德國 Bavaria 州 天頂 ê 冰暈


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 德國 Bavaria 州 天頂 ê 冰暈

是啥物 tī 天頂創出這寡無四常 ê 光弧? 是冰晶啦! 這個月初,德國 Bavaria 州 Füssen 附近 拄落雪 ê 時陣,有一个攝影師發現講,伊走入去冰霧內底矣。 浮 tī 空中 ê 水欲堅做 冰霧,溫度愛低、空氣溫度嘛愛零度以下。 這團 冰霧 反射 聖 Coleman 教堂 後壁 欲日落 ê 日光。 這个結果是攝影師看過 上壯麗 ê 景色 之一。 咱愛先知影,這張相片 內底 ê 光點 毋是背景星,是浮 tī 空中 ê 冰 kah 雪。 閣來,咱會當看著相片內底有兩个足明顯 ê 冰暈,就是冰晶反射日光造成 ê 日箍:22 度 ê 日箍 kah 46 度 ê 日箍。 咱嘛 看會著 幾若條 光弧,ùi 頂懸到下底是:對日弧(嘛叫做 映日弧)、環天頂點弧Parry 弧切線弧、kah 幻日弧(嘛叫做 環水平弧)。 落尾,kah 太陽相連 ê 雞胿形 光弧是 上罕得 看著--ê。 伊叫做 太陽弧,是日光 ùi 浮 tī 空中 水平方向 ê 六角形 冰晶 ê 邊仔面反射來--ê。

[POJ] Tek-kok Bavaria chiu thiⁿ-téng ê Peng-n̄g

Sī siáⁿ-mih tī thiⁿ-téng chhòng chhut chit kóa bô sù-siông ê kng-hô͘? Sī peng-chiⁿ--lah! Chit kò goe̍h-chhe, Tek-kok Bavaria chiu Füssen hù-kīn tú lo̍h-seh ê sî-chūn, ū chi̍t-ê liap-iáⁿ-su hoat-hiān kóng, i cháu--ji̍p-khì peng-bū lāi-té--ah. Phû tī khong-tiong ê chúi beh kian chò peng-bū, un-tō͘ ài kē, khong-khì un-tō͘ mā ài lêng-tō͘ í-hā. Chit thoân peng-bū hoán-siā Seng Coleman kàu-tn̂g āu-piah beh ji̍t-lo̍h ê ji̍t-kng. Chit-ê kiat-kó sī liap-iáⁿ-su khòaⁿ-kòe siōng chòng-lē ê kéng-sek chi-it. Lán ài seng chai-iáⁿ, chit-tiuⁿ siòng-phìⁿ lāi-té ê kng-tiám m̄-sī pōe-kéng chheⁿ, sī phû tī khong-tiong ê peng kah seh. Koh-lâi, lán ē-tàng khòaⁿ-tio̍h siòng-phìⁿ lāi-té ū nn̄g-ê chiok bêng-hián ê peng-n̄g, to̍h-sī peng-chiⁿ hoán-siā ji̍t-kng chō-sêng ê ji̍t-kho͘: 22 tō͘ ê ji̍t-kho͘ kah 46 tō͘ ê ji̍t-kho͘. Lán mā khòaⁿ-ē-tio̍h kúi-nā tiâu kng-hô͘, ùi téng-koân kàu ē-té sī: tùi-ji̍t-hô͘ (mā kiò-chò èng-ji̍t-hô͘), khoân-thian-téng-tiám-hô͘, Parry hô͘, chhiat-sòaⁿ-hô͘, kah hoàn-ji̍t-hô͘ (mā kiò-chò khoân-chúi-pêng-hô͘). Lo̍h-bóe, kah Thài-iông sio-liân ê ke-kui hêng kng-hô͘ sī siōng hán-tit khòaⁿ--tio̍h--ê. I kiò-chò thài-iông-hô͘, sī ji̍t-kng ùi phû tī khong-tiong chúi-pêng hong-hiòng ê la̍k-kak-hêng peng-chiⁿ ê piⁿ-á-bīn hoán-siā lâi--ê.

[KIP] Tik-kok Bavaria tsiu thinn-tíng ê Ping-n̄g

Sī siánn-mih tī thinn-tíng tshòng tshut tsit kuá bô sù-siông ê kng-hôo? Sī ping-tsinn--lah! Tsit kò gue̍h-tshe, Tik-kok Bavaria tsiu Füssen hù-kīn tú lo̍h-seh ê sî-tsūn, ū tsi̍t-ê liap-iánn-su huat-hiān kóng, i tsáu--ji̍p-khì ping-bū lāi-té--ah. Phû tī khong-tiong ê tsuí beh kian tsò ping-bū, un-tōo ài kē, khong-khì un-tōo mā ài lîng-tōo í-hā. Tsit thuân ping-bū huán-siā Sing Coleman kàu-tn̂g āu-piah beh ji̍t-lo̍h ê ji̍t-kng. Tsit-ê kiat-kó sī liap-iánn-su khuànn-kuè siōng tsòng-lē ê kíng-sik tsi-it. Lán ài sing tsai-iánn, tsit-tiunn siòng-phìnn lāi-té ê kng-tiám m̄-sī puē-kíng tshenn, sī phû tī khong-tiong ê ping kah seh. Koh-lâi, lán ē-tàng khuànn-tio̍h siòng-phìnn lāi-té ū nn̄g-ê tsiok bîng-hián ê ping-n̄g, to̍h-sī ping-tsinn huán-siā ji̍t-kng tsō-sîng ê ji̍t-khoo: 22 tōo ê ji̍t-khoo kah 46 tōo ê ji̍t-khoo. Lán mā khuànn-ē-tio̍h kuí-nā tiâu kng-hôo, uì tíng-kuân kàu ē-té sī: tuì-ji̍t-hôo (mā kiò-tsò ìng-ji̍t-hôo), khuân-thian-tíng-tiám-hôo, Parry hôo, tshiat-suànn-hôo, kah huàn-ji̍t-hôo (mā kiò-tsò khuân-tsuí-pîng-hôo). Lo̍h-bué, kah Thài-iông sio-liân ê ke-kui hîng kng-hôo sī siōng hán-tit khuànn--tio̍h--ê. I kiò-tsò thài-iông-hôo, sī ji̍t-kng uì phû tī khong-tiong tsuí-pîng hong-hiòng ê la̍k-kak-hîng ping-tsinn ê pinn-á-bīn huán-siā lâi--ê.

[English] Ice Halos over Bavaria

What's causing those unusual sky arcs? Ice crystals. While crossing a field of fresh snow near Füssen, Bavaria, Germany, earlier this month, the photographer noticed that he had entered an ice fog. For suspended water to freeze into an ice fog requires quite cold temperatures, and indeed the air temperature on this day was measured at well below zero. The ice fog reflected light from the Sun setting behind St.Coleman Church. The result was one of the greatest spectacles the photographer has ever seen. First, the spots in the featured picture are not background stars but suspended ice and snow. Next, two prominent ice halos are visible: the 22-degree halo and the 46-degree halo. Multiple arcs are also visible, including, from top to bottom, antisolar (subsun), circumzenithal, Parry, tangent, and parhelic (horizontal). Finally, the balloon shaped curve connecting the top arc to the Sun is the rarest of all: it is the heliac arc, created by reflection from the sides of hexagonally shaped ice crystals suspended in a horizontal orientation.


冰暈peng-n̄gping-n̄g冰暈ice halo
冰晶peng-chiⁿping-tsinn冰晶ice crystal
日箍ji̍t-kho͘ji̍t-khoo日暈solar halo
冰霧peng-būping-bū冰霧ice fog
對日弧tùi-ji̍t-hô͘tuì-ji̍t-hôo對日弧antisolar arc
映日弧èng-ji̍t-hô͘ìng-ji̍t-hôo映日弧subsun arc
環天頂點弧khoân-thian-téng-tiám-hô͘khuân-thian-tíng-tiám-hôo環天頂弧circumzenithal arc
Parry 弧Parry hô͘Parry hôo帕里弧Parry arc
切線弧chhiat-sòaⁿ-hô͘tshiat-suànn-hôo正切弧tangent arc
幻日弧hoàn-ji̍t-hô͘huàn-ji̍t-hôo幻日弧parhelic arc
環水平弧khoân-chúi-pêng-hô͘khuân-tsuí-pîng-hôo環水平弧horizontal arc
太陽弧thài-iông-hô͘thài-iông-hô͘太陽弧heliac arc

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昨昏 ê 圖:NGC 1499:加州星雲 明仔載 ê 圖:三粒星系 kah 一粒彗星