星系團 Abell 370 kah 伊後壁 ê 天體


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 星系團 Abell 370 kah 伊後壁 ê 天體

這張速翕是 Hubble 太空望遠鏡 翕--ê 40 億光年遠 ê 大質量星系團 Abell 370。 這个星系團上顯目--ê 是 2 个巨型長株圓星系 kah 滿四界 ê 光弧。 實際上,這寡較暗--ê、四散--ê 藍色光弧,kah 影像中央下底 kah 倒爿 彼寡 足明顯 ê 龍形光弧,攏是 Abell 370 後壁 ê 星系。 In ê 距離是 2 倍遠。 本來看袂著 ê 光,這馬是去予星系團內底 以 超大質量 ê 烏暗物質 主導 ê 重力 kā 加強、扭曲去。 這款效應就叫做重力透鏡,會當提供線索,予咱會當 影--著 早期宇宙 ê 星系。 這款扭曲 時空 ê 結果,就是 愛因斯坦 100 冬前預測 ê 重力 透鏡 效應。 相片內底 ê 光針,是 銀河內底 ê 前景星。 正爿下跤 tī 這寡恆星後壁--ê,是 Abell 370,就 tī 海怪星座,海翁座 ê 方向遐。 伊是 Frontier Fields 計畫內底欲翕--ê 6 个星系團內底 上尾一个。

[POJ] Seng-hē-thoân Abell 370 kah I āu-piah ê Thian-thé

Chit-tiuⁿ sok-hip sī Hubble Thài-khong Bōng-oán-kiàⁿ hip--ê 40 ek kng-nî hn̄g ê tōa chit-liōng seng-hē-thoân Abell 370. Chit-ê seng-hē-thoân siōng hiáⁿ-ba̍k--ê sī 2 ê kū-hêng tn̂g-tu-îⁿ seng-hē kah móa-sì-kè ê kng-hô͘. Si̍t-chè-siōng, chit kóa khah àm--ê, sì-sóaⁿ--ê nâ-sek kng-hô͘, kah iáⁿ-siōng tiong-ng ē-té kah tò-pêng hit-kóa chiok bêng-hián ê liông-hêng kng-hô͘, lóng sī Abell 370 āu-piah ê seng-hē. In ê kū-lī sī 2 pōe hn̄g. Pún-lâi khòaⁿ bē-tio̍h ê kng, chit-má sī khì hō͘ seng-hē-thoân lāi-té í chhiau-tōa chit-liōng ê o͘-àm bu̍t-chit chú-tō ê tiōng-le̍k kā ka-kiông, niú-khiok khì. Chit-khoán hāu-èng to̍h kiò-chò tiōng-le̍k thàu-kiàⁿ, ē-tàng thê-kiong sòaⁿ-soh, hō͘ lán ē-tàng iáⁿ--tio̍h chá-kî ú-tiū ê seng-hē. Chit-khoán niú-khiok sî-khong ê kiat-kó, to̍h-sī Ài-in-su-thán 100 tang chêng ū-chhek ê tiōng-le̍k thàu-kiàⁿ hāu-èng. Siòng-phìⁿ lāi-té ê kng-chiam, sī Gîn-hô lāi-té ê chiân-kéng chheⁿ. Chiàⁿ-pêng ē-kha tī chit kóa hêng-chheⁿ āu-piah--ê, sī Abell 370, to̍h tī hái-koài seng-chō, Hái-ang-chō ê hong-hiòng hiah. I sī Frontier Fields kè-ōe lāi-té beh hip--ê 6 ê seng-hē-thoân lāi-té siōng-bóe chi̍t-ê.

[KIP] Sing-hē-thuân Abell 370 kah I āu-piah ê Thian-thé

Tsit-tiunn sok-hip sī Hubble Thài-khong Bōng-uán-kiànn hip--ê 40 ik kng-nî hn̄g ê tuā tsit-liōng sing-hē-thuân Abell 370. Tsit-ê sing-hē-thuân siōng hiánn-ba̍k--ê sī 2 ê kū-hîng tn̂g-tu-înn sing-hē kah muá-sì-kè ê kng-hôo. Si̍t-tsè-siōng, tsit kuá khah àm--ê, sì-suánn--ê nâ-sik kng-hôo, kah iánn-siōng tiong-ng ē-té kah tò-pîng hit-kuá tsiok bîng-hián ê liông-hîng kng-hôo, lóng sī Abell 370 āu-piah ê sing-hē. In ê kū-lī sī 2 puē hn̄g. Pún-lâi khuànn bē-tio̍h ê kng, tsit-má sī khì hōo sing-hē-thuân lāi-té í tshiau-tuā tsit-liōng ê oo-àm bu̍t-tsit tsú-tō ê tiōng-li̍k kā ka-kiông, niú-khiok khì. Tsit-khuán hāu-ìng to̍h kiò-tsò tiōng-li̍k thàu-kiànn, ē-tàng thê-kiong suànn-soh, hōo lán ē-tàng iánn--tio̍h tsá-kî ú-tiū ê sing-hē. Tsit-khuán niú-khiok sî-khong ê kiat-kó, to̍h-sī Ài-in-su-thán 100 tang tsîng ū-tshik ê tiōng-li̍k thàu-kiànn hāu-ìng. Siòng-phìnn lāi-té ê kng-tsiam, sī Gîn-hô lāi-té ê tsiân-kíng tshenn. Tsiànn-pîng ē-kha tī tsit kuá hîng-tshenn āu-piah--ê, sī Abell 370, to̍h tī hái-kuài sing-tsō, Hái-ang-tsō ê hong-hiòng hiah. I sī Frontier Fields kè-uē lāi-té beh hip--ê 6 ê sing-hē-thuân lāi-té siōng-bué tsi̍t-ê.

[English] Galaxy Cluster Abell 370 and Beyond

Some 4 billion light-years away, massive galaxy cluster Abell 370 is captured in this sharp Hubble Space Telescope snapshot. The cluster of galaxies only appears to be dominated by two giant elliptical galaxies and infested with faint arcs. In reality, the fainter, scattered bluish arcs, along with the dramatic dragon arc below and left of center, are images of galaxies that lie far beyond Abell 370. About twice as distant, their otherwise undetected light is magnified and distorted by the cluster's enormous gravitational mass, overwhelmingly dominated by unseen dark matter. Providing a tantalizing glimpse of galaxies in the early universe, the effect is known as gravitational lensing. A consequence of warped spacetime, lensing was predicted by Einstein almost a century ago. Far beyond the spiky foreground Milky Way star at lower right, Abell 370 is seen toward the constellation Cetus, the Sea Monster. It was the last of six galaxy clusters imaged in the Frontier Fields project.


星系團seng-hē-thoânsing-hē-thuân星系團galaxy cluster
Abell 370Abell sam-chhi̍t-khòngAbell sam-tshi̍t-khòngAbell 370Abell 370
長株圓星系tn̂g-tu-îⁿ seng-hētn̂g-tu-înn sing-hē橢圓星系elliptical galaxies
烏暗物質o͘-àm bu̍t-chitoo-àm bu̍t-tsit暗物質dark matter
重力透鏡效應tiōng-le̍k thàu-kiàⁿ hāu-èngtiōng-li̍k thàu-kiànn hāu-ìng重力透鏡效應gravitational lensing effect

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