銀河絹雲:Mandel Wilson 9


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4

[漢羅] 銀河絹雲:Mandel Wilson 9

銀河內底所有 ê 恆星 發出 ê 光,會去予 咱銀河盤頂懸 300 光年 ê 宇宙塗粉 反射。 一寡人 kā 叫做 積分通量星雲,定定會 tī 懸銀緯區 揣著這。 這款厚塗粉 ê 銀河絹雲 是足暗--ê,一般攏是 tī 銀河 ê 北極 kah 南極 較大區 ê 範圍內。 研究表示講,受著恆星光 ê 反射,塗粉雲會發出 無遐爾光 ê 紅光,這是因為 星際塗粉粒 會吸收看袂著 ê 紫外光,才閣輻射出看會著 ê 紅光。 。 這張足足足深 ê 闊幅影像,嘛有翕著銀河附近 ê 恆星 kah 遙遠 ê 背景星系,包括 探索 Mandel Wilson 9 這款較暗 ê 銀河絹雲複合體。 伊就 tī 南天 ê 天燕座 方向,tī 地球天頂是超過 3 度闊。

[POJ] Gîn-hô kìn-hûn: Mandel Wilson 9

Gîn-hô lāi-té só͘-ū ê hêng-chheⁿ hoat--chhut ê kng, ē khì hō͘ lán Gîn-hô-pôaⁿ téng-koân 300 kng-nî ê ú-tiū thô͘-hún hoán-siā. Chi̍t-kóa-lâng kā kiò-chò Chek-hun thong-liōng seng-hûn, tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ ē tī koân gîn-hūi khu chhōe-tio̍h che. Chit-khoán kāu thô͘-hún ê Gîn-hô kìn-hûn sī chiok àm--ê, it-poaⁿ lóng sī tī Gîn-hô ê pak-ke̍k kah lâm-ke̍k khah tōa khu ê hoān-ûi lāi. Gián-kiù piáu-sī kóng, siū-tio̍h hêng-chheⁿ-kng ê hoán-siā, thô͘-hún-hûn ē hoat-chhut bô hiah-nī kng ê âng-kng, che-sī in-ūi seng-chè thô͘-hún-lia̍p ē khip-siu khòaⁿ bē-tio̍h ê chí-gōa-kng, chiah koh hok-siā chhut khòaⁿ-ē-tio̍h ê âng-kng. Chit-tiuⁿ chiok-chiok-chiok chhim ê khoah-pak iáⁿ-siōng, mā ū hip-tio̍h Gîn-hô hù-kīn ê hêng-chheⁿ kah iâu-oán ê pōe-kéng seng-hē, pau-koah thàm-soh Mandel Wilson 9 chit-khoán khah àm ê Gîn-hô kìn-hûn ho̍k-ha̍p-thé. I tō tī lâm-thian ê Thian-iàn-chō hong-hiòng, tī Tē-kiû thiⁿ-téng sī chhiau-kòe 3 tō͘ khoah.

[KIP] Gîn-hô kìn-hûn: Mandel Wilson 9

Gîn-hô lāi-té sóo-ū ê hîng-tshenn huat--tshut ê kng, ē khì hōo lán Gîn-hô-puânn tíng-kuân 300 kng-nî ê ú-tiū thôo-hún huán-siā. Tsi̍t-kuá-lâng kā kiò-tsò Tsik-hun thong-liōng sing-hûn, tiānn-tiānn ē tī kuân gîn-huī khu tshuē-tio̍h tse. Tsit-khuán kāu thôo-hún ê Gîn-hô kìn-hûn sī tsiok àm--ê, it-puann lóng sī tī Gîn-hô ê pak-ki̍k kah lâm-ki̍k khah tuā khu ê huān-uî lāi. Gián-kiù piáu-sī kóng, siū-tio̍h hîng-tshenn-kng ê huán-siā, thôo-hún-hûn ē huat-tshut bô hiah-nī kng ê âng-kng, tse-sī in-uī sing-tsè thôo-hún-lia̍p ē khip-siu khuànn bē-tio̍h ê tsí-guā-kng, tsiah koh hok-siā tshut khuànn-ē-tio̍h ê âng-kng. Tsit-tiunn tsiok-tsiok-tsiok tshim ê khuah-pak iánn-siōng, mā ū hip-tio̍h Gîn-hô hù-kīn ê hîng-tshenn kah iâu-uán ê puē-kíng sing-hē, pau-kuah thàm-soh Mandel Wilson 9 tsit-khuán khah àm ê Gîn-hô kìn-hûn ho̍k-ha̍p-thé. I tō tī lâm-thian ê Thian-iàn-tsō hong-hiòng, tī Tē-kiû thinn-tíng sī tshiau-kuè 3 tōo khuah.

[English] Galactic Cirrus: Mandel Wilson 9

The combined light of stars along the Milky Way are reflected by these cosmic dust clouds that soar 300 light-years or so above the plane of our galaxy. Known to some as integrated flux nebulae and commonly found at high galactic latitudes, the dusty galactic cirrus clouds are faint. But they can be traced over large regions of the sky toward the North and South Galactic poles. Along with the reflection of starlight, studies indicate the dust clouds produce a faint reddish luminescence as interstellar dust grains convert invisible ultraviolet radiation to visible red light. Also capturing nearby Milky Way stars and distant background galaxies, this remarkably deep, wide-field image explores a complex of faint galactic cirrus known as Mandel Wilson 9. It spans over three degrees across planet Earth's skies toward the far southern constellation Apus.


銀河絹雲gîn-hô kìn-hûngîn-hô kìn-hûn銀河卷雲galactic cirrus
銀河盤Gîn-hô-pôaⁿGîn-hô-puânn銀河盤galactic disk
積分通量星雲Chek-hun thong-liōng seng-hûnTsik-hun thong-liōng sing-hûn積分通量星雲integrated flux nebulae (IFN)
星際塗粉粒seng-chè thô͘-hún-lia̍psing-tsè thôo-hún-lia̍p星際灰塵粒interstellar dust grains
銀緯gîn-hūigîn-huī銀緯galactic latitude

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