29. July 2023
阿波羅 11 號:有去予日光照著

探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4。
- 原始文章:Apollo 11: Catching Some Sun
- 影像來源:Apollo 11, NASA (影像掃描:Kipp Teague)
- 台文翻譯:An-Li Tsai (NCU)
[漢羅] 阿波羅 11 號:有去予日光照著
月球頂懸 ê 日光是足光--ê,才會 tī 月球表面 產生這个長長烏烏 ê 烏影。 這是 54 年前,1969 年 7 月 20 彼陣,阿波羅 11 號 ê 太空人 Neil Armstrong 翕--ê,伊是頭一个行 tī 月球表面 ê 人。 相片翕著--ê 是 登月任務 ê 登月小艇,鴟鴞號,kah 穿太空衫 ê 登月小艇 飛行員 Buzz Aldrin。 Aldrin 當 leh kā 一張 長長 ê 紙箔拍開,目的是欲做 太陽風成份實驗。 這張紙箔面對太陽,按呢會當掠著 太陽風向外口流出來 ê 粒子,提著太陽本身 ê 物質標本。 太陽風收集器 會 kah 月球頂懸 ê 岩石 kah 月球塗肉標本 做伙送轉來地球 ê 實驗室做分析。
[POJ] A-pho-lô 11 hō: Ū khì hō͘ Ji̍t-kng chiò--tio̍h
Goe̍h-kiû téng-koân ê ji̍t-kng sī chiok kng--ê, chiah-ē tī Goe̍h-kiû piáu-bīn sán-seng chit-ê tn̂g-tn̂g o͘-o͘ ê o͘-iáⁿ. Che-sī 54 nî-chêng, 1969 nî 7 goe̍h 20 hit-chūn, A-pho-lô 11 hō ê thài-khong-jîn Neil Armstrong hip--ê, i sī thâu-chi̍t-ê kiâⁿ tī Goe̍h-kiû piáu-bīn ê lâng. Siòng-phìⁿ hip--tio̍h--ê sī teng-goe̍h jīm-bū ê teng-goe̍h sió-théng, Ba̍h-hio̍h-hō, kah chhēng thài-khong-saⁿ ê teng-goe̍h sió-théng hui-hêng-oân Buzz Aldrin. Aldrin tng leh kā chi̍t-tiuⁿ tn̂g-tn̂g ê chóa-po̍h phah-khui, bo̍k-te̍k sī beh chò Thài-iông-hong Sêng-hūn Si̍t-giām. Chit-tiuⁿ chóa-po̍h bīn-tùi Thài-iông, án-ne ē-tàng lia̍h-tio̍h Thài-iông-hong hiòng gōa-kháu lâu--chhut-lâi ê lia̍p-chú, the̍h-tio̍h Thài-iông pún-sin ê bu̍t-chit piau-pún. Thài-iâng-hong Siu-chi̍p-khì ē kah Goe̍h-kiû téng-koân ê gâm-chio̍h kah Goe̍h-kiû thô͘-bah piau-pún chò-hóe sàng tńg-lâi Tē-kiû ê si̍t-giām-sek chò hun-sek.
[KIP] A-pho-lô 11 hō: Ū khì hō͘ Ji̍t-kng tsiò--tio̍h
Gue̍h-kiû tíng-kuân ê ji̍t-kng sī tsiok kng--ê, tsiah-ē tī Gue̍h-kiû piáu-bīn sán-sing tsit-ê tn̂g-tn̂g oo-oo ê oo-iánn. Tse-sī 54 nî-tsîng, 1969 nî 7 gue̍h 20 hit-tsūn, A-pho-lô 11 hō ê thài-khong-jîn Neil Armstrong hip--ê, i sī thâu-tsi̍t-ê kiânn tī Gue̍h-kiû piáu-bīn ê lâng. Siòng-phìnn hip--tio̍h--ê sī ting-gue̍h jīm-bū ê ting-gue̍h sió-thíng, Ba̍h-hio̍h-hō, kah tshīng thài-khong-sann ê ting-gue̍h sió-thíng hui-hîng-uân Buzz Aldrin. Aldrin tng leh kā tsi̍t-tiunn tn̂g-tn̂g ê tsuá-po̍h phah-khui, bo̍k-ti̍k sī beh tsò Thài-iông-hong Sîng-hūn Si̍t-giām. Tsit-tiunn tsuá-po̍h bīn-tuì Thài-iông, án-ne ē-tàng lia̍h-tio̍h Thài-iông-hong hiòng guā-kháu lâu--tshut-lâi ê lia̍p-tsú, the̍h-tio̍h Thài-iông pún-sin ê bu̍t-tsit piau-pún. Thài-iâng-hong Siu-tsi̍p-khì ē kah Gue̍h-kiû tíng-kuân ê gâm-tsio̍h kah Gue̍h-kiû thôo-bah piau-pún tsò-hué sàng tńg-lâi Tē-kiû ê si̍t-giām-sik tsò hun-sik.
[English] Apollo 11: Catching Some Sun
Bright sunlight glints as long dark shadows mark this image of the surface of the Moon. It was taken fifty-four years ago, July 20, 1969, by Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first to walk on the lunar surface. Pictured is the mission's lunar module, the Eagle, and spacesuited lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin. Aldrin is unfurling a long sheet of foil also known as the Solar Wind Composition Experiment. Exposed facing the Sun, the foil trapped particles streaming outward in the solar wind, catching a sample of material from the Sun itself. Along with moon rocks and lunar soil samples, the solar wind collector was returned for analysis in earthbound laboratories.
漢羅 | POJ | KIP | 華語 | English |
阿波羅 11 號 | A-pho-lô cha̍p-it hō | A-pho-lô tsa̍p-it hō | 阿波羅 11 號 | Apollo 11 |
登月任務 | teng-goe̍h jīm-bū | ting-gue̍h jīm-bū | 登月任務 | lunar mission |
登月小艇 | teng-goe̍h sió-théng | ting-gue̍h sió-thíng | 登月小艇 | lunar module |
鴟鴞號 | Ba̍h-hio̍h-hō | Ba̍h-hio̍h-hō | 鷹號 | the Eagle |
太空人 | thài-khong-jîn | thài-khong-jîn | 太空人 | astronaut |
太空衫 | thài-khong-saⁿ | thài-khong-sann | 太空衣 | spacesuite |
飛行員 | hui-hêng-oân | hui-hîng-uân | 飛行員 | pilot |
紙箔 | chóa-po̍h | tsuá-po̍h | 箔片 | foil |
太陽風成份實驗 | Thài-iông Sêng-hūn Si̍t-giām | Thài-iông Sîng-hūn Si̍t-giām | 太陽風成份實驗 | the Solar Wind Composition Experiment |
太陽風收集器 | Thài-iông-hong Siu-chi̍p-khì | Thài-iông-hong Siu-tsi̍p-khì | 太陽風收集器 | solar wind collector |