北極星 kah ZTF 彗星 ê 光跡


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 北極星 kah ZTF 彗星 ê 光跡

這張恆星踅天北極 ê 仝心弧 相片,是 1 月 31 tī 西班牙 Lleida 城 Àger 市 用數位相機固定 tī 三跤馬頂懸,感光三點鐘久 翕著–ê。 Tī 這工,彗星 C/2022 E3 (ZTF 彗星) 行到 地球天頂 上北爿附近。 彗星差不多行到 kah 地球天北極差 10 度遠 ê 所在,看起來就敢若 踅北極 leh 行。 只要徛 tī 地球北緯 10 度以北 ê 所在,天頂 ê 彗星就會 tī 地平線以上袂落落去。 這張星軌圖內底,地球自轉軸指向 ê 天北極,就 tī 倒爿遐。 北極星 ê 軌跡,是北極附近彼條,差無到 1 度遠、短短 ê 仝心弧。 ZTF 彗星 ê 光跡 tī 正爿,伊 ê 視運動 主要 是反應地球 ê 自轉,kah 其他恆星仝款。 伊會 tī 2 月 1 號行到離地球上倚 ê 所在。 這幾工彗星 tī 天頂 ê 運動 對 背景星來講,是有較明顯。 ZTF 彗星 ê 闊幅尾溜,差不多攏集中做一條青色 ê 光弧,kah 恆星 ê 光跡濫做伙,掃過天頂 ê 長頷頸星座,鹿豹座,抑是麒麟鹿座遐。

[POJ] Pak-ke̍k-chhiⁿ kah ZTF hūi-chhiⁿ ê kng-jiah

Chit tiuⁿ hêng-chhiⁿ se̍h Thian-pak-ke̍k ê kāng-sim-hô͘ siòng-phìⁿ, sī 1 goe̍h 31 tī Se-pan-gâ Lleida siâⁿ Àger chhī iōng só͘-ūi siòng-ki kò͘-tēng tī saⁿ-kha-bé téng-koân, kám-kng saⁿ tiám-cheng kú hip–tio̍h–ê. Tī chit kang, hūi-chhiⁿ C/2022 E3 (ZTF hūi-chhiⁿ) kiâⁿ kàu Tē-kiû thiⁿ-téng siōng pak-pêng hù-kīn. Hūi-chhiⁿ chha-put-to kiâⁿ kàu kah Tē-kiû Thian-pak-ke̍k chha 10 tō͘ hn̄g ê só͘-chāi, khòaⁿ–khí-lâi to̍h ká-ná se̍h Pak-ke̍k leh kiâⁿ. Chí-iàu khiā tī Tē-kiû pak-hūi 10 tō͘ í-pak ê só͘-chāi, thiⁿ-téng ê hūi-chhiⁿ to̍h ē tī tē-pêng-sòaⁿ í-siōng bē lak-lo̍h-khì. Chit tiuⁿ seng-kúi-tô͘ lāi-té, Tē-kiû chū-choán-te̍k chí-hiòng ê Thian-pak-ke̍k, to̍h tī tò-péng hiah. Pak-ke̍k-chhiⁿ ê kúi-jiah, sī Pak-ke̍k hù-kīn hit-tiâu, chha bô kàu 1 tō͘ hn̄g, té-té ê kāng-sim-hô͘. ZTF hūi-chhiⁿ ê kng-jiah tī chiàⁿ-pêng, i ê sī-ūn-tōng chú-iàu sī hoán-èng Tē-kiû ê chū-choán, kah kî-tha hêng-chhiⁿ kāng-khoán. I ē tī 2 goe̍h 1 hō kiâⁿ kàu lī Tē-kiû siōng óa ê só͘-chāi. Chit kúi kang hūi-chhiⁿ tī thiⁿ-téng ê ūn-tōng tùi pōe-kéng-chhiⁿ lâi kóng, sī ū khah bêng-hián. ZTF hūi-chhiⁿ ê khoah-pak bóe-liu, chha-put-to lóng chi̍p-tiong chò chi̍t tiâu chhiⁿ-sek ê kng-hô͘, kah hêng-chhiⁿ ê kng-jiah lām chò-hóe, sàu kòe thiⁿ-téng ê tn̂g ām-kún seng-chō, Lo̍k-pà-chō, ia̍h-sī Kî-lîn-lo̍k-chō hiah.

[KIP] Pak-ki̍k-tshinn kah ZTF huī-tshinn ê kng-jiah

Tsit tiunn hîng-tshinn se̍h Thian-pak-ki̍k ê kāng-sim-hôo siòng-phìnn, sī 1 gue̍h 31 tī Se-pan-gâ Lleida siânn Àger tshī iōng sóo-uī siòng-ki kòo-tīng tī sann-kha-bé tíng-kuân, kám-kng sann tiám-tsing kú hip–tio̍h–ê. Tī tsit kang, huī-tshinn C/2022 È (ZTF huī-tshinn) kiânn kàu Tē-kiû thinn-tíng siōng pak-pîng hù-kīn. Huī-tshinn tsha-put-to kiânn kàu kah Tē-kiû Thian-pak-ki̍k tsha 10 tōo hn̄g ê sóo-tsāi, khuànn–khí-lâi to̍h ká-ná se̍h Pak-ki̍k leh kiânn. Tsí-iàu khiā tī Tē-kiû pak-huī 10 tōo í-pak ê sóo-tsāi, thinn-tíng ê huī-tshinn to̍h ē tī tē-pîng-suànn í-siōng bē lak-lo̍h-khì. Tsit tiunn sing-kuí-tôo lāi-té, Tē-kiû tsū-tsuán-ti̍k tsí-hiòng ê Thian-pak-ki̍k, to̍h tī tò-píng hiah. Pak-ki̍k-tshinn ê kuí-jiah, sī Pak-ki̍k hù-kīn hit-tiâu, tsha bô kàu 1 tōo hn̄g, té-té ê kāng-sim-hôo. ZTF huī-tshinn ê kng-jiah tī tsiànn-pîng, i ê sī-ūn-tōng tsú-iàu sī huán-ìng Tē-kiû ê tsū-tsuán, kah kî-tha hîng-tshinn kāng-khuán. I ē tī 2 gue̍h 1 hō kiânn kàu lī Tē-kiû siōng uá ê sóo-tsāi. Tsit kuí kang huī-tshinn tī thinn-tíng ê ūn-tōng tuì puē-kíng-tshinn lâi kóng, sī ū khah bîng-hián. ZTF huī-tshinn ê khuah-pak bué-liu, tsha-put-to lóng tsi̍p-tiong tsò tsi̍t tiâu tshinn-sik ê kng-hôo, kah hîng-tshinn ê kng-jiah lām tsò-hué, sàu kuè thinn-tíng ê tn̂g ām-kún sing-tsō, Lo̍k-pà-tsō, ia̍h-sī Kî-lîn-lo̍k-tsō hiah.

[English] Polaris and the Trail of Comet ZTF

Stars trace concentric arcs around the North Celestial Pole in this three hour long night sky composite, recorded with a digital camera fixed to a tripod on January 31, near Àger, Lleida, Spain. On that date Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) was near its northernmost declination in planet Earth’s sky. That put the comet about 10 degrees from Earth’s North Celestial Pole making the comet’s position circumpolar, always above the horizon, from all locations on planet Earth at more than 10 degrees northern latitude. In the startrail image, the extension of Earth’s axis of rotation into space is at the left. North star Polaris traces the short, bright, concentric arc less than a degree from the North Celestial Pole. The trail of Comet ZTF is indicated at the right, its apparent motion mostly reflecting Earth’s rotation like the stars. But heading for its closest approach to planet Earth on February 1, the comet is also moving significantly with respect to the background stars. The diffuse greenish trail of Comet ZTF is an almost concentric arc mingled with startrails as it sweeps through the long-necked constellation Camelopardalis.


  • 【北極星】Pak-ke̍k-chhiⁿ/Pak-ki̍k-tshinn/北極星/North star Polaris
  • 【ZTF 彗星】ZTF hūi-chhiⁿ/ZTF huī-tshinn/ZTF 彗星/Comet ZTF
  • 【仝心弧】kāng-sim-hô͘/kāng-sim-hôo/同心弧/concentric arcs
  • 【彗星 C/2022 E3】hūi-chhiⁿ C jī-khòng-jī-jī E sam/huī-tshinn C jī-khòng-jī-jī E sam/ 彗星 C/2022 E3 / Comet C/2022 E3
  • 【天北極】Thian-pak-ke̍k/Thian-pak-ki̍k/天北極/North Celestial Pole
  • 【北緯】pak-hūi/pak-huī/北緯/northern latitude
  • 【星軌圖】seng-kúi-tô͘/sing-kuí-tôo/星軌圖/startrail image
  • 【自轉軸】chū-choán-te̍k/tsū-tsuán-ti̍k/自轉軸/axis of rotation
  • 【視運動】sī-ūn-tōng/sī-ūn-tōng/視運動/apparent motion
  • 【鹿豹座】Lo̍k-pà-chō/Lo̍k-pà-tsō/鹿豹座/Camelopardalis
  • 【麒麟鹿座】Kî-lîn-lo̍k-chō/Kî-lîn-lo̍k-tsō/長頸鹿座/Camelopardalis
  • 【自轉】chū-choán/tsū-tsuán/自轉/rotation
  • 【三跤馬】saⁿ-kha-bé/sann-kha-bé/三腳架/tripod
  • 【背景星】pōe-kéng-chhiⁿ/puē-kíng-tshinn/背景星/background star

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