2022 年 ê 月娘時鐘


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4

[漢羅] 2022 年 ê 月娘時鐘

2023 年 ê 頭一个月圓 會出現 tī 今仔暗 23:08 UTC (世界時),kah 日頭相對 ê 位置。 這馬是伊 上光 ê 時陣,伊大閣媠,tī 天頂是足好揣--ê。 予你做一个參考,這个特別 ê 天文影像計畫,是 kā 2022 年規年 tī 斯里蘭卡翕著 ê 月圓,鬥做這張相片--ê。 2022 年這 12 粒月圓 ê 名、月份、佗一工,攏標示 tī 這張圖內底。 逐粒月圓 ê 視寸尺 kah 伊是 倚 近地點 抑是 遠地點 偌近有關係。 近地點就是月球 tī 長株圓軌道 行到離咱上倚彼點。 遠地點就是伊 tī 長株圓軌道 行到離咱上遠彼點。 像 2022 年 ê 狼月是 tī 半暝 1 點,今仔日 ê 月圓是出現 tī 遠地點附近 2 工內。 毋過 kah 2022 年無仝, 2023 年 會拄著 13 擺 ê 月圓,按呢 kah 時鐘 ê 12 點鐘就袂鬥搭矣。

[POJ] 2022 nî ê Goe̍h-niû sî-cheng

2023 nî ê thâu-chi̍t-ê goe̍h-îⁿ ē chhut-hiān tī kin-á-àm 23:08 UTC (Sè-kài-sî), kah ji̍t-thâu siong-tùi ê ūi-tì. Chit-má sī i siōng kng ê sî-chūn. I tōa koh súi, tī thiⁿ-téng sī chiok hó chhōe--ê. Hō͘ lí chòe chi̍t-ê chham-khó, chit-ê te̍k-pia̍t ê thian-bûn iáⁿ-siōng kè-ōe, sī kā 2022 nî kui-nî tī Su-lí-lân-khah hip-tio̍h ê goe̍h-îⁿ, tàu chòe chit-tiuⁿ siòng-phìⁿ--ê. 2022 nî chit 12 lia̍p goe̍h-îⁿ ê miâ, goe̍h-hūn, toh-chi̍t-kang, lóng piau-sī tī chit tiuⁿ tô͘ lāi-té. Ta̍k-lia̍p goe̍h-îⁿ ê sī-chhùn-chhioh kah i sī óa kīn-tē-tiám ia̍h-sī oán-tē-tiám gōa kīn ū koan-hē. Kīn-tē-tiám to̍h sī Goe̍h-kiû tī tn̂g-tu-îⁿ kúi-tō kiâⁿ kàu lī lân siōng óa hit tiám. Oán-tē-tiám to̍h sī i tī tn̂g-tu-îⁿ kúi-tō kiâⁿ kàu lī lân siōng hn̄g hit tiám. Chhiūⁿ 2022 nî ê Lông-goe̍h sī tī pòaⁿ-mî 1 tiám, kin-á-ji̍t ê goe̍h-îⁿ sī chhut-hiān tī oán-tē-tiám hù-kīn 2 kang lāi. M̄-koh kah 2022 nî bô-kâng, 2023 nî ē tú-tio̍h 13 pái ê goe̍h-îⁿ, án-ni kah sî-cheng ê 12 tiám-cheng to̍h bē tàu-tah--ah.

[KIP] 2022 nî ê Gue̍h-niû sî-tsing

2023 nî ê thâu-tsi̍t-ê gue̍h-înn ē tshut-hiān tī kin-á-àm 23:08 UTC (Sè-kài-sî), kah ji̍t-thâu siong-tuì ê uī-tì. Tsit-má sī i siōng kng ê sî-tsūn. I tuā koh suí, tī thinn-tíng sī tsiok hó tshuē--ê. Hōo lí tsuè tsi̍t-ê tsham-khó, tsit-ê ti̍k-pia̍t ê thian-bûn iánn-siōng kè-uē, sī kā 2022 nî kui-nî tī Su-lí-lân-khah hip-tio̍h ê gue̍h-înn, tàu tsuè tsit-tiunn siòng-phìnn--ê. 2022 nî tsit 12 lia̍p gue̍h-înn ê miâ, gue̍h-hūn, toh-tsi̍t-kang, lóng piau-sī tī tsit tiunn tôo lāi-té. Ta̍k-lia̍p gue̍h-înn ê sī-tshùn-tshioh kah i sī uá kīn-tē-tiám ia̍h-sī uán-tē-tiám guā kīn ū kuan-hē. Kīn-tē-tiám to̍h sī Gue̍h-kiû tī tn̂g-tu-înn kuí-tō kiânn kàu lī lân siōng uá hit tiám. Uán-tē-tiám to̍h sī i tī tn̂g-tu-înn kuí-tō kiânn kàu lī lân siōng hn̄g hit tiám. Tshiūnn 2022 nî ê Lông-gue̍h sī tī puànn-mî 1 tiám, kin-á-ji̍t ê gue̍h-înn sī tshut-hiān tī uán-tē-tiám hù-kīn 2 kang lāi. M̄-koh kah 2022 nî bô-kâng, 2023 nî ē tú-tio̍h 13 pái ê gue̍h-înn, án-ni kah sî-tsing ê 12 tiám-tsing to̍h bē tàu-tah--ah.

[English] Moon O'Clock 2022

The first Full Moon of 2023 is in the sky tonight opposite the Sun at 23:08 UTC. Big and beautiful, the Moon at its brightest phase should be easy to spot. For your quick reference, images captured near the times of all the full moons of 2022 are aranged in this dedicated astro-imaging project from Sri Lanka, planet Earth. The day, month and a popular name for 2022's twelve full moons are indicated in the chart. The apparent size of each full moon depends on how close the full lunar phase is to perigee or apogee, the closest or farthest point in the eliptical lunar orbit. Like the 2022 Wolf Moon at 1 o'clock, tonight's Full Moon occurs within a about two days of apogee. But unlike 2022, the year 2023 will have 13 full moons that won't all fit nicely around a twelve hour clock-face.


月圓goe̍h-îⁿgue̍h-înn滿月full moons
斯里蘭卡Su-lí-lân-khahSu-lí-lân-khah斯里蘭卡Sri Lanka
世界時Sè-kài-sîSè-kài-sî世界時Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)
視寸尺sī-chhùn-chhiohsī-tshùn-tshioh視尺寸apparent size
狼月Lông-goe̍hLông-gue̍h狼月Wolf Moon

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