

探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4

[漢羅] 日全食:大日冕

大部份 ê 相片攏無完整紀錄 太陽 日冕 ê 壯觀景色。 若是會當 tī 日全食 ê 時陣 親目睭看著 日冕,實在是 世界讚人類 ê 目睭 會當調整看著日冕 ê 特徵 kah 光暗 ê 範圍,一般 ê kha-mé-lah 是無法度。 好佳哉咱這馬是 數位 時代。 這幅圖是用 數位處理 ê 方式 kā 2023 年 4 月澳洲 Exmouth 翕 ê 長時間感光 kah 短時間感光 ê 日全食相片疊做伙,閣加強日冕較暗、湠開 ê 部位。 咱會當清楚看著太陽日冕 ê 高溫氣體 kah 磁場一直 leh 互相交纏、互相透濫,產生 一重一重足複雜 ê 氣體 kah 散光。 一箍一箍 ê 淺粉紅仔色日珥,就出現 tī 太陽 ê 邊緣。 相片是 tī 日全食發生進前 幾若秒 kah 過了 幾若秒翕--ê。 有翕著背景太陽 出現一目𥍉 ê Baily 珠仔 kah 璇石手指。 後擺 ê 日全食 會 tī 2024 年 4 月 ê 時陣 ùi 北美洲 行過。

[POJ] Ji̍t-choân-si̍t: Tōa Ji̍t-bián

Tōa-pō͘-hūn ê siòng-phìⁿ lóng bô oân-chéng kì-lio̍k Thài-iông ji̍t-bián ê chòng-koan kéng-sek. Nā-sī ē-tàng tī ji̍t-choân-si̍t ê sî-chūn chhin ba̍k-chiu khòaⁿ-tio̍h ji̍t-bián, si̍t-chāi sī sè-kài chán! Jîn-lūi ê ba̍k-chiu ē-tàng tiâu-chéng khòaⁿ-tio̍h ji̍t-bián ê te̍k-teng kah kng-àm ê hoān-ûi, it-poaⁿ ê kha-mé-lah sī bô-hoat-tō͘. Hó-ka-chài lán chit-má sī só͘-ūi sî-tāi. Chit-pak-tô͘ sī iōng só͘-ūi chhú-lí ê hong-sek kā 2023 nî 4 ge̍h tī Ò-chiu Exmouth hip ê tn̂g sî-kan kám-kng kah té sî-kan kám-kng ê ji̍t-choân-si̍t siòng-phìⁿ tha̍h chòe-hé, koh ka-kiông ji̍t-bián khah àm, thòaⁿ--khui ê pō͘-ūi. Lán ē-tàng chheng-chhó khòaⁿ-tio̍h Thài-iông ji̍t-bián ê ko-un khì-thé kah chû-tiûⁿ it-ti̍t leh hō͘-siong kau-tîⁿ, hō͘-siong thàu-lām, sán-seng chi̍t-têng chi̍t-têng chiok ho̍k-cha̍p ê khì-thé kah sòaⁿ-kng. Chi̍t-kho͘ chi̍t-kho͘ ê chhián hún-âng-á-sek ji̍t-ní, to̍h chhut-hiān tī Thài-iông ê pian-iân. Siòng-phìⁿ sī tī ji̍t-choân-si̍t hoat-seng chìn-chêng kúi-ā bió kah kè-liáu kúi-ā bió hip--ê. Ū hip-tio̍h pōe-kéng Thài-iông chhut-hiān chi̍t-ba̍k-nih ê Baily chu-á kah soān-chio̍h-chhiú-chí. Āu-pái ê ji̍t-choân-si̍t ē tī 2024 nî 4 ge̍h ê sî-chūn ùi Pak-bí-chiu kiâⁿ-kè.

[KIP] Ji̍t-tsuân-si̍t: Tuā Ji̍t-bián

Tuā-pōo-hūn ê siòng-phìnn lóng bô uân-tsíng kì-lio̍k Thài-iông ji̍t-bián ê tsòng-kuan kíng-sik. Nā-sī ē-tàng tī ji̍t-tsuân-si̍t ê sî-tsūn tshin ba̍k-tsiu khuànn-tio̍h ji̍t-bián, si̍t-tsāi sī sè-kài tsán! Jîn-luī ê ba̍k-tsiu ē-tàng tiâu-tsíng khuànn-tio̍h ji̍t-bián ê ti̍k-ting kah kng-àm ê huān-uî, it-puann ê kha-mé-lah sī bô-huat-tōo. Hó-ka-tsài lán tsit-má sī sóo-uī sî-tāi. Tsit-pak-tôo sī iōng sóo-uī tshú-lí ê hong-sik kā 2023 nî 4 ge̍h tī Ò-tsiu Exmouth hip ê tn̂g sî-kan kám-kng kah té sî-kan kám-kng ê ji̍t-tsuân-si̍t siòng-phìnn tha̍h tsuè-hé, koh ka-kiông ji̍t-bián khah àm, thuànn--khui ê pōo-uī. Lán ē-tàng tshing-tshó khuànn-tio̍h Thài-iông ji̍t-bián ê ko-un khì-thé kah tsû-tiûnn it-ti̍t leh hōo-siong kau-tînn, hōo-siong thàu-lām, sán-sing tsi̍t-tîng tsi̍t-tîng tsiok ho̍k-tsa̍p ê khì-thé kah suànn-kng. Tsi̍t-khoo tsi̍t-khoo ê tshián hún-âng-á-sik ji̍t-ní, to̍h tshut-hiān tī Thài-iông ê pian-iân. Siòng-phìnn sī tī ji̍t-tsuân-si̍t huat-sing tsìn-tsîng kuí-ā bió kah kè-liáu kuí-ā bió hip--ê. Ū hip-tio̍h puē-kíng Thài-iông tshut-hiān tsi̍t-ba̍k-nih ê Baily tsu-á kah suān-tsio̍h-tshiú-tsí. Āu-pái ê ji̍t-tsuân-si̍t ē tī 2024 nî 4 ge̍h ê sî-tsūn uì Pak-bí-tsiu kiânn-kè.

[English] Total Eclipse: The Big Corona

Most photographs don't adequately portray the magnificence of the Sun's corona. Seeing the corona first-hand during a total solar eclipse is unparalleled. The human eye can adapt to see coronal features and extent that average cameras usually cannot. Welcome, however, to the digital age. The featured image digitally combined short and long exposures taken in Exmouth, Australia. that were processed to highlight faint and extended features in the corona of the total solar eclipse that occurred in April of 2023. Clearly visible are intricate layers and glowing caustics of an ever changing mixture of hot gas and magnetic fields in the Sun's corona. Looping prominences appear bright pink just past the Sun's edge. Images taken seconds before and after the total eclipse show glimpses of the background Sun known as Baily's Beads and Diamond Ring. The next total solar eclipse will cross North America in April of 2024.


日全食ji̍t-choân-si̍tji̍t-tsuân-si̍t日全食total solar eclipse
磁場chû-tiûⁿtsû-tiûnn磁場magnetic fields
璇石手指soān-chio̍h-chhiú-chísuān-tsio̍h-tshiú-tsí鑽石戒指Diamond Ring
Baily 珠仔Baily chu-áBaily tsu-á貝里珠Baily's beads

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昨昏 ê 圖:M16:鴟鴞星雲 ê 深空影像 明仔載 ê 圖:太陽烏子 kah 光橋