阿波羅 17 號:月眉形 ê 地球


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4

[漢羅] 阿波羅 17 號:月眉形 ê 地球

Tī 這張 hŏng 讚嘆 ê 相片內底,咱美麗 ê 地球 tī 烏暗 ê 太空中,現出彎彎、去予太陽照著 ê 月眉形。 Ùi 這个咱無熟似 ê 角度來看,地球是遮爾細粒,就親像是一張 遙遠行星 ê 望遠鏡影像。 規个地平線攏出現 tī 視野內底。 Kah 地球較近距離 ê 影像,愛 tī 低地球軌道才有機會看著,所以國際太空站 頂懸 ê 太空人 實在是真享受。 太空站 90 分鐘踅地球一輾,壯觀 ê 雲、海洋、陸地就 tī 下底咧絞,遠方閣有月眉形 ê 地球邊緣 tī 遐。 是講 這張數位修復相片 ê 景色,到今為止干焦 24 个人類看過,就是 1968 年 到 1972 年期間,阿波羅太空人 往回月球 ê 時陣看著 ê 景色。 原始相片 AS17-152-23420 是阿波羅 17 號欲轉來地球 ê 太空人 tī 1972 年 12 月 17 翕--ê。 目前,這是 人類 ùi 行星 ê 角度翕 ê 上尾一張地球相片。

[POJ] A-pho-lô 17 hō: Ge̍h-bâi-hêng ê Tē-kiû

Tī chit-tiuⁿ hŏng chàn-thàn ê siòng-phìⁿ lāi-té, lán bí-lē ê Tē-kiû tī o͘-àm ê thài-khong tiong, hiàn-chhut oan-oan, khì hō͘ Thài-iông chiò--tio̍h ê ge̍h-bâi-hêng. Ùi chit-ê lán bô se̍k-sāi ê kak-tō͘ lâi khòaⁿ, Tē-kiû sī chiah-nī sè-lia̍p, to̍h chhin-chhiūⁿ sī chi̍t-tiuⁿ iâu-oán kiâⁿ-chheⁿ ê bōng-oán-kiàⁿ iáⁿ-siōng. Kui-ê tē-pêng-sòaⁿ lóng chhut-hiān tī sī-iá lāi-té. Kah Tē-kiû khah kīn kū-lī ê iáⁿ-siōng, ài tī kē Tē-kiû kúi-tō chiah ū ki-hōe khòaⁿ--tio̍h, só͘-í Kok-chè-thài-khong-chām téng-koân ê thài-khong-jîn si̍t-chāi sī chin hiáng-siū. Thài-khong-chām 90 hun-chú se̍h Tē-kiû chi̍t-liàn, chòng-koan ê hûn, Hái-iûⁿ, lio̍k-tē to̍h tī ē-té leh ká, oán-hong koh ū ge̍h-bâi-hêng ê Tē-kiû pian-iân tī hiah. Sī-kóng chit-tiuⁿ só͘-ūi siu-ho̍k siòng-phìⁿ ê kéng-sek, kàu taⁿ ūi-chhiⁿ kan-na 24 ê jîn-lūi khòaⁿ--kè, to̍h sī 1968 nî kàu 1972 nî kî-kan, A-pho-lô thài-khong-jîn óng-hôe Ge̍h-kiû ê sî-chūn khòaⁿ--tio̍h ê kéng-sek. Goân-sú siòng-phìⁿ AS17-152-23420 sī A-pho-lô 17 hō beh tńg-lâi Tē-kiû ê thài-khong-jîn tī 1972 nî 12 ge̍h 17 hip--ê. Bo̍k-chêng, che sī jîn-lūi ùi kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ ê kak-tō͘ hip ê siōng-bé chi̍t-tiuⁿ Tē-kiû siòng-phìⁿ.

[KIP] A-pho-lô 17 hō: Ge̍h-bâi-hîng ê Tē-kiû

Tī tsit-tiunn hŏng tsàn-thàn ê siòng-phìnn lāi-té, lán bí-lē ê Tē-kiû tī oo-àm ê thài-khong tiong, hiàn-tshut uan-uan, khì hōo Thài-iông tsiò--tio̍h ê ge̍h-bâi-hîng. Uì tsit-ê lán bô si̍k-sāi ê kak-tōo lâi khuànn, Tē-kiû sī tsiah-nī sè-lia̍p, to̍h tshin-tshiūnn sī tsi̍t-tiunn iâu-uán kiânn-tshenn ê bōng-uán-kiànn iánn-siōng. Kui-ê tē-pîng-suànn lóng tshut-hiān tī sī-iá lāi-té. Kah Tē-kiû khah kīn kū-lī ê iánn-siōng, ài tī kē Tē-kiû kuí-tō tsiah ū ki-huē khuànn--tio̍h, sóo-í Kok-tsè-thài-khong-tsām tíng-kuân ê thài-khong-jîn si̍t-tsāi sī tsin hiáng-siū. Thài-khong-tsām 90 hun-tsú se̍h Tē-kiû tsi̍t-liàn, tsòng-kuan ê hûn, Hái-iûnn, lio̍k-tē to̍h tī ē-té leh ká, uán-hong koh ū ge̍h-bâi-hîng ê Tē-kiû pian-iân tī hiah. Sī-kóng tsit-tiunn sóo-uī siu-ho̍k siòng-phìnn ê kíng-sik, kàu tann uī-tshinn kan-na 24 ê jîn-luī khuànn--kè, to̍h sī 1968 nî kàu 1972 nî kî-kan, A-pho-lô thài-khong-jîn óng-huê Ge̍h-kiû ê sî-tsūn khuànn--tio̍h ê kíng-sik. Guân-sú siòng-phìnn AS17-152-23420 sī A-pho-lô 17 hō beh tńg-lâi Tē-kiû ê thài-khong-jîn tī 1972 nî 12 ge̍h 17 hip--ê. Bo̍k-tsîng, tse sī jîn-luī uì kiânn-tshinn ê kak-tōo hip ê siōng-bé tsi̍t-tiunn Tē-kiû siòng-phìnn.

[English] Apollo 17: The Crescent Earth

Our fair planet sports a curved, sunlit crescent against the black backdrop of space in this stunning photograph. From the unfamiliar perspective, the Earth is small and, like a telescopic image of a distant planet, the entire horizon is completely within the field of view. Enjoyed by crews on board the International Space Station, only much closer views of the planet are possible from low Earth orbit. Orbiting the planet once every 90 minutes, a spectacle of clouds, oceans, and continents scrolls beneath them with the partial arc of the planet's edge in the distance. But this digitally restored image presents a view so far only achieved by 24 humans, Apollo astronauts who traveled to the Moon and back again between 1968 and 1972. The original photograph, AS17-152-23420, was taken by the homeward bound crew of Apollo 17, on December 17, 1972. For now it is the last picture of Earth from this planetary perspective taken by human hands.


國際太空站Kok-chè-thài-khong-chāmKok-tsè-thài-khong-tsām國際太空站the International Space Station
視野sī-iásī-iá視野the field of view
阿波羅 17 號A-pho-lô cha̍p-chhit hōA-pho-lô tsa̍p-tshit hō阿波羅 17 號Apollo 17
AS17-152-23420AS it-chhit it-ngó͘-jī jī-sam-sù-jī-khòngAS it-tshit it-ngóo-jī jī-sam-sù-jī-khòngAS17-152-23420AS17-152-23420

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