冰島天頂 ê 捲螺仔極光


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4

[漢羅] 冰島天頂 ê 捲螺仔極光

這个景色可能看起來敢若是幻影,毋過伊其實是 tī 冰島。 這个叫做 Gatklettur ê 石拱門,是 tī 冰島西北爿 ê 海岸。 前景有一寡仔較大粒 ê 岩石,差不多嘛有一公尺大。 岩石下底 ê 雺霧,其實是海湧經過長時間感光了後 ê 平均運動。 這張 是 kā 舊年 11 月彼陣,用仝一台 kha-mé-lah、踮仝一个地點、佇仝一暗 翕--ê 幾若張前景 kah 背景相片組合起來 ê 影像。 會揀這个地點是因為前景媠甲親像是一幅圖。 會揀這个時間是因為背景多彩 ê 極光。 這个 tī 石拱門天頂 ê 捲螺仔極光,是天文攝影師 這世人看過上光 ê 極光。 是講,極光波 tī 這个冷吱吱 ê 暗暝咧 跳舞,已經跳幾若點鐘久矣。 按呢這个捲踅 ê 圖樣會隨無去。 遙遠 ê 天頂有足濟天星。 地球那咧自轉,這寡天星就 那踅 北極星 附近 ê 天球北極咧行。

[POJ] Peng-tó thiⁿ-téng ê Kńg-lê-á Ke̍k-kng

Chit ê kéng-sek khó-lêng khòaⁿ--khí-lâi ká-ná sī hoàn-iáⁿ, m̄-koh chiah kî-si̍t sī tī Peng-tó. Chit ê kiò-chò Gatklettur ê chio̍h-kóng-mn̂g, sī tī Peng-tó sai-pak-pêng ê hái-hōaⁿ. Chiân-kéng ū chi̍t-kóa-á khah tōa-lia̍p ê giâm-chio̍h, chha-put-to mā ū chi̍t kong-chhioh tōa. Giâm-chio̍h ē-té ê bông-bū, kî-si̍t sī hái-éng keng-kè tn̂g-sî-kan kám-kng liáu-āu ê pêng-kun ūn-tōng. Chit-tiuⁿ sī kā kū-nî 11 goe̍h hit-chūn, iōng kāng chi̍t tâi kha-mé-lah, tiàm kāng chi̍t ê tē-tiám, tī kāng chi̍t àm hip--ê kúi-ā tiuⁿ chiân-kéng kah pōe-kéng siòng-phìⁿ cho͘-ha̍p--khí-lâi ê iáⁿ-siōng. Ē kéng chit ê tē-tiám sī in-ūi chiân-kéng súi kah chhiⁿ-chhiūⁿ sī chi̍t-pak tô͘. Ē kéng chit ê sî-kan sī in-ūi pōe-kéng to-chhái ê ke̍k-kng. Chit-ê tī chio̍h-kóng-mn̂g thiⁿ-téng ê kńg-lê-á ke̍k-kng, sī thian-bûn liap-iáⁿ-su chit-sì-lâng khòaⁿ-kè siōng kng ê ke̍k-kng. Sī kóng, ke̍k-kng-pho tī chit ê léng-ki-ki ê àm-mî leh thiàu-bú, í-keng thiàu kúi-ā tiám-cheng kú ah. Án-ni chit ê kńg-se̍h ê tô͘-iūⁿ ē sûi bô--khì. Iâu-oán ê thiⁿ-téng ū chiok chōe thiⁿ-chhiⁿ. Tē-kiû ná leh chū-choán, chit-kóa thiⁿ-chhiⁿ to̍h ná se̍h Pak-ke̍k-chhiⁿ hù-kīn ê thian-kiû pak-ke̍k leh kiâⁿ.

[KIP] Ping-tó thinn-tíng ê Kńg-lê-á Ki̍k-kng

Tsit ê kíng-sik khó-lîng khuànn--khí-lâi ká-ná sī huàn-iánn, m̄-koh tsiah kî-si̍t sī tī Ping-tó. Tsit ê kiò-tsò Gatklettur ê tsio̍h-kóng-mn̂g, sī tī Ping-tó sai-pak-pîng ê hái-huānn. Tsiân-kíng ū tsi̍t-kuá-á khah tuā-lia̍p ê giâm-tsio̍h, tsha-put-to mā ū tsi̍t kong-tshioh tuā. Giâm-tsio̍h ē-té ê bông-bū, kî-si̍t sī hái-íng king-kè tn̂g-sî-kan kám-kng liáu-āu ê pîng-kun ūn-tōng. Tsit-tiunn sī kā kū-nî 11 gue̍h hit-tsūn, iōng kāng tsi̍t tâi kha-mé-lah, tiàm kāng tsi̍t ê tē-tiám, tī kāng tsi̍t àm hip--ê kuí-ā tiunn tsiân-kíng kah puē-kíng siòng-phìnn tsoo-ha̍p--khí-lâi ê iánn-siōng. Ē kíng tsit ê tē-tiám sī in-uī tsiân-kíng suí kah tshinn-tshiūnn sī tsi̍t-pak tôo. Ē kíng tsit ê sî-kan sī in-uī puē-kíng to-tshái ê ki̍k-kng. Tsit-ê tī tsio̍h-kóng-mn̂g thinn-tíng ê kńg-lê-á ki̍k-kng, sī thian-bûn liap-iánn-su tsit-sì-lâng khuànn-kè siōng kng ê ki̍k-kng. Sī kóng, ki̍k-kng-pho tī tsit ê líng-ki-ki ê àm-mî leh thiàu-bú, í-king thiàu kuí-ā tiám-tsing kú ah. Án-ni tsit ê kńg-se̍h ê tôo-iūnn ē suî bô--khì. Iâu-uán ê thinn-tíng ū tsiok tsuē thinn-tshinn. Tē-kiû ná leh tsū-tsuán, tsit-kuá thinn-tshinn to̍h ná se̍h Pak-ki̍k-tshinn hù-kīn ê thian-kiû pak-ki̍k leh kiânn.

[English] Spiral Aurora over Iceland

The scene may look like a fantasy, but it's really Iceland. The rock arch is named Gatklettur and located on the island's northwest coast. Some of the larger rocks in the foreground span a meter across. The fog over the rocks is really moving waves averaged over long exposures. The featured image is a composite of several foreground and background shots taken with the same camera and from the same location on the same night last November. The location was picked for its picturesque foreground, but the timing was planned for its colorful background: aurora. The spiral aurora, far behind the arch, was one of the brightest seen in the astrophotographer's life. The coiled pattern was fleeting, though, as auroral patterns waved and danced for hours during the cold night. Far in the background were the unchanging stars, with Earth's rotation causing them to appear to slowly circle the sky's northernmost point near Polaris.


捲螺仔極光kńg-lê-á ke̍k-kngkńg-lê-á ki̍k-kng螺旋極光spiral aurora
石拱門chio̍h-kóng-mn̂gtsio̍h-kóng-mn̂g石拱門rock arch
天球thian-kiûthian-kiû天球celestial sphere
北極pak-ke̍kpak-ki̍k北極the northernmost point

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昨昏 ê 圖:NGC 2264:圓錐星雲 明仔載 ê 圖:英仙座內底 ê 星塗