WR 134 環形星雲


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] WR 134 環形星雲

這張透過 狹頻濾鏡 翕 ê 宇宙速翕,視野範圍差不多是一粒月娘 ê 大細,就 chhāi tī 天鵝座 ê 邊界內底。 相片內底上明顯 ê 部份是這个圓箍仔形星雲 較光 ê 邊緣。 這是離子化 ê 硫磺氣體、水素氣體、kah 酸素氣體 發出 ê 光。 這个複雜 leh 發光 ê 弧形結構,是藏 tī ùi 氣體 kah 塗粉組成 ê 星際雲內底。 這个發光弧其實是氣泡 ê 一部份,嘛會使講是氣體殼 ê 一部份,伊是 Wolf-Rayet 星 WR 134 ê 恆星風 吹出來 ê 結構。 WR 134 就是相片中央 leh 發光彼粒星。 科學家估計 WR 134 差不多是 tī 6000 光年遠 ê 所在,所以這幅圖應該有超過 50 光年闊。 大質量 ê Wolf-Rayet 星 ê 外層氣體殼,會去予能量足強 ê 恆星風 kā 褪掉。 In leh 燒 核燃料 ê 速度是緊甲驚死人。 這款大質量恆星演化到上落尾,會以 壯觀 ê 超新星爆炸做結束。 這个恆星風 kah 上落尾 ê 超新星,會增加星際物質 重元素 ê 成份,這 tùi 做後一代恆星 是有足大 ê 幫贊。

[POJ] WR 134 Khoân-hêng-seng-hûn

Chit-tiuⁿ thàu-kè e̍h-pîn lū-kiàⁿ hip--ê ú-tiū sok-hip, sī-iá hoān-ûi chha-put-to sī chi̍t-lia̍p ge̍h-niû ê tōa-sòe, to̍h chhāi tī Thian-gô-chō ê pian-kài lāi-té. Siòng-phìⁿ lāi-té siōng bêng-hián ê pō͘-hūn sī chit-ê îⁿ-kho͘-á-hêng seng-hûn khah kng ê pian-iân. Che sī lī-chú-hòa ê liû-hông khì-thé, chúi-sò͘ khì-thé, kah sàng-sò͘ khì-thé hoat--chhut ê kng. Chit-ê ho̍k-cha̍p leh hoat-kng ê hô͘-hêng kiat-kò͘, sī chhàng tī ùi khì-thé kah thô͘-hún cho͘-sêng ê seng-chè-hûn lāi-té. Chit-ê hoat-kng-hô͘ kî-si̍t sī khì-phàu ê chi̍t-pō͘-hūn, mā ē-sái kóng sī khì-thé-khak ê chi̍t-pō͘-hūn, i sī Wolf-Rayet chhiⁿ WR 134 ê hêng-chhiⁿ-hong chhe--chhut-lâi ê kiat-kò͘. WR 134 to̍h sī siòng-phìⁿ tiong-ng leh hoat-kng hit-lia̍p chhiⁿ. Kho-ha̍k-ka kó͘-kè WR 134 chha-put-to sī tī 6000 kng-nî hn̄g ê só͘-chāi, só͘-í chit-pak-tô͘ èng-kai ū chhiau-kè 50 kng-nî khoah. Tōa-chit-liōng ê Wolf-Rayet chhiⁿ ê gōa-chân khì-thé-khak, ē khì hô͘ lêng-liōng chiok kiông ê hêng-chhiⁿ-hong kā thǹg-tiāu. In leh sio he̍k-jiân-liāu ê sok-tō͘ sī kín kah kiaⁿ-sí-lâng. Chit-khoán tōa-chit-liōng hêng-chhiⁿ ián-hòa kàu siōng lo̍h-bé, ē í chòng-koan ê chhiau-sin-seng po̍k-chà chòe kiat-sok. Chit-ê hêng-chhiⁿ-hong kah siōng lo̍h-bé ê chhiau-sin-seng, ē cheng-ka seng-chè-bu̍t-chit tāng-goân-sò͘ ê sêng-hūn, che tùi chòe āu chi̍t-tāi hêng-chhiⁿ sī ū chiok tōa ê pang-chān.

[KIP] WR 134 Khuân-hîng-sing-hûn

Tsit-tiunn thàu-kè e̍h-pîn lū-kiànn hip--ê ú-tiū sok-hip, sī-iá huān-uî tsha-put-to sī tsi̍t-lia̍p ge̍h-niû ê tuā-suè, to̍h tshāi tī Thian-gô-tsō ê pian-kài lāi-té. Siòng-phìnn lāi-té siōng bîng-hián ê pōo-hūn sī tsit-ê înn-khoo-á-hîng sing-hûn khah kng ê pian-iân. Tse sī lī-tsú-huà ê liû-hông khì-thé, tsuí-sòo khì-thé, kah sàng-sòo khì-thé huat--tshut ê kng. Tsit-ê ho̍k-tsa̍p leh huat-kng ê hôo-hîng kiat-kòo, sī tshàng tī uì khì-thé kah thôo-hún tsoo-sîng ê sing-tsè-hûn lāi-té. Tsit-ê huat-kng-hôo kî-si̍t sī khì-phàu ê tsi̍t-pōo-hūn, mā ē-sái kóng sī khì-thé-khak ê tsi̍t-pōo-hūn, i sī Wolf-Rayet tshinn WR 134 ê hîng-tshinn-hong tshe--tshut-lâi ê kiat-kòo. WR 134 to̍h sī siòng-phìnn tiong-ng leh huat-kng hit-lia̍p tshinn. Kho-ha̍k-ka kóo-kè WR 134 tsha-put-to sī tī 6000 kng-nî hn̄g ê sóo-tsāi, sóo-í tsit-pak-tôo ìng-kai ū tshiau-kè 50 kng-nî khuah. Tuā-tsit-liōng ê Wolf-Rayet tshinn ê guā-tsân khì-thé-khak, ē khì hôo lîng-liōng tsiok kiông ê hîng-tshinn-hong kā thǹg-tiāu. In leh sio hi̍k-jiân-liāu ê sok-tōo sī kín kah kiann-sí-lâng. Tsit-khuán tuā-tsit-liōng hîng-tshinn ián-huà kàu siōng lo̍h-bé, ē í tsòng-kuan ê tshiau-sin-sing po̍k-tsà tsuè kiat-sok. Tsit-ê hîng-tshinn-hong kah siōng lo̍h-bé ê tshiau-sin-sing, ē tsing-ka sing-tsè-bu̍t-tsit tāng-guân-sòo ê sîng-hūn, tse tuì tsuè āu tsi̍t-tāi hîng-tshinn sī ū tsiok tuā ê pang-tsān.

[English] WR 134 Ring Nebula

Made with narrowband filters, this cosmic snapshot covers a field of view about the size of the full Moon within the boundaries of the constellation Cygnus. It highlights the bright edge of a ring-like nebula traced by the glow of ionized sulfur, hydrogen, and oxygen gas. Embedded in the region's interstellar clouds of gas and dust, the complex, glowing arcs are sections of bubbles or shells of material swept up by the wind from Wolf-Rayet star WR 134, brightest star near the center of the frame. Distance estimates put WR 134 about 6,000 light-years away, making the frame over 50 light-years across. Shedding their outer envelopes in powerful stellar winds, massive Wolf-Rayet stars have burned through their nuclear fuel at a prodigious rate and end this final phase of massive star evolution in a spectacular supernova explosion. The stellar winds and final supernovae enrich the interstellar material with heavy elements to be incorporated in future generations of stars.


WR 134WR it-sam-sùWR it-sam-sùWR 134WR 134
環形星雲Khoân-hêng-seng-hûnKhuân-hîng-sing-hûn環狀星雲Ring Nebula
視野sī-iásī-iá視野field of view
星際雲seng-chè-hûnsing-tsè-hûn星際雲interstellar clouds
星際物質seng-chè-bu̍t-chitsing-tsè-bu̍t-tsit星際物質interstellar material
恆星風hêng-chhiⁿ-honghîng-tshinn-hong恆星風stellar winds
Wolf-Rayet 星Wolf-Rayet chhiⁿWolf-Rayet tshinn沃夫-瑞葉星Wolf-Rayet stars
核燃料he̍k-jiân-liāuhi̍k-jiân-liāu核燃料nuclear fuel
超新星爆炸chhiau-sin-seng po̍k-chàtshiau-sin-sing po̍k-tsà超新星爆炸supernova explosion
重元素tāng-goân-sò͘tāng-guân-sòo重元素heavy elements

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