春分時 ê 羽蛇神金字塔


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 春分時 ê 羽蛇神金字塔

欲看著 瑪雅 ê 羽蛇 peh 落去 金字塔,你就愛 tī 著--ê 時間去看。 Tī 春分 前後 去 墨西哥 Yucatán 半島 ê El Castillo 參觀是上好 ê 時間。 欲暗彼陣,天氣若是袂䆀,金字塔 ê 烏影會成做三角形,而且會做伙合做一个幻影,就親像是 毒蛇咧爬。 這个 hŏng 印象足深 ê 樓梯金字塔,嘛叫做 Kukulkan 廟。 伊 ê 底座有 30 公尺懸,55 公尺闊。 這是 9 世紀 到 12 世紀 之間 ê 前 Columbu 文明起--ê 一層一層 ê 四角露台。 這个結構 會當用踮曆法,而且因為伊會當做 天文應用,所以嘛足有名--ê。 這張合成相片是 2019 年翕--ê。 有翕著 木星、土星 tī 天頂 迒過咱 銀河系 ê 中央帶。 明仔載又閣拄著 春分 矣! 毋但 tī Kukulkan 廟是,地球其他所在 嘛是。

[POJ] Chhun-hun-sî ê Ú-siâ-sîn Kim-jī-thah

Beh khòaⁿ-tio̍h Má-ngá ê Ú-siâ peh lo̍h-khì kim-jī-thah, lí to̍h-ài tī tio̍h--ê sî-kan khì khòaⁿ. Tī Chhun-hun chêng-āu khì Be̍k-se-ko Yucatán poàn-tó ê El Castillo chham-koan sī siōng-hó ê sî-kan. Beh àm hit-chūn, thiⁿ-khì nā-sī bē-bái, kim-jī-thah ê o͘-iáⁿ ē chiâⁿ-chò saⁿ-kak-hêng, jî-chhiáⁿ ē chò-hóe ha̍p-chò chi̍t-ê hoàn-iáⁿ, tō chhin-chhiūⁿ sī to̍k-chôa teh pê. Chit-ê hőng ìn-siōng chiok chhim ê lâu-thui kim-jī-thah, mā kiò-chò Kukulkan biō. I ê té-chō ū 30 kong-chhioh koân, 55 kong-chhioh khoah. Che-sī 9 sè-kí kàu 12 sè-kí chi-kan ê chêng Columbu bûn-bêng khí--ê chi̍t-chân-chi̍t-chân ê sì-kak lō͘-tâi. Chit-ê kiat-kò͘ ē-tàng iōng tiàm le̍k-hoat, jî-chhiáⁿ in-ūi i ē-tàng chò thian-bûn èng-iōng, só͘-í mā chiok ū-miâ--ê. Chit-tiuⁿ ha̍p-sêng siòng-phìⁿ sī 2019 nî hip--ê. Ū hip-tio̍h Bo̍k-chheⁿ, Thó͘-chheⁿ tī thiⁿ-téng hāⁿ-kòe lán Gîn-hô-hē ê tiong-iong-tòa. Bîn-á-chài iū-koh sī Chhun-hun ah! Bîn-á-chài iū-koh tú-tio̍h Chhun-hun ah! M̄-nā tī Kukulkan biō sī, Tē-kiû kî-thaⁿ só͘-chāi mā-sī.

[KIP] Tshun-hun-sî ê Ú-siâ-sîn Kim-jī-thah

Beh khuànn-tio̍h Má-ngá ê Ú-siâ peh lo̍h-khì kim-jī-thah, lí to̍h-ài tī tio̍h--ê sî-kan khì khuànn. Tī Tshun-hun tsîng-āu khì Bi̍k-se-ko Yucatán puàn-tó ê El Castillo tsham-kuan sī siōng-hó ê sî-kan. Beh àm hit-tsūn, thinn-khì nā-sī bē-bái, kim-jī-thah ê oo-iánn ē tsiânn-tsò sann-kak-hîng, jî-tshiánn ē tsò-hué ha̍p-tsò tsi̍t-ê huàn-iánn, tō tshin-tshiūnn sī to̍k-tsuâ teh pê. Tsit-ê hőng ìn-siōng tsiok tshim ê lâu-thui kim-jī-thah, mā kiò-tsò Kukulkan biō. I ê té-tsō ū 30 kong-tshioh kuân, 55 kong-tshioh khuah. Tse-sī 9 sè-kí kàu 12 sè-kí tsi-kan ê tsîng Columbu bûn-bîng khí--ê tsi̍t-tsân-tsi̍t-tsân ê sì-kak lōo-tâi. Tsit-ê kiat-kòo ē-tàng iōng tiàm li̍k-huat, jî-tshiánn in-uī i ē-tàng tsò thian-bûn ìng-iōng, sóo-í mā tsiok ū-miâ--ê. Tsit-tiunn ha̍p-sîng siòng-phìnn sī 2019 nî hip--ê. Ū hip-tio̍h Bo̍k-tshenn, Thóo-tshenn tī thinn-tíng hānn-kuè lán Gîn-hô-hē ê tiong-iong-tuà. Bîn-á-tsài iū-koh sī Tshun-hun ah! Bîn-á-tsài iū-koh tú-tio̍h Tshun-hun ah! M̄-nā tī Kukulkan biō sī, Tē-kiû kî-thann sóo-tsāi mā-sī.

[English] Equinox at the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent

To see the feathered serpent descend the Mayan pyramid requires exquisite timing. You must visit El Castillo -- in Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula -- near an equinox. Then, during the late afternoon if the sky is clear, the pyramid's own shadows create triangles that merge into the famous illusion of a slithering viper. Also known as the Temple of Kukulkan, the impressive step-pyramid stands 30 meters tall and 55 meters wide at the base. Built up as a series of square terraces by the pre-Columbian civilization between the 9th and 12th century, the structure can be used as a calendar and is noted for astronomical alignments. The featured composite image was captured in 2019 with Jupiter and Saturn straddling the diagonal central band of our Milky Way galaxy. Tomorrow marks another equinox -- not only at Temple of Kukulcán, but all over planet Earth.


春分chhun-huntshun-hun春分sprint equinox
羽蛇神金字塔Ú-siâ-sîn Kim-jī-thahÚ-siâ-sîn Kim-jī-thah羽蛇神金字塔the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent
四角露台sī-kak lō͘-tâisī-kak lōo-tâi方形平台square terraces
銀河系Gîn-hô-hēGîn-hô-hē銀河系Milky Way galaxy
中央帶tiong-ng-tòationg-ng-tuà中央帶central band

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