

探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 天爐座星系團

南半球 ê 天爐座星系團 是離咱上倚 ê 星系團之一,會按呢號名只是因為大部份星系攏會當 tī 天爐 方向揣著。 天爐座 tī 差不多 6200 萬光年遠 ê 所在,比咱 ê 厝邊 仙女座星系 較遠 20 外倍,伊比成員數量較濟 ê 室女座星系團 才遠 10 葩爾爾。 Tī 這个 3 度闊 ê 視野內底,差不多每一个黃色光點攏是天爐座星系團內底 ê 長株圓星系。 長株圓星系 NGC 1399 kah NGC 1404 是下底中央彼个星系團內底上光、上主要 ê 成員。 正爿頂懸彼个引人注目 ê 大型棍螺仔星系 NGC 1365,嘛是天爐座星系團內底上主要 ê 成員之一。

[POJ] Thian-lô͘-chō Seng-hē-thoân

Lâm-pòaⁿ-kiû ê Thian-lô͘-chō seng-hē-thoân sī lī lán siōng óa ê seng-hē-thoân chi-it, ē án-ne hō-miâ chí-sī in-ūi tōa-pō͘-hūn seng-hē lóng ē-tàng tī Thian-lô͘-chō hong-hiòng chhōe-tio̍h. Thian-lô͘-chō tī chha-put-to 6200 bān kng-nî hn̄g ê só͘-chāi, pí lán ê chhù-piⁿ seng-hē Sian-lú-chō Seng-hē khah hn̄g 20 gōa pōe, i pí sêng-oân sò͘-liōng khah chē ê Sek-lú-chō Seng-hē-thoân chiah hn̄g 10 pha niā-niā. Tī chit-ê 3 tō͘ khoah ê sī-iá lāi-té, chha-put-to múi chi̍t-ê n̂g-sek kng-tiám lóng sī Thian-lô͘-chō seng-hē-thoân lāi-té ê tn̂g-tu-îⁿ seng-hē. Tn̂g-tu-îⁿ seng-hē NGC 1399 kah NGC 1404 sī ē-té tiong-ng hit-ê seng-hē-thoân lāi-té siōng kng, siōng chú-iàu ê sêng-oân. Chiàⁿ-pêng téng-koân hit-ê ín-lâng-chù-bo̍k ê tōa-hêng kùn-lê-á seng-hē NGC 1365, mā-sī Thian-lô͘-chō Seng-hē-thoân lāi-té siōng chú-iàu ê sêng-oân chi-it.

[KIP] Thian-lôo-tsō Sing-hē-thuân

Lâm-puànn-kiû ê Thian-lôo-tsō sing-hē-thuân sī lī lán siōng uá ê sing-hē-thuân tsi-it, ē án-ne hō-miâ tsí-sī in-uī tuā-pōo-hūn sing-hē lóng ē-tàng tī Thian-lôo-tsō hong-hiòng tshuē-tio̍h. Thian-lôo-tsō tī tsha-put-to 6200 bān kng-nî hn̄g ê sóo-tsāi, pí lán ê tshù-pinn sing-hē Sian-lú-tsō sing-hē khah hn̄g 20 guā puē, i pí sîng-uân sòo-liōng khah tsē ê Sik-lú-tsō Sing-hē-thuân tsiah hn̄g 10 pha niā-niā. Tī tsit-ê 3 tōo khuah ê sī-iá lāi-té, tsha-put-to muí tsi̍t-ê n̂g-sik kng-tiám lóng sī Thian-lôo-tsō sing-hē-thuân lāi-té ê tn̂g-tu-înn sing-hē. Tn̂g-tu-înn sing-hē NGC 1399 kah NGC 1404 sī ē-té tiong-ng hit-ê sing-hē-thuân lāi-té siōng kng, siōng tsú-iàu ê sîng-uân. Tsiànn-pîng tíng-kuân hit-ê ín-lâng-tsù-bo̍k ê tuā-hîng kùn-lê-á sing-hē NGC 1365, mā-sī Thian-lôo-tsō sing-hē-thuân lāi-té siōng tsú-iàu ê sîng-uân tsi-it.

[English] The Fornax Cluster of Galaxies

Named for the southern constellation toward which most of its galaxies can be found, the Fornax Cluster is one of the closest clusters of galaxies. About 62 million light-years away, it's over 20 times more distant than our neighboring Andromeda Galaxy, but only about 10 percent farther along than the better known and more populated Virgo Galaxy Cluster. Seen across this three degree wide field-of-view, almost every yellowish splotch on the image is an elliptical galaxy in the Fornax cluster. Elliptical galaxies NGC 1399 and NGC 1404 are the dominant, bright cluster members toward the bottom center. A standout, large barred spiral galaxy, NGC 1365, is visible on the upper right as a prominent Fornax cluster member.


天爐座星系團Thian-lô͘-chō Seng-hē-thoânThian-lôo-tsō Sing-hē-thuân天爐座星系團Fornax Cluster of Galaxies
仙女座星系Sian-lú-chō Seng-hēSian-lú-tsō Sing-hē仙女座星系Andromeda Galaxy
室女座星系團Sek-lú-chō Seng-hē-thoânSik-lú-tsō Sing-hē-thuân室女座星系團Virgo Galaxy Cluster
長株圓星系tn̂g-tu-îⁿ seng-hētn̂g-tu-înn sing-hē橢圓星系elliptical galaxy
棍螺仔星系kùn-lê-á seng-hēkùn-lê-á sing-hē棒旋星系barred spiral galaxy
NGC 1399NGC it-sam-kiú-kiúNGC it-sam-kiú-kiúNGC 1399NGC 1399
NGC 1404NGC it-sù-khòng-sùNGC it-sù-khòng-sùNGC 1404NGC 1404
NGC 1365NGC it-sam-lio̍k-ngó͘NGC it-sam-lio̍k-ngóoNGC 1365NGC 1365

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