01. October 2023
沙漠天頂 ê 日食

探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4。
- 原始文章:A Desert Eclipse
- 影像來源 kah 版權:Maxime Daviron
- 台文翻譯:An-Li Tsai (NSYSU)
[漢羅] 沙漠天頂 ê 日食
看火環日食上好 ê 所在可能是 tī 沙漠。 因為沙漠內底會閘著咱 ê 雲 kah 樹仔攏較少。 所以有一陣攝影師,為著欲翕出現 tī 天頂 這个特別日食 ê 清楚影像,in 就 tī 2019 年 12 月底 ê 時陣,去到 阿拉伯聯合大公國 ê Rub al-Khali 沙漠,這是世界上大片 ê 沙漠。 這个 火環日食 就是日環食,是 月球 行到伊踅 地球 ê 長株圓軌道離地球較遠 ê 所在,予伊 ê 視寸尺看起來傷細粒,按呢伊就無法度 kā 規粒日頭 閘去。 日環食 ê 食甚階段,日頭上外沿就會 ùi 月娘上外沿走出來,月娘看起來就親像是 giōng 欲 kā 日頭規粒閘去 ê 大烏斑。 攝影師知影講,這个特別 ê 日食,會 tī 日出了後無偌久 就來到食甚 ê 階段。 等 in 揣著 焦燥拋荒 ê 所在,就開始翕相。 結果 上趣味 ê 日食影像,是 前景有一欉樹仔。 因為比起 沙崙,樹仔閣較會當予這个超現實 ê 背景提供現實、比例尺、kah 材質 ê 對照。 Tiàm 北美洲 kah 南美洲 狹狹 ê 日食帶內底 ê 人,tī 10 月 14 拜六這工,天氣若是袂䆀,就會 tī 天頂看著新 ê 火環 日食。
[POJ] Soa-bo̍k thiⁿ-téng ê Ji̍t-si̍t
Khòaⁿ hóe-khoân ji̍t-si̍t siōng-hó ê só͘-chāi khó-lêng sī tī soa-bo̍k. In-ūi soa-bo̍k lāi-té ē cha̍h-tio̍h lán ê hûn kah chhiū-á lóng khah chió. Só͘-í ū chi̍t-tīn liap-iáⁿ-su, ūi tio̍h-beh hip chhut-hiān tī thiⁿ-téng chit-ê te̍k-pa̍t ji̍t-si̍t ê chheng-chhó iáⁿ-siōng, in to̍h tī 2019 nî 12 goe̍h-té ê sî-chūn, khì-kàu A-lá-pek Liân-ha̍p Tāi-kong-kok ê Rub al Khali soa-bo̍k, che-sī sè-kài siōng tōa-phìⁿ ê soa-bo̍k. Chit-ê hóe-khoân to̍h sī ji̍t-khoân-si̍t, sī Goe̍h-kiû kiâⁿ kàu i se̍h Tē-kiû ê tn̂g-tu-îⁿ kúi-tō lī Tē-kiû khah hn̄g ê só͘-chāi, hō͘ i ê sī-chhùn-chhioh khòaⁿ--khí-lâi siuⁿ sè-lia̍p, án-ne i to̍h bô-hoat-tō͘ kā kui-lia̍p ji̍t-thâu cha̍h khì. Ji̍t-khoân-si̍t ê si̍t-sīm kai-tōaⁿ, ji̍t-thâu siōng gōa-iân to̍h ē ùi goe̍h-niû siōng gōa-iân cháu--chhut-lâi, goe̍h-niû khòaⁿ--khí-lâi to̍h chhin-chhiūⁿ sī giōng beh kā ji̍t-thâu kui-lia̍p cha̍h khì ê tōa o͘-pan. liap-iáⁿ-su chai-iáⁿ kóng,chit-ê te̍k pa̍t-ê ji̍t-si̍t,ē tī ji̍t-chhut liáu-āu bô-gōa-kú tō lâi-kàu chia̍h sīm ê kai-tōaⁿ. Tán in chhōe-tio̍h ta-sò pha-hng ê só͘-chāi, to̍h khai-sí hip-siòng. Kiat-kó siōng chhù-bī ê ji̍t-si̍t iáⁿ-siōng, sī chiân-kéng ū chi̍t-châng chhiū-á. In-ūi pí-khí soa-lūn, chhiū-á koh-khah ē-tàng hō͘ chit-ê chhiau-hiān-si̍t ê pōe-kéng thê-kiong hiān-si̍t, pí-lē-chhioh, kah châi-chit ê tùi-chiàu. Tiàm Pak-bí-chiu kah Lâm-bí-chiu e̍h-e̍h ê ji̍t-si̍t-tòa lāi-té ê lâng, tī 10 goe̍h 14 pài-la̍k chit kang, thiⁿ-khì nā-sī bē-bái, to̍h ē tī thiⁿ-téng khòaⁿ-tio̍h sin ê hóe-khoân ji̍t-si̍t.
[KIP] Sua-bo̍k thinn-tíng ê Ji̍t-si̍t
Khuànn hué-khuân ji̍t-si̍t siōng-hó ê sóo-tsāi khó-lîng sī tī sua-bo̍k. In-uī sua-bo̍k lāi-té ē tsa̍h-tio̍h lán ê hûn kah tshiū-á lóng khah tsió. Sóo-í ū tsi̍t-tīn liap-iánn-su, uī tio̍h-beh hip tshut-hiān tī thinn-tíng tsit-ê ti̍k-pa̍t ji̍t-si̍t ê tshing-tshó iánn-siōng, in to̍h tī 2019 nî 12 gue̍h-té ê sî-tsūn, khì-kàu A-lá-pik Liân-ha̍p Tāi-kong-kok ê Rub al Khali sua-bo̍k, tse-sī sè-kài siōng tuā-phìnn ê sua-bo̍k. Tsit-ê hué-khuân to̍h sī ji̍t-khuân-si̍t, sī Gue̍h-kiû kiânn kàu i se̍h Tē-kiû ê tn̂g-tu-înn kuí-tō lī Tē-kiû khah hn̄g ê sóo-tsāi, hōo i ê sī-tshùn-tshioh khuànn--khí-lâi siunn sè-lia̍p, án-ne i to̍h bô-huat-tōo kā kui-lia̍p ji̍t-thâu tsa̍h khì. Ji̍t-khuân-si̍t ê si̍t-sīm kai-tuānn, ji̍t-thâu siōng guā-iân to̍h ē uì gue̍h-niû siōng guā-iân tsáu--tshut-lâi, gue̍h-niû khuànn--khí-lâi to̍h tshin-tshiūnn sī giōng beh kā ji̍t-thâu kui-lia̍p tsa̍h khì ê tuā oo-pan. liap-iánn-su tsai-iánn kóng,tsit-ê ti̍k pa̍t-ê ji̍t-si̍t,ē tī ji̍t-tshut liáu-āu bô-guā-kú tō lâi-kàu tsia̍h sīm ê kai-tuānn. Tán in tshuē-tio̍h ta-sò pha-hng ê sóo-tsāi, to̍h khai-sí hip-siòng. Kiat-kó siōng tshù-bī ê ji̍t-si̍t iánn-siōng, sī tsiân-kíng ū tsi̍t-tsâng tshiū-á. In-uī pí-khí sua-lūn, tshiū-á koh-khah ē-tàng hōo tsit-ê tshiau-hiān-si̍t ê puē-kíng thê-kiong hiān-si̍t, pí-lē-tshioh, kah tsâi-tsit ê tuì-tsiàu. Tiàm Pak-bí-tsiu kah Lâm-bí-tsiu e̍h-e̍h ê ji̍t-si̍t-tuà lāi-té ê lâng, tī 10 gue̍h 14 pài-la̍k chit kang, thinn-khì nā-sī bē-bái, to̍h ē tī thinn-tíng khuànn-tio̍h sin ê hué-khuân ji̍t-si̍t.
[English] A Desert Eclipse
A good place to see a ring-of-fire eclipse, it seemed, would be from a desert. In a desert, there should be relatively few obscuring clouds and trees. Therefore late December of 2019, a group of photographers traveled to the United Arab Emirates and Rub al-Khali, the largest continuous sand desert in world, to capture clear images of an unusual eclipse that would be passing over. A ring-of-fire eclipse is an annular eclipse that occurs when the Moon is far enough away on its elliptical orbit around the Earth so that it appears too small, angularly, to cover the entire Sun. At the maximum of an annular eclipse, the edges of the Sun can be seen all around the edges of the Moon, so that the Moon appears to be a dark spot that covers most -- but not all -- of the Sun. This particular eclipse, they knew, would peak soon after sunrise. After seeking out such a dry and barren place, it turned out that some of the most interesting eclipse images actually included a tree in the foreground, because, in addition to the sand dunes, the tree gave the surreal background a contrasting sense of normalcy, scale, and texture. On Saturday, October 14, a new ring of fire will be visible through clear skies from a thin swath crossing both North and South America.
漢羅 | POJ | KIP | 華語 | English |
火環日食 | hóe-khoân ji̍t-si̍t | hué-khuân ji̍t-si̍t | 火環日食 | ring-of-fire eclipse |
日環食 | ji̍t-khoân-si̍t | ji̍t-khuân-si̍t | 日環食 | annular eclipse |
長株圓軌道 | tn̂g-tu-îⁿ kúi-tō | tn̂g-tu-înn kuí-tō | 橢圓軌道 | elliptical orbit |
食甚 | si̍t-sīm | si̍t-sīm | 食甚 | the maximum of an eclipse |
日食帶 | ji̍t-si̍t-tòa | ji̍t-si̍t-tuà | 日食帶 | thin swath of eclipse |
沙崙 | soa-lūn | sua-lūn | 沙丘 | dune |
阿拉伯聯合大公國 | A-lá-pek Liân-ha̍p Tāi-kong-kok | A-lá-pik Liân-ha̍p Tāi-kong-kok | 阿拉伯聯合大公國 | United Arab Emirates |
視寸尺 | sī-chhùn-chhioh | sī-tshùn-tshioh | 視尺寸 | angular size |