美國 Nebraska 州 天頂 ê 奶仔雲


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 美國 Nebraska 州 天頂 ê 奶仔雲

雲底當時會出現這款一包一包 ê 形體? 一般來講,雲底應該是平--ê 才著。 這是因為較澹較溫暖 ê 空氣 peh 懸了後會冷卻,到某一个溫度就會 做水滴,這通常會發生 tī 足懸 ê 所在。 水滴若是 變較大滴,雲就會變無透光。 毋過 tī 一寡狀況下, 橐仔內底會有較大粒 ê 水滴 抑是 冰珠。 雲橐仔若是蒸發,in 就會落到清氣 ê 空氣內底。 這款 雲橐仔 會 tī 雷雨 附近 ê 掣流氣體內底 出現。 尤其是 日光 若是 ùi 側爿照過來,咱就會看著 足明顯 ê 奶仔雲相片內底 ê 奶仔雲 是 2004 年 6 月 tī 美國 Nebraska 州 Hastings 市 ê 天頂 翕著--ê。

[POJ] Bí-kok Nebraska chiu thiⁿ-téng ê léng-a leng-á-hûn

Hûn-té tang-sî ē chhut-hiān chit-khoán chi̍t-pau chi̍t-pau ê hêng-e-thé? It-poaⁿ kóng--lâi, hûn-té èng-khai sī pîⁿ--ê chiah tio̍h. Che sī in-ūi khah tâm khah un-loán ê khong-khì peh-koân liáu-āu ē léng-khiok, kàu bó͘ chi̍t ê un-tō͘ ē kian chò chúi-tih, che thong-siông ē hoat-seng tī chiok koân ê só͘-chāi. Chúi-tih nā-sī piàn khah tōa tih, hûn to̍h ē piàn bô thàu-kng. M̄-koh tī chi̍t-kóa chōng-hóng hā, hûn-lok-á lāi-té ē ū khah tōa lia̍p ê chúi-tih ia̍h-sī peng-chu. Hûn-lok-á nā-sī cheng-hoat, in to̍h ē lak kàu chheng-khì ê khong-khì lāi-té. Chit-khoán hûn-lok-á ē tī lûi-hō͘ hù-kīn ê chhoah-lâu khì-thé lāi-té chhut-hiān. Iû-kî sī ji̍t-kng nā-sī ùi chhek-pêng chiò--kòe-lâi, lán to̍h ē khòaⁿ-tio̍h chiok bêng-hián ê leng-á-hûn. Siòng-phìⁿ lāi-té ê leng-á-hûn sī 2004 nî 6 goe̍h tī Bí-kok Nebraska chiu Hastings chhī ê thiⁿ-téng hip-tio̍h--ê.

[KIP] Bí-kok Nebraska tsiu thinn-tíng ê líng-a ling-á-hûn

Hûn-té tang-sî ē tshut-hiān tsit-khuán tsi̍t-pau tsi̍t-pau ê hîng-e-thé? It-puann kóng--lâi, hûn-té ìng-khai sī pînn--ê tsiah tio̍h. Tse sī in-uī khah tâm khah un-luán ê khong-khì peh-kuân liáu-āu ē líng-khiok, kàu bóo tsi̍t ê un-tōo ē kian tsò tsuí-tih, tse thong-siông ē huat-sing tī tsiok kuân ê sóo-tsāi. Tsuí-tih nā-sī piàn khah tuā tih, hûn to̍h ē piàn bô thàu-kng. M̄-koh tī tsi̍t-kuá tsōng-hóng hā, hûn-lok-á lāi-té ē ū khah tuā lia̍p ê tsuí-tih ia̍h-sī ping-tsu. Hûn-lok-á nā-sī tsing-huat, in to̍h ē lak kàu tshing-khì ê khong-khì lāi-té. Tsit-khuán hûn-lok-á ē tī luî-hōo hù-kīn ê tshuah-lâu khì-thé lāi-té tshut-hiān. Iû-kî sī ji̍t-kng nā-sī uì tshik-pîng tsiò--kuè-lâi, lán to̍h ē khuànn-tio̍h tsiok bîng-hián ê ling-á-hûn. Siòng-phìnn lāi-té ê ling-á-hûn sī 2004 nî 6 gue̍h tī Bí-kok Nebraska tsiu Hastings tshī ê thinn-tíng hip-tio̍h--ê.

[English] Mammatus Clouds over Nebraska

When do cloud bottoms appear like bubbles? Normally, cloud bottoms are flat. This is because moist warm air that rises and cools will condense into water droplets at a specific temperature, which usually corresponds to a very specific height. As water droplets grow, an opaque cloud forms. Under some conditions, however, cloud pockets can develop that contain large droplets of water or ice that fall into clear air as they evaporate. Such pockets may occur in turbulent air near a thunderstorm. Resulting mammatus clouds can appear especially dramatic if sunlit from the side. The mammatus clouds pictured here were photographed over Hastings, Nebraska during 2004 June.


奶仔雲lêng-á-hûnlîng-á-hûn乳狀雲mammatus clouds
無透光bô thàu-kngbô thàu-kng不透明opaque
雲橐仔hûn-lok-áhûn-lok-á雲胞cloud pockets
冰珠peng-chuping-tsu冰粒droplet of ice

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