IC 4628:九節蝦星雲


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] IC 4628:九節蝦星雲

心宿二 ê 南方,厚星雲 ê 天蠍座 尾溜,有一个 發射星雲 IC 4628。 這个星雲就 tī 幾若百萬粒 高溫、大質量 少年恆星邊仔。 看袂著 ê 紫外光 kā 星雲照甲 kā 原子內底 ê 電子激發出來。 電子落尾會 kah 原子重新組合,產生 看會著 ê 星雲光,這主要是發生 tī 水素原子 ê 反應,會發出紅色 ê 發射線。 照估計 ê 距離 6000 光年來算,這區 差不多有 250 光年 闊,按呢是超過 3 粒月娘 tī 天頂 ê 範圍。 這个星雲嘛去予澳洲天文學家 Colin Stanley Gum編做 Gum 56,毋過愛食海產 ê 天文愛好者 tùi 這个宇宙雲 較知影 ê 名 可能是 九節蝦 星雲。 這張 優雅 ê 彩色影像 是 4 月 ê 時陣 tī 智利 ê Rio Hurtado 開幾若暗 ê 時間翕--ê 新 ê 天文相片。

[POJ] IC 4628: Káu-chat-hê seng-hûn

Tī Sim-siù-jī ê lâm-hong, kāu seng-hûn ê Thian-giat-chō bóe-liu, ū chi̍t-ê hoat-siā-seng-hûn IC 4628. Chit-ê seng-hûn to̍h tī kúi-nā pah-bān lia̍p ko-un, tōa chit-liōng siàu-liân hêng-chhiⁿ piⁿ-á. Khòaⁿ bē-tio̍h ê chí-gōa-kng kā seng-hûn chiò kah kā goân-chú lāi-té ê tiān-chú kek-hoat chhut--lâi. Tiān-chú lo̍h-bóe ē kah goân-chú tiông-sin cho͘-ha̍p, sán-seng khòaⁿ-ē-tio̍h ê seng-hûn kng, che chú-iàu sī hoat-seng tī chúi-sò͘ goân-chú ê hoán-èng, ē hoat-chhut âng-sek ê hoat-siā sòaⁿ. Chiàu kó͘-kè ê kū-lī 6000 kng-nî lâi sǹg, chit-khu chha-put-to ū 250 kng-nî khoah, án-ne sī chhiau-kòe 3 lia̍p goe̍h-niû tī thiⁿ-téng ê hoān-ûi. Chit-ê seng-hûn mā khì hō͘ Ò-chiu thian-bûn ha̍k-ka Colin Stanley Gum kā pian-chò Gum 56, m̄-koh ài-chia̍h hái-sán ê thian-bûn ài-hóⁿ-chiá tùi chit-ê ú-tiū-hûn khah chai-iáⁿ ê miâ khó-lêng sī Káu-chat-hê seng-hûn. Chit-tiuⁿ iu-ngá ê chhái-sek iáⁿ-siōng sī 4 goe̍h ê sî-chūn tī Tì-lī ê Rio Hurtado khai kúi-nā àm ê sî-kan hip--ê sin ê thian-bûn siòng-phìⁿ.

[KIP] IC 4628: Káu-tsat-hê sing-hûn

Tī Sim-siù-jī ê lâm-hong, kāu sing-hûn ê Thian-giat-tsō bué-liu, ū tsi̍t-ê huat-siā-sing-hûn IC 4628. Tsit-ê sing-hûn to̍h tī kuí-nā pah-bān lia̍p ko-un, tuā tsit-liōng siàu-liân hîng-tshinn pinn-á. Khuànn bē-tio̍h ê tsí-guā-kng kā sing-hûn tsiò kah kā guân-tsú lāi-té ê tiān-tsú kik-huat tshut--lâi. Tiān-tsú lo̍h-bué ē kah guân-tsú tiông-sin tsoo-ha̍p, sán-sing khuànn-ē-tio̍h ê sing-hûn kng, tse tsú-iàu sī huat-sing tī tsuí-sòo guân-tsú ê huán-ìng, ē huat-tshut âng-sik ê huat-siā suànn. Tsiàu kóo-kè ê kū-lī 6000 kng-nî lâi sǹg, tsit-khu tsha-put-to ū 250 kng-nî khuah, án-ne sī tshiau-kuè 3 lia̍p gue̍h-niû tī thinn-tíng ê huān-uî. Tsit-ê sing-hûn mā khì hōo Ò-tsiu thian-bûn ha̍k-ka Colin Stanley Gum kā pian-tsò Gum 56, m̄-koh ài-tsia̍h hái-sán ê thian-bûn ài-hónn-tsiá tuì tsit-ê ú-tiū-hûn khah tsai-iánn ê miâ khó-lîng sī Káu-tsat-hê sing-hûn. Tsit-tiunn iu-ngá ê tshái-sik iánn-siōng sī 4 gue̍h ê sî-tsūn tī Tì-lī ê Rio Hurtado khai kuí-nā àm ê sî-kan hip--ê sin ê thian-bûn siòng-phìnn.

[English] IC 4628: The Prawn Nebula

South of Antares, in the tail of the nebula-rich constellation Scorpius, lies emission nebula IC 4628. Nearby hot, massive stars, millions of years young, irradiate the nebula with invisible ultraviolet light, stripping electrons from atoms. The electrons eventually recombine with the atoms to produce the visible nebular glow, dominated by the red emission of hydrogen. At an estimated distance of 6,000 light-years, the region shown is about 250 light-years across, spanning over three full moons on the sky. The nebula is also cataloged as Gum 56 for Australian astronomer Colin Stanley Gum, but seafood-loving deep sky-enthusiasts might know this cosmic cloud as the Prawn Nebula). The graceful color image is a new astronomical composition taken over several nights in April from Rio Hurtado, Chile.


IC 4628IC sù-lio̍k-jī-patIC sù-lio̍k-jī-patIC 4628IC 4628
斑節蝦星雲Pan-chat-hê seng-hûnPan-tsat-hê sing-hûn斑節蝦星雲Prawn Nebula
九節蝦星雲Káu-chat-hê seng-hûnKáu-tsat-hê sing-hûn斑節蝦星雲Prawn Nebula
雷公蝦星雲Lûi-kong-hê seng-hûnLûi-kong-hê sing-hûn斑節蝦星雲Prawn Nebula
明蝦星雲Bêng-hê seng-hûnBîng-hê sing-hûn斑節蝦星雲Prawn Nebula
龜蝦星雲Ku-hê seng-hûnKu-hê sing-hûn斑節蝦星雲Prawn Nebula
發射星雲hoat-siā-seng-hûnhuat-siā-sing-hûn發射星雲emission nebula
重新組合tiông-sin cho͘-ha̍ptiông-sin tsoo-ha̍p重新組合recombine
Gum 56Gum gō͘-cha̍p-la̍kGum gōo-tsa̍p-la̍kGum 56Gum 56

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昨昏 ê 圖:鴟鴞星雲 kah 發出 X 光 ê 高溫恆星 明仔載 ê 圖:波江座內底 ê 星系對