Arp 87:Hubble 翕--ê 合併星系


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] Arp 87:Hubble 翕--ê 合併星系

這是死亡之舞。 2 个大型星系 leh 相戰,in 之間有一條由恆星、氣體、塗粉組成、搝甲長長長 ê 宇宙橋,有 7 萬 5000 光年 長。 宇宙橋本身就是一个強烈 ê 證據,表示講這 2 个大型星系進前捌 行相倚。 In ê 引力互相影響,產生 激烈 ê 引潮力。 另外一个證據是,正爿 ê 正向捲螺仔星系,嘛叫做 NGC 3808A,有足濟 ùi 爆發性恆星形成活動中生出來 ê 少年藍色星團。 倒爿彼个扭曲 ê 側向星系 NGC 3808B,去予 星系橋 ê 物質包起來,成做一个奇妙 ê 極環。 這 2 个星系成做一个系統,就叫做 Arp 87。 這款交互作用延續幾若十億年,一直 互相迵過來迵過去,落尾會合併做一个星系。 雖罔講 這款景色 實在是足特別--ê,毋過星系合併是足四常 ê 現象,Arp 87 就代表 這个過程 ê 其中一个階段。 Arp 87 這雙 leh 跳舞 ê 星系,差不多 tī 獅仔座 方向 3 億 光年 遠 ê 所在。 上倒爿彼个 顯目 ê 側向捲螺仔星系 是一个較遠 ê 背景星系,伊無參與這場星系合併活動。

[POJ] Arp 87: Hubble hip--ê ha̍p-pèng seng-hē

Che-sī sí-bông chi bú. 2 ê tōa-hêng seng-hē leh sio-chiàn, in chi-kan ū chi̍t tiâu iû hêng-chheⁿ, khì-thé, thô͘-hún cho͘-sêng, giú kah tn̂g-tn̂g-tn̂g ê ú-tiū-kiô, ū 7 bān 5000 kng-nî tn̂g. Ú-tiū-kiô pún-sin to̍h-sī chi̍t-ê kiông-lia̍t ê chèng-kù, piáu-sī kóng che 2 ê tōa-hêng seng-hē chìn-chêng bat kiâⁿ sio-óa. In ê ín-le̍k hō͘-siong éng-hióng, sán-seng kek-lia̍t ê ín-tiau-le̍k. Lēng-gōa chi̍t-ê chèng-kù sī, chiàⁿ-pêng ê chiàⁿ-hiàⁿ kńg-lê-á seng-hē, mā kiò-chò NGC 3808A, ū chiok chē ùi po̍k-hoat-sèng hêng-chheⁿ hêng-sêng oa̍h-tāng tiong seⁿ--chhut-lâi ê siàu-liân nâ-sek seng-thoân. Tò-pêng hit-ê niú-khiok ê chhek-hiòng seng-hē NGC 3808B, khì hō͘ seng-hē-kiô ê bu̍t-chit pau--khí-lâi, chiâⁿ-chò chi̍t-ê kî-miāu ê ke̍k-khoân. Che 2 ê seng-hē chiâⁿ-chò chi̍t-ê hē-thóng, tō kiò-chò Arp 87. Chit-khoán kau-hō͘-chok-iōng iân-sio̍k kúi-nā cha̍p-ek nî, it-ti̍t hō͘-siong thàng kòe-lâi thàng kòe-khì, lo̍h-bóe ē ha̍p-pèng chò chi̍t-ê seng-hē. Sui-bóng kóng chit-khoán kéng-sek si̍t-chāi sī chiok te̍k-pia̍t--ê, m̄-koh seng-hē ha̍p-pèng sī chiok sù-siông ê hiān-siōng, Arp 87 to̍h tāi-piáu chit-ê kòe-têng ê kî-tiong chi̍t-ê kai-tōaⁿ. Arp 87 chit siang leh thiàu-bú ê seng-hē, chha-put-to tī Sai-á-chō hong-hiòng 3 ek kng-nî hn̄g ê só͘-chāi. Siōng tò-pêng hit-ê hiáⁿ-ba̍k ê chhek-hiòng kńg-lê-á seng-hē sī chi̍t-ê khah hn̄g ê pōe-kéng seng-hē, i bô chham-ú chit-tiûⁿ seng-hē ha̍p-pèng oa̍h-tāng.

[KIP] Arp 87: Hubble hip--ê ha̍p-pìng sing-hē

Tse-sī sí-bông tsi bú. 2 ê tuā-hîng sing-hē leh sio-tsiàn, in tsi-kan ū tsi̍t tiâu iû hîng-tshenn, khì-thé, thôo-hún tsoo-sîng, giú kah tn̂g-tn̂g-tn̂g ê ú-tiū-kiô, ū 7 bān 5000 kng-nî tn̂g. Ú-tiū-kiô pún-sin to̍h-sī tsi̍t-ê kiông-lia̍t ê tsìng-kù, piáu-sī kóng tse 2 ê tuā-hîng sing-hē tsìn-tsîng bat kiânn sio-uá. In ê ín-li̍k hōo-siong íng-hióng, sán-sing kik-lia̍t ê ín-tiau-li̍k. Līng-guā tsi̍t-ê tsìng-kù sī, tsiànn-pîng ê tsiànn-hiànn kńg-lê-á sing-hē, mā kiò-tsò NGC 3808A, ū tsiok tsē uì po̍k-huat-sìng hîng-tshenn hîng-sîng ua̍h-tāng tiong senn--tshut-lâi ê siàu-liân nâ-sik sing-thuân. Tò-pîng hit-ê niú-khiok ê tshik-hiòng sing-hē NGC 3808B, khì hōo sing-hē-kiô ê bu̍t-tsit pau--khí-lâi, tsiânn-tsò tsi̍t-ê kî-miāu ê ki̍k-khuân. Tse 2 ê sing-hē tsiânn-tsò tsi̍t-ê hē-thóng, tō kiò-tsò Arp 87. Tsit-khuán kau-hōo-tsok-iōng iân-sio̍k kuí-nā tsa̍p-ik nî, it-ti̍t hōo-siong thàng kuè-lâi thàng kuè-khì, lo̍h-bué ē ha̍p-pìng tsò tsi̍t-ê sing-hē. Sui-bóng kóng tsit-khuán kíng-sik si̍t-tsāi sī tsiok ti̍k-pia̍t--ê, m̄-koh sing-hē ha̍p-pìng sī tsiok sù-siông ê hiān-siōng, Arp 87 to̍h tāi-piáu tsit-ê kuè-tîng ê kî-tiong tsi̍t-ê kai-tuānn. Arp 87 tsit siang leh thiàu-bú ê sing-hē, tsha-put-to tī Sai-á-tsō hong-hiòng 3 ik kng-nî hn̄g ê sóo-tsāi. Siōng tò-pîng hit-ê hiánn-ba̍k ê tshik-hiòng kńg-lê-á sing-hē sī tsi̍t-ê khah hn̄g ê puē-kíng sing-hē, i bô tsham-ú tsit-tiûnn sing-hē ha̍p-pìng ua̍h-tāng.

[English] Arp 87: Merging Galaxies from Hubble

This dance is to the death. As these two large galaxies duel, a cosmic bridge of stars, gas, and dust currently stretches over 75,000 light-years and joins them. The bridge itself is strong evidence that these two immense star systems have passed close to each other and experienced violent tides induced by mutual gravity. As further evidence, the face-on spiral galaxy on the right, also known as NGC 3808A, exhibits many young blue star clusters produced in a burst of star formation. The twisted edge-on spiral on the left (NGC 3808B) seems to be wrapped in the material bridging the galaxies and surrounded by a curious polar ring. Together, the system is known as Arp 87. While such interactions are drawn out over billions of years, repeated close passages will ultimately create one merged galaxy. Although this scenario does look unusual, galactic mergers are thought to be common, with Arp 87 representing a stage in this inevitable process. The Arp 87 dancing pair are about 300 million light-years distant toward the constellation of the Lion (Leo). The prominent edge-on spiral galaxy at the far left appears to be a more distant background galaxy and not involved in the on-going merger.


  • 【合併星系】ha̍p-pèng seng-hē/ha̍p-pìng sing-hē/合併星系/merged galaxy
  • 【星系合併】seng-hē ha̍p-pèng/sing-hē ha̍p-pìng/星系合併/galaxy merger
  • 【引潮力】ín-tiâu-le̍k/ín-tiâu-li̍k/引潮力/tidal force
  • 【正向星系】chiàⁿ-hiòng seng-hē/tsiànn-hiòng sing-hē/正向星系/face-on galaxy
  • 【側向星系】chhek-hiòng seng-hē/tshik-hiòng sing-hē/側向星系/edge-on galaxy
  • 【捲螺仔星系】kńg-lê-á seng-hē/kńg-lê-á sing-hē/螺旋星系/spiral galaxy
  • 【極環】ke̍k-khoân/ki̍k-khuân/極環/polar ring
  • 【恆星形成】hêng-chheⁿ hêng-sêng/hîng-tshenn hîng-sîng/恆星形成/star formation
  • 【星團】seng-thoân/sing-thuân/星團/star cluster
  • 【獅仔座】Sai-á-chō/Sai-á-tsō/獅子座/Leo
  • 【Arp 87】Arp peh-cha̍p-chhit/Arp peh-tsa̍p-tshit/Arp 87/Arp 87
  • 【NGC 3808A】NGC sam-pat-khòng-pat A/NGC sam-pat-khòng-pat A/NGC 3808A/NGC 3808A
  • 【NGC 3808B】NGC sam-pat-khòng-pat B/NGC sam-pat-khòng-pat B/NGC 3808B/NGC 3808B

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