意大利天頂 ê 紅色極光


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 意大利天頂 ê 紅色極光

Chăng 暝 地平線頂懸發紅光 ê 是啥毋?是極光啦! 咱 ê 太陽 最近是 特別活跳跳,幾若工前伊發生 表面爆發,噴出一大堆電子、光子、kah 大質量紮電原子核。 日冕物質噴射 會驅動地球 ê 極光,這咱知影通常是發生 tī 地球 北半球 較倚南部 ê 所在。 舉例講,這是頭一擺 天文攝影師 tī in 兜 意大利 翕著極光。 而且,足濟極光影像 ê 色光,實在是紅甲這張影像 ê 前景 tī 意大利這爿 ê Alps 山 ê Comelico Superiore 庄頭,天頂閣有 ùi 倒爿下跤 peh--起來 ê 銀河系 中央帶。 毋過上吸引人 ê 猶是上正爿 ê 紅色 極光這張相片 是 tī 仝一个地點用仝一台 kha-mé-lah 連煞翕 ê 前景相片 kah 背景相片鬥做伙 ê 組合影像。

[POJ] I-tá-lī thiⁿ-téng ê Âng-sek ke̍k-kng

Cha̋ng-mê tē-pêng-sòaⁿ téng-koân hoat âng-kng ê sī siáⁿ m̄ih? Sī ke̍k-kng lah! Lán ê Thài-iông chòe-kīn sī te̍k-pia̍t oa̍h-thiàu-thiàu, kúi-nā kang chêng i hoat-seng piáu-bīn po̍k-hoat, phùn-chhut chi̍t-tōa-tui tiān-chú, kng-chú, kah tōa chit-liōng chah-tiān goân-chú-he̍k. Ji̍t-bián bu̍t-chit phùn-siā ē khu-tōng Tē-kiû ê ke̍k-kng, che lán chai-iáⁿ thong-siông sī hoat-seng tī Tē-kiû Pak-pòaⁿ-kiû khah óa lâm-pō͘ ê só͘-chāi. Kí-lē kóng, che-sī thâu-chi̍t-pái thian-bûn liap-iáⁿ-su tī in tau I-tá-lī hip-tio̍h ke̍k-kng. Jî-chhiáⁿ, chiok chē ke̍k-kng iáⁿ-siōng ê sek-kng, si̍t-chāi sī âng kah. Chit-tiuⁿ iáⁿ-siōng ê chiân-kéng-tī I-tá-lī chit-pêng ê Alps soaⁿ ê Comelico Superiore chng-thâu, thiⁿ-téng koh-ū ùi tò-pêng ē-kha peh--khí-lâi ê Gîn-hô-hē tiong-ng tòa. M̄-koh siōng khip-ín lâng ê á-sī siōng chiàⁿ-pêng ê âng-sek ke̍k-kng. Chit-tiuⁿ siòng-phìⁿ sī tī kāng chi̍t-ê tē-tiám iōng kāng chi̍t tâi kha-mé-lah liân-soah hip ê chiân-kéng siòng-phìⁿ kah pōe-kéng siòng-phìⁿ tàu-chò-hóe ê cho͘-ha̍p iáⁿ-siōng.

[KIP] I-tá-lī thinn-tíng ê Âng-sik ki̍k-kng

Tsa̋ng-mê tē-pîng-suànn tíng-kuân huat âng-kng ê sī siánn m̄ih? Sī ki̍k-kng lah! Lán ê Thài-iông tsuè-kīn sī ti̍k-pia̍t ua̍h-thiàu-thiàu, kuí-nā kang tsîng i huat-sing piáu-bīn po̍k-huat, phùn-tshut tsi̍t-tuā-tui tiān-tsú, kng-tsú, kah tuā tsit-liōng tsah-tiān guân-tsú-hi̍k. Ji̍t-bián bu̍t-tsit phùn-siā ē khu-tōng Tē-kiû ê ki̍k-kng, tse lán tsai-iánn thong-siông sī huat-sing tī Tē-kiû Pak-puànn-kiû khah uá lâm-pōo ê sóo-tsāi. Kí-lē kóng, tse-sī thâu-tsi̍t-pái thian-bûn liap-iánn-su tī in tau I-tá-lī hip-tio̍h ki̍k-kng. Jî-tshiánn, tsiok tsē ki̍k-kng iánn-siōng ê sik-kng, si̍t-tsāi sī âng kah. Tsit-tiunn iánn-siōng ê tsiân-kíng-tī I-tá-lī tsit-pîng ê Alps suann ê Comelico Superiore tsng-thâu, thinn-tíng koh-ū uì tò-pîng ē-kha peh--khí-lâi ê Gîn-hô-hē tiong-ng tuà. M̄-koh siōng khip-ín lâng ê á-sī siōng tsiànn-pîng ê âng-sik ki̍k-kng. Tsit-tiunn siòng-phìnn sī tī kāng tsi̍t-ê tē-tiám iōng kāng tsi̍t tâi kha-mé-lah liân-suah hip ê tsiân-kíng siòng-phìnn kah puē-kíng siòng-phìnn tàu-tsò-hué ê tsoo-ha̍p iánn-siōng.

[English] Red Aurora over Italy

What was that red glow on the horizon last night? Aurora. Our unusually active Sun produced a surface explosion a few days ago that sent out a burst of electrons, protons, and more massive charged nuclei. This coronal mass ejection (CME) triggered auroras here on Earth that are being reported unusually far south in Earth's northern hemisphere. For example, this was the first time that the astrophotographer captured aurora from her home country of Italy. Additionally, many images from these auroras appear quite red in color. In the featured image, the town of Comelico Superiore in the Italian Alps is visible in the foreground, with the central band of our Milky Way galaxy seen rising from the lower left. What draws the eye the most, though, is the bright red aurora on the far right. The featured image is a composite with the foreground and background images taken consecutively with the same camera and from the same location.


日冕物質噴射Ji̍t-bián Bu̍t-chit Phùn-chhut Sū-kiāⁿJi̍t-bián Bu̍t-tsit Phùn-tshut Sū-kiānn日冕物質拋射coronal mass ejection (CME)
紮電原子核chah-tiān goân-chú-he̍ktsah-tiān guân-tsú-hi̍k帶電原子核charged nuclei
銀河系Gîn-hô-hēGîn-hô-hē銀河系Milky Way galaxy
中央帶tiong-ng-tòationg-ng-tuà中央帶central band

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昨昏 ê 圖:挪威天頂 ê 極光生物 明仔載 ê 圖:那捲踅那走過去 ê 火星風沙暴