Tī 德國天頂 ê 木金合相


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4

[漢羅] Tī 德國天頂 ê 木金合相

這个天景真適合提來介紹予囡仔知影。 這個月初,夜空中上光 ê 兩粒行星,木星 kah 金星,行到 合相 ê 位置。 這 兩粒行星 行上倚 ê 時陣,tī 天頂 ê 角距離才一粒 月娘 大爾爾。 這个 奇景 發生 tī 日落了後無偌久,毋管你是 tī 地球 佗位攏有法度翕著。 這張 影像 是兩粒行星 tī 天頂行到上倚 ê 時陣 tī 德國 Wiltingen 翕--ê,而且閣有翕著天文攝影師 in 某 kah 伊兩个囝。 是講 kah 木星比起來,金星 其實是較倚 太陽 kah 地球。 咱 tī 地球看著金星 kah 木星相倚,只是視覺上 角度 ê 關係。 木星 kah 金星 tī 天頂上倚 ê 時陣已經過矣,這馬 in 兩粒是愈來愈遠矣。 毋過像這款 行星合相 ê 機會 猶閣會出現。 比論講,閣過幾若個月,火星 kah 金星 會 tī 日落了後做伙出現 tī 天頂仝一个方位。

[POJ] Tī Tek-kok thiⁿ-téng ê Bo̍k Kim Ha̍p-siòng

Chit ê thian-kéng chit sek-ha̍p the̍h-lâi kài-siāu hō͘ gín-á chai-iáⁿ. Chit kò goe̍h-chhe, iā-khong tiong siōng kng ê nn̄g lia̍p kiâⁿ-chheⁿ, Bo̍k-chheⁿ kah Kim-chheⁿ, kiâⁿ kàu ha̍p-siòng ê ūi-tì. Chit nn̄g lia̍p kiâⁿ-chheⁿ kiâⁿ siōng óa ê sî-chūn, tī thiⁿ-téng ê kak-kū-lī chiah chi̍t lia̍p goe̍h-niû tōa niā-niā. Chit ê kî-kéng hoat-seng tī ji̍t-lo̍h liáu-āu bô gōa-kú, m̄-koán lí sī tī Tē-kiû toh-ūi lóng ū hoat-tō͘ hip tio̍h. Chit tiuⁿ iáⁿ-siōng sī nn̄g lia̍p kiâⁿ-chheⁿ tī thiⁿ-téng kiâⁿ kàu siōng óa ê sî-chūn tī Tek-kok Wiltingen hip--ê, jî-chhiáⁿ koh ū hip-tio̍h thian-bûn liap-iáⁿ-su in bó͘ kah i nn̄g ê kiáⁿ. Sī kóng kah Bo̍k-chheⁿ pí--khí-lâi, Kim-chheⁿ kî-si̍t sī khah óa Thài-iông kah Tē-kiû. Lán tī Tē-kiû khòaⁿ-tio̍h Kim-chheⁿ kah Bo̍k-chheⁿ sio-óa, chí-sī sī-kak siōng kak-tō͘ ê koan-hē. Bo̍k-chheⁿ kah Kim-chheⁿ tī thiⁿ-téng siōng óa ê sî-chūn í-keng kòe--ah, chit-má in nn̄g lia̍p sī lú lâi lú hn̄g. M̄-koh chhiūⁿ chit-khoán kiâⁿ-chheⁿ ha̍p-siòng ê ki-hōe iáu koh ē chhut-hiān. Pí-lūn kóng, koh kòe kúi-ā kò goe̍h, Hóe-chheⁿ kah Kim-chheⁿ ē tī ji̍t-lo̍h liáu-āu chòe-hóe chhut-hiān tī thiⁿ-téng kāng chi̍t ê hong-ūi.

[KIP] Tī Tik-kok thinn-tíng ê Bo̍k Kim Ha̍p-siòng

Tsit ê thian-kíng tsit sik-ha̍p the̍h-lâi kài-siāu hōo gín-á tsai-iánn. Tsit kò gue̍h-tshe, iā-khong tiong siōng kng ê nn̄g lia̍p kiânn-tshenn, Bo̍k-tshenn kah Kim-tshenn, kiânn kàu ha̍p-siòng ê uī-tì. Tsit nn̄g lia̍p kiânn-tshenn kiânn siōng uá ê sî-tsūn, tī thinn-tíng ê kak-kū-lī tsiah tsi̍t lia̍p gue̍h-niû tuā niā-niā. Tsit ê kî-kíng huat-sing tī ji̍t-lo̍h liáu-āu bô guā-kú, m̄-kuán lí sī tī Tē-kiû toh-uī lóng ū huat-tōo hip tio̍h. Tsit tiunn iánn-siōng sī nn̄g lia̍p kiânn-tshenn tī thinn-tíng kiânn kàu siōng uá ê sî-tsūn tī Tik-kok Wiltingen hip--ê, jî-tshiánn koh ū hip-tio̍h thian-bûn liap-iánn-su in bóo kah i nn̄g ê kiánn. Sī kóng kah Bo̍k-tshenn pí--khí-lâi, Kim-tshenn kî-si̍t sī khah uá Thài-iông kah Tē-kiû. Lán tī Tē-kiû khuànn-tio̍h Kim-tshenn kah Bo̍k-tshenn sio-uá, tsí-sī sī-kak siōng kak-tōo ê kuan-hē. Bo̍k-tshenn kah Kim-tshenn tī thinn-tíng siōng uá ê sî-tsūn í-king kuè--ah, tsit-má in nn̄g lia̍p sī lú lâi lú hn̄g. M̄-koh tshiūnn tsit-khuán kiânn-tshenn ha̍p-siòng ê ki-huē iáu koh ē tshut-hiān. Pí-lūn kóng, koh kuè kuí-ā kò gue̍h, Hué-tshenn kah Kim-tshenn ē tī ji̍t-lo̍h liáu-āu tsuè-hué tshut-hiān tī thinn-tíng kāng tsi̍t ê hong-uī.

[English] Jupiter and Venus Converge over Germany

This was a sky to show the kids. Early this month the two brightest planets in the night sky, Jupiter and Venus, appeared to converge. At their closest, the two planets were separated by only about the angular width of the full moon. The spectacle occurred just after sunset and was seen and photographed all across planet Earth. The displayed image was taken near to the time of closest approach from Wiltingen, Germany, and features the astrophotographer, spouse, and their two children. Of course, Venus remains much closer to both the Sun and the Earth than Jupiter -- the apparent closeness between the planets in the sky of Earth was only angular. Jupiter and Venus have passed and now appear increasingly far apart. Similar planetary convergence opportunities will eventually arise. In a few months, for example, Mars and Venus will appear to congregate just as the Sun sets.


行星合相kiâⁿ-chheⁿ ha̍p-siòngkiânn-tshenn ha̍p-siòng行星合相planetary convergence
木金合相Bo̍k Kim ha̍p-siòngBo̍k Kim ha̍p-siòng木金合相Jupiter and Venus Converge
角距離kak-kū-līkak-kū-lī角距離angular distance

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