô-puânn tíng-kuân àm-àm ê hîng-tshenn tī iā-khong tiong tsiânn-tsò tsi̍t tiâu uan-king. Pak-thian ê Sian-lú-tsō sing-hē, hōo tsit-ê iā-khong khok-tián kàu Gîn-hô-hē í-guā ê sè-kài. Sian-lú-tsō sing-hē sī kah lán Gîn-hô-hē siōng uá ê tuā-hîng kńg-lê-á sing-hē. Tsit-ê bū-bū ê sing-hē, to̍h tī siòng-phìnn tò-pîng tíng-kuân.
[English] Northern Lights from the Stratosphere
Northern lights shine in this night skyview from planet Earth's stratosphere, captured on January 15. The single, 5 second exposure was made with a hand-held camera on board an aircraft above Winnipeg, Canada. During the exposure, terrestrial lights below leave colorful trails along the direction of motion of the speeding aircraft. Above the more distant horizon, energetic particles accelerated along Earth's magnetic field at the planet's polar regions excite atomic oxygen to create the shimmering display of Aurora Borealis. The aurora's characteristic greenish hue is generated at altitudes of 100-300 kilometers and red at even higher altitudes and lower atmospheric densities. The luminous glow of faint stars along the plane of our Milky Way galaxy arcs through the night, while the Andromeda galaxy extends this northern skyview to extragalactic space. A diffuse hint of Andromeda, the closest large spiral to the Milky Way, can just be seen to the upper left.
漢羅 | POJ | KIP | 華語 | English |
平流層 | pêng-liû-chân | pîng-liû-tsân | 平流層 | stratosphere |
北極光 | pak-ke̍k-kng | pak-ki̍k-kng | 北極光 | Northern lights |
飛龍機 | poe-lêng-ki | pue-lîng-ki | 飛機 | aircraft |
仙女座星系 | Sian-lú-chō Seng-hē | Sian-lú-tsō Sing-hē | 仙女座星系 | Andromeda galaxy |
海拔 | hái-pua̍t | 海拔 | altitudes | |
捲螺仔星系 | kńg-lê-á seng-hē | kńg-lê-á sing-hē | spiral | |
銀河系 | Gîn-hô-hē | Gîn-hô-hē | 銀河系 | Milky Way galaxy |
星系 | seng-hē | sing-hē | 星系 | galaxy |
磁場 | chû-tiûⁿ | tsû-tiûnn | 磁場 | magnetic field |