ZTF 彗星 kah 火星


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4

[漢羅] ZTF 彗星 kah 火星

無啦!ZTF 彗星袂去挵著火星啦! 彗星 C/2022 E3 (ZTF 彗星) 嘛叫做青色彗星,因為伊有足光 ê 青色彗鬚。 伊前幾工才拄 ùi 這粒 較遠 ê 行星 頭前行過,毋過無 kā 閘著。 這張就差不多彼陣翕--ê。 相片內底有翕著天頂這兩粒天體,kah 地球上 ê 美麗山尖,這是 Alps 山脈 tī 意大利 足有名 ê Matterhorn 山。 前景 kah 背景攏是 tī 仝一暗、仝一台 kha-mé-lah、仝一个地點翕--ê。 彗星 青色彗鬚 ê 倒爿是 白色 ê 塗粉尾溜,頂懸是淺 藍色 ê 離子尾溜柑仔色 ê 火星 就 tī 一大陣背景星 ê 頭前,烏暗星雲 Barnard 22 就 tī 伊 ê 正爿下跤。 雖罔講咱一直到紲落來幾若個月 ê 暗暝 攏 看會著 火星,毋過 欲轉去 外 太陽系 ê ZTF 彗星 已經開始 愈來愈暗 矣。

[POJ] ZTF hūi-chhiⁿ kah Hóe-chhiⁿ

Bô--lah! ZTF hūi-chhiⁿ bē khì lòng-tio̍h Hóe-chhiⁿ--lah! Hūi-chhiⁿ C/2022 E3 (ZTF hūi-chhiⁿ) mā kiò-chò Chhiⁿ-sek hūi-chhiⁿ, in-ūi i ū chiok kng ê chhiⁿ-sek hūi-chhiu. I chêng kúi-kang chiah tú ùi chit lia̍p khah hn̄g ê kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ thâu-chêng kiâⁿ-kòe, m̄-koh bô kā cha̍h--tio̍h. Chit tiuⁿ to̍h chha-put-to hit-chūn hip--ê. Siòng-phìⁿ lāi-té ū hip-tio̍h thiⁿ-téng chit nn̄g-lia̍p thian-thé, kah Tē-kiû siōng ê bí-lē soaⁿ-chiam, che sī Alps soaⁿ-me̍h tī I-tá-lī chiok ū-miâ ê Matterhorn soaⁿ. Chiân-kéng kah pōe-kéng lóng sī tī kāng chi̍t àm, kāng chi̍t tâi kha-mé-lah, kāng chi̍t ê tē-tiám hip--ê. Hūi-chhiⁿ chhiⁿ-sek hūi-chhiu ê tò-pêng sī pe̍h-sek ê thô͘-hún-bóe-liu, téng-koân sī chhián-nâ-sek ê lī-chú-bóe-liu. Kam-á-sek ê Hóe-chhiⁿ to̍h tī chi̍t-tōa-tīn pōe-kéng-chhiⁿ ê thâu-chêng, o͘-àm-seng-hûn Barnard 22 to̍h tī i ê chiàⁿ-pêng ē-kha. Sui-bóng kóng lán it-ti̍t kàu sòa-lo̍h-lâi kúi-ā kò-goe̍h ê àm-mî lóng khòaⁿ-ē-tio̍h Hóe-chhiⁿ, m̄-koh beh tńg-khì Gōa Thài-iông-hē ê ZTF hūi-chhiⁿ í-keng khai-sí lú lâi lú àm--ah.

[KIP] ZTF huī-tshinn kah Hué-tshinn

Bô--lah! ZTF huī-tshinn bē khì lòng-tio̍h Hué-tshinn--lah! Huī-tshinn C/2022 È (ZTF huī-tshinn) mā kiò-tsò Tshinn-sik huī-tshinn, in-uī i ū tsiok kng ê tshinn-sik huī-tshiu. I tsîng kuí-kang tsiah tú uì tsit lia̍p khah hn̄g ê kiânn-tshinn thâu-tsîng kiânn-kuè, m̄-koh bô kā tsa̍h--tio̍h. Tsit tiunn to̍h tsha-put-to hit-tsūn hip--ê. Siòng-phìnn lāi-té ū hip-tio̍h thinn-tíng tsit nn̄g-lia̍p thian-thé, kah Tē-kiû siōng ê bí-lē suann-tsiam, tse sī Alps suann-me̍h tī I-tá-lī tsiok ū-miâ ê Matterhorn suann. Tsiân-kíng kah puē-kíng lóng sī tī kāng tsi̍t àm, kāng tsi̍t tâi kha-mé-lah, kāng tsi̍t ê tē-tiám hip--ê. Huī-tshinn tshinn-sik huī-tshiu ê tò-pîng sī pe̍h-sik ê thôo-hún-bué-liu, tíng-kuân sī tshián-nâ-sik ê lī-tsú-bué-liu. Kam-á-sik ê Hué-tshinn to̍h tī tsi̍t-tuā-tīn puē-kíng-tshinn ê thâu-tsîng, oo-àm-sing-hûn Barnard 22 to̍h tī i ê tsiànn-pîng ē-kha. Sui-bóng kóng lán it-ti̍t kàu suà-lo̍h-lâi kuí-ā kò-gue̍h ê àm-mî lóng khuànn-ē-tio̍h Hué-tshinn, m̄-koh beh tńg-khì Guā Thài-iông-hē ê ZTF huī-tshinn í-king khai-sí lú lâi lú àm--ah.

[English] Comet ZTF and Mars

No, Comet ZTF is not going to hit Mars. Nicknamed the Green Comet for its bright green coma, C/2022 E3 (ZTF) did, however, pass almost in front of the much-more distant planet a few days ago, very near in time to when the featured picture was taken. The two sky icons were here captured behind a famous Earth icon -- the Matterhorn, a mountain in the Italian Alps with a picturesque peak. Both the foreground and background images were taken on the same evening by the same camera and from the same location. The comet's white dust tail is visible to the right of the green coma, while the light blue ion tail trails towards the top of the image. Orange Mars is well in front of the numerous background stars as well as the dark nebula Barnard 22 to its lower right. Although Mars remains visible in the evening sky for the next few months, Comet ZTF has already begun to fade as it returns to the outer Solar System.


彗星 C/2022 E3Hūi-chhiⁿHuī-tshinn彗星 C/2022 E3Comet C/2022 E3
ZTF 彗星ZTF hūi-chhiⁿZTF huī-tshinnZTF 彗星Comet ZTF
青色彗星Chhiⁿ-sek hūi-chhiⁿTshinn-sik huī-tshinn綠色彗星the Green Comet
塗粉尾溜thô͘-hún-bóe-liuthôo-hún-bué-liu灰塵尾dust tail
離子尾溜lī-chú-bóe-liulī-tsú-bué-liu離子尾ion tail
烏暗星雲o͘-àm-seng-hûnoo-àm-sing-hûn暗星雲dark nebula
Barnard 22Barnard jī-cha̍p-jīBarnard jī-tsa̍p-jīBarnard 22Barnard 22
外太陽系Gōa Thài-iông-hēGuā Thài-iông-hē外太陽系the outer Solar System

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