冥王星 ê 北部


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 冥王星 ê 北部

這張加強對比 ê 彩色影像,是冥王星 ê 北部。 咱斟酌來看 伊北部 堅凍 ê 坑谷 。 提來 建構影像 ê 資料是 ùi 2015 年 7 月 新視野號太空船 來–ê。 彼陣是伊頭一擺飛過 這粒 離太陽 60 億公里遠 ê 冥王星。 這區 這馬叫做 Lowell Regio 區,這个名是 ùi Percival Lowell 來–ê,伊是 起 Lowell 天文台 ê 人。 Lowell 上有名 ê 代誌,就是 推測 火星頂懸有運河。 伊開始搜揣火星頂懸 ê 運河,落尾 Clyde Tombaugh 煞 tī 1930 年 ê 時陣,發現冥王星。 這張冥王星影像 ê 北極 是 tī 中央倒爿頂懸。 倒爿淺藍色 ê 坑谷,差不多有 70 公里闊,直直迵 tùi 南方去。 黃色是較懸 ê 所在。 新視野號 ê 測量結果 決定講,除了窒素冰以外,Lowell Regio 區 閣有足濟甲烷冰。 是講,冥王星 ê 名 是 太陽系內底,唯一一粒由 11 歲 chău 囡仔號名–ê。

[POJ] Bêng-ông-chheⁿ ê Pak-pō͘

Chit-tiuⁿ ka-kiông tùi-pí ê chhái-sek iáⁿ-siōng, sī Bêng-ông-chheⁿ ê pak-pō͘. Lán chim-chiok lâi-khòaⁿ i pak-pō͘ kian-tàng ê kheⁿ-kok. The̍h-lâi kiàn-kò͘ iáⁿ-siōng ê chu-liāu sī ùi 2015 nî 7 goe̍h Sin Sī-iá-hō Thài-khong-chûn lâi–ê. Hit-chūn sī i thâu-chi̍t-pái poe-kòe chit lia̍p lī Thài-iông 60 ek kong-lí hn̄g ê Bêng-ông-chheⁿ. Chit khu chit-má kiò-chò Lowell Regio khu, chit-ê miâ sī ùi Percival Lowell lâi–ê, i sī khí Lowell thian-bûn-tâi ê lâng. Lowell siōng ū-miâ ê tāi-chì, tio̍h-sī thui-chhek Hóe-chheⁿ téng-koân ū ūn-hô. I khai-sí chhiau-chhōe hóe-chheⁿ téng-koân ê ūn-hô, lo̍h-bóe Clyde Tombaugh soah tī 1930 nî ê sî-chūn, hoat-hiān Bêng-ông-chheⁿ. Chit-tiuⁿ Bêng-ông-chheⁿ iáⁿ-siōng ê pak-ke̍k sī tī tiong-ng tò-pêng téng-koân. Tò-pêng chhián-nâ-sek ê kheⁿ-kok, chha-put-to ū 70 kong-lí khoah, ti̍t-ti̍t thàng tùi lâm-hong khì. N̂g-sek sī khah koân ê só͘-chāi. Sin Sī-iá-hō ê chhek-liông kiat-kó koat-tēng kóng, tû-liáu chit-sò͘-peng í-gōa, Lowell Regio khu koh-ū chiok chē Kah-oân-peng. Sī-kóng, Bêng-ông-chheⁿ ê miâ sī Thài-iông-hē lāi-té, ûi-it chi̍t-lia̍p hō͘ 11 hòe cha̋u-gín-á hō-miâ–ê.

[KIP] Bîng-ông-tshenn ê Pak-pōo

Tsit-tiunn ka-kiông tuì-pí ê tshái-sik iánn-siōng, sī Bîng-ông-tshenn ê pak-pōo. Lán tsim-tsiok lâi-khuànn i pak-pōo kian-tàng ê khenn-kok. The̍h-lâi kiàn-kòo iánn-siōng ê tsu-liāu sī uì 2015 nî 7 gue̍h Sin Sī-iá-hō Thài-khong-tsûn lâi–ê. Hit-tsūn sī i thâu-tsi̍t-pái pue-kuè tsit lia̍p lī Thài-iông 60 ik kong-lí hn̄g ê Bîng-ông-tshenn. Tsit khu tsit-má kiò-tsò Lowell Regio khu, tsit-ê miâ sī uì Percival Lowell lâi–ê, i sī khí Lowell thian-bûn-tâi ê lâng. Lowell siōng ū-miâ ê tāi-tsì, tio̍h-sī thui-tshik Hué-tshenn tíng-kuân ū ūn-hô. I khai-sí tshiau-tshuē hué-tshenn tíng-kuân ê ūn-hô, lo̍h-bué Clyde Tombaugh suah tī 1930 nî ê sî-tsūn, huat-hiān Bîng-ông-tshenn. Tsit-tiunn Bîng-ông-tshenn iánn-siōng ê pak-ki̍k sī tī tiong-ng tò-pîng tíng-kuân. Tò-pîng tshián-nâ-sik ê khenn-kok, tsha-put-to ū 70 kong-lí khuah, ti̍t-ti̍t thàng tuì lâm-hong khì. N̂g-sik sī khah kuân ê sóo-tsāi. Sin Sī-iá-hō ê tshik-liông kiat-kó kuat-tīng kóng, tû-liáu tsit-sòo-ping í-guā, Lowell Regio khu koh-ū tsiok tsē Kah-uân-ping. Sī-kóng, Bîng-ông-tshenn ê miâ sī Thài-iông-hē lāi-té, uî-it tsi̍t-lia̍p hōo 11 huè tsa̋u-gín-á hō-miâ–ê.

[English] Northern Pluto

Gaze across the frozen canyons of northern Pluto in this contrast enhanced color scene. The image data used to construct it was acquired in July 2015 by the New Horizons spacecraft as it made the first reconnaissance flight through the remote Pluto system six billion kilometers from the Sun. Now known as Lowell Regio, the region was named for Percival Lowell, founder of the Lowell Observatory. Also famous for his speculation that there were canals on Mars, Lowell started the search that ultimately led to Pluto’s discovery in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh. In this frame Pluto’s North Pole is above and left of center. The pale bluish floor of the broad canyon on the left is about 70 kilometers (45 miles) wide, running vertically toward the south. Higher elevations take on a yellowish hue. New Horizon’s measurements were used to determine that in addition to nitrogen ice, methane ice is abundant across Lowell Regio. So far, Pluto is the only Solar System world named by an 11-year-old girl.


  • 【冥王星】Bêng-ông-chheⁿ/Bîng-ông-tshenn/冥王星/Pluto
  • 【坑谷】kheⁿ-kok/khenn-kok/峽谷/canyons
  • 【新視野號太空船】Sin Sī-iá-hō Thài-khong-chûn/Sin Sī-iá-hō Thài-khong-tsûn/新視野號太空船/New Horizon spacecraft
  • 【窒素冰】chit-sò͘-peng/tsit-sòo-ping/氮冰/nitrogen ice
  • 【甲烷冰】kah-oân-peng/kah-oân-peng/甲烷冰/methane ice
  • 【火星】Hóe-chheⁿ/Hué-tshenn/火星/Mars
  • 【運河】ūn-hô/ūn-hô/運河/canal
  • 【北極】pak-ke̍k/pak-ki̍k/北極/North Pole

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