UHZ1 星系:遙遠 ê 星系 kah 烏洞


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4

[漢羅] UHZ1 星系:遙遠 ê 星系 kah 烏洞

大質量星系團 Abell 2744 內底 主要 ê 成份是烏暗物質,有一寡人共叫做 Pandora 星系團。 伊就 tī 玉夫座方向 35 億光年遠 ê 所在。 大質量星系團 產生 ê 重力透鏡效應會 kā 時空拗彎、kā 後壁較遠 ê 天體放大。 天文學家利用這个特性,揣著 紅移 Z=10.1 ê 背景星系 UHZ1。 按呢 UHZ1 ê 光,照算應該是 ùi Abell 2744 後壁 132 億光年遠 ê 宇宙來--ê,彼陣差不多是咱現在宇宙年歲 ê 3 葩爾。 這張組合影像是 kā 茄仔色 ê Chandra X 光太空天文台 ê 影像資料 kah 紅外線 ê James Webb 太空望遠鏡 ê 影像資料鬥出來 ê 結果,插圖就是 UHZ1 星系。 Tī Chandra 觀測資料 量著 UHZ1 ê X-ray 發射線有提供一个足明顯 ê 線索,就是 tī 這粒超懸紅移星系中心 ê 超大質量烏洞是愈來愈大。 這予咱量著目前咱所知影上遠 ê X 光波段 ê 烏洞,就是 UHZ1 中心彼粒愈來愈大粒 ê 烏洞。 這个結果暗示講宇宙中頭一粒 超大質量烏洞是按怎形成、當時形成--ê

[POJ] UHZ1 Seng-hē: Iâu-oán ê Seng-hē kah O͘-tōng

Tōa chit-liōng seng-hē-thoân Abell 2744 lāi-té chú-iàu ê sêng-hūn sī o͘-àm bu̍t-chit, ū chi̍t-kóa lâng kā kiò-chò Pandora seng-hē-thoân. I tō tī Gio̍k-hu-chō hong-hiòng 35 ek kng-nî hn̄g ê só͘-chāi. Tōa chit-liōng seng-hē-thoân sán-seng ê tiōng-le̍k thàu-kiàⁿ hāu-èng ē kā sî-khong áu-oan, kā āu-piah khah hn̄g ê thian-thé hòng-tōa. Thian-bûn ha̍k-ka lī-iōng chit-ê te̍k-sèng, chhōe-tio̍h âng-î Z téng-î 10.1 ê pōe-kéng seng-hē UHZ1. Án-ne UHZ1 ê kng, chiàu sǹg eng-kai sī ùi Abell 2744 āu-piah 132 ek kng-nî hn̄g ê ú-tiū lâi--ê, hit-chūn chha-put-to sī lán hiān-chāi ú-tiū nî-hòe ê 3 pha niā. Chit-tiuⁿ cho͘-ha̍p iáⁿ-siōng sī kā kiô-á-sek ê Chandra X kng Thài-khong Thian-bûn-tâi ê iáⁿ-siōng chu-liāu kah âng-gōa-sòaⁿ ê James Webb Thài-khong Bōng-oán-kiàⁿ ê iáⁿ-siōng chu-liāu tàu chhut-lâi ê kiat-kó, chhah-tô͘ to̍h-sī UHZ1 seng-hē. Tī Chandra koan-chhek chu-liāu niû-tio̍h UHZ1 ê X ray hoat-siā-sòaⁿ ū thê-kiong chi̍t-ê chiok bêng-hián ê sòaⁿ-soh, to̍h-sī tī chit lia̍p chhiau-koân âng-î seng-hē tiong-sim ê chhiau-tōa chit-liōng o͘-tōng sī lú-lâi-lú tōa. Che hō͘ lán niû-tio̍h bo̍k-chêng lán só͘ chai-iáⁿ siōng hn̄g ê X kng pho-tōaⁿ ê o͘-tōng, to̍h-sī UHZ1 tiong-sim hit-lia̍p lú-lâi-lú tōa-lia̍p ê o͘-tōng. Chit-ê kiat-kó àm-sī kóng ú-tiū tiong thâu chi̍t-lia̍p chhiau-tōa chit-liōng o͘-tōng sī-án-nóa hêng-sêng, tong-sî hêng-sêng--ê.

[KIP] UHZ1 Sing-hē: Iâu-uán ê Sing-hē kah Oo-tōng

Tuā tsit-liōng sing-hē-thuân Abell 2744 lāi-té tsú-iàu ê sîng-hūn sī oo-àm bu̍t-tsit, ū tsi̍t-kuá lâng kā kiò-tsò Pandora sing-hē-thuân. I tō tī Gio̍k-hu-tsō hong-hiòng 35 ik kng-nî hn̄g ê sóo-tsāi. Tuā tsit-liōng sing-hē-thuân sán-sing ê tiōng-li̍k thàu-kiànn hāu-ìng ē kā sî-khong áu-uan, kā āu-piah khah hn̄g ê thian-thé hòng-tuā. Thian-bûn ha̍k-ka lī-iōng tsit-ê ti̍k-sìng, tshuē-tio̍h âng-î Z tíng-î 10.1 ê puē-kíng sing-hē UHZ1. Án-ne UHZ1 ê kng, tsiàu sǹg ing-kai sī uì Abell 2744 āu-piah 132 ik kng-nî hn̄g ê ú-tiū lâi--ê, hit-tsūn tsha-put-to sī lán hiān-tsāi ú-tiū nî-huè ê 3 pha niā. Tsit-tiunn tsoo-ha̍p iánn-siōng sī kā kiô-á-sik ê Chandra X kng Thài-khong Thian-bûn-tâi ê iánn-siōng tsu-liāu kah âng-guā-suànn ê James Webb Thài-khong Bōng-uán-kiànn ê iánn-siōng tsu-liāu tàu tshut-lâi ê kiat-kó, tshah-tôo to̍h-sī UHZ1 sing-hē. Tī Chandra kuan-tshik tsu-liāu niû-tio̍h UHZ1 ê X ray huat-siā-suànn ū thê-kiong tsi̍t-ê tsiok bîng-hián ê suànn-soh, to̍h-sī tī tsit lia̍p tshiau-kuân âng-î sing-hē tiong-sim ê tshiau-tuā tsit-liōng oo-tōng sī lú-lâi-lú tuā. Tse hōo lán niû-tio̍h bo̍k-tsîng lán sóo tsai-iánn siōng hn̄g ê X kng pho-tuānn ê oo-tōng, to̍h-sī UHZ1 tiong-sim hit-lia̍p lú-lâi-lú tuā-lia̍p ê oo-tōng. Tsit-ê kiat-kó àm-sī kóng ú-tiū tiong thâu tsi̍t-lia̍p tshiau-tuā tsit-liōng oo-tōng sī-án-nuá hîng-sîng, tong-sî hîng-sîng--ê.

[English] UHZ1: Distant Galaxy and Black Hole

Dominated by dark matter, massive cluster of galaxies Abell 2744 is known to some as Pandora's Cluster. It lies 3.5 billion light-years away toward the constellation Sculptor. Using the galaxy cluster's enormous mass as a gravitational lens to warp spacetime and magnify even more distant objects directly behind it, astronomers have found a background galaxy, UHZ1, at a remarkable redshift of Z=10.1. That puts UHZ1 far beyond Abell 2744, at a distance of 13.2 billion light-years, seen when our universe was about 3 percent of its current age. UHZ1 is identified in the insets of this composited image combining X-rays (purple hues) from the spacebased Chandra X-ray Observatory and infrared light from the James Webb Space Telescope. The X-ray emission from UHZ1 detected in the Chandra data is the telltale signature of a growing supermassive black hole at the center of the ultra high redshift galaxy. That makes UHZ1's growing black hole the most distant black hole ever detected in X-rays, a result that now hints at how and when the first supermassive black holes in the universe formed.


Abell 2744Abell jī-chhit-sù-sùAbell jī-tshit-sù-sùAbell 2744Abell 2744
烏暗物質o͘-àm bu̍t-chitoo-àm bu̍t-tsit暗物質dark matter
Pandora 星系團Pandora seng-hē-thoânPandora sing-hē-thuân潘朵拉星系團Pandora's Cluster
星系團seng-hē-thoânsing-hē-thuân星系團cluster of galaxies
重力透鏡tiōng-le̍k thàu-kiàⁿtiōng-li̍k thàu-kiànn重力透鏡gravitational len
UHZ1 星系UHZ one seng-hēUHZ one sing-hēUHZ1 星系UHZ1 galaxy
背景星系pōe-kéng seng-hēpuē-kíng sing-hē背景星系background galaxy
Chandra X 光太空天文台Chandra X kng Thài-khong Thian-bûn-tâiChandra X kng Thài-khong Thian-bûn-tâi錢德拉X射線天文台Chandra X-ray Observatory
James Webb 太空望遠鏡James Webb Thài-khong Bōng-oán-kiàⁿJames Webb Thài-khong Bōng-uán-kiànn詹姆斯韋伯太空望遠鏡James Webb Space Telescope
超懸紅移星系chhiau-koân âng-î seng-hēchhiau-koân âng-î seng-hē超高紅移星系ultra high redshift galaxy
超大質量烏洞chhiau-tōa chit-liōng o͘-tōngchhiau-tōa chit-liōng o͘-tōng超大質量烏洞supermassive black hole

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