05. January 2023
Messier 45:天神 Atlas 佮 海神 Pleione ê 七个查某囝

探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4。
- 原始文章:Messier 45: The Daughters of Atlas and Pleione
- 影像來源 kah 版權:Stefan Thrun
- 台文翻譯:An-Li Tsai (NCU)
[漢羅] Messier 45:天神 Atlas 佮 海神 Pleione ê 七个查某囝
迵過短短 400 光年 ê 宇宙塗粉雲 了後,咱會拄著這个 古錐 ê 昴宿星團。 伊嘛叫做 七姊妹仔星團,是一个開放星團,上出名 ê 部份就是伊反藍 ê 反射星雲。 伊就 chhāi tī 咱銀河系 ê 獵戶座手骨彼搭,tī 金牛座 ê 方向遐。 七姊妹仔星團 內底 ê 恆星 kah 塗粉雲 無直接 ê 關係。 In 只是 tī 咱 ê 視線方向經過仝一个宇宙空間爾爾。 這个星團暗甲用目睭直接看,會看無。 加利略頭擺看著 這个 ê 星團是 ùi 伊做--ê 望遠鏡看著--ê。 咱 ùi 彼馬開始就知影 in 是較實密 ê 一陣恆星。 Charles Messier kā 這个位置 ê 星團編 tī 伊彼个上有名、毋過毋是彗星 ê 星表內底,伊是第 45 號天體。 Tī 希臘神話內底,「昴」是扛一粒天球 ê Titan 族天神 Atlas kah 海洋女神 Pleione ê 七个查某囝。 In ê 名 kah in 老爸老母 ê 名攏 tī 這个星團內底,是 星團內底上光 ê 9 粒星。 這个做過資料處理,嘛做過色差校正 ê 天文影像,是開超過 9 點鐘 ê 時間感光--ê。 有翕著有光針 ê 恆星 kah 星際塗粉絲 ê 細節。 昴宿星團 ê 大細差不多有 20 光年闊。
[POJ] Messier 45: Thian-sîn Atlas kah Hái-sîn Pleione ê Chhit ê Cha-bó͘-kiáⁿ
Thàng-kòe té-té 400 kng-nî ê ú-tiū thô͘-hún-hûn liáu-āu, lán ē tú-tio̍h chit-ê kó͘-chui ê Báu-siù-seng-thoân. I mā kiò-chò Chhit-chí-mōe-á seng-thoân, sī chi̍t ê khai-hòng-seng-thoân, siōng chhut-miâ ê pō͘-hūn to̍h sī i hoán nâ ê hoán-siā-seng-hûn. I to̍h chhāi tī lán Gîn-hô-hē ê La̍h-hō͘-chō chhiú-kut hit tah, tī Kim-gû-chō ê hong-hiòng hiah. Chhit-chí-mōe-á seng-thoân lāi-té ê hêng-chhiⁿ kah thô͘-hún-hûn bô ti̍t-chiap ê koan-hē. In chí-sī tī lán ê sī-sòaⁿ hong-hiòng keng-kòe kāng chi̍t-ê ú-tiū khong-kan. Chit ê seng-thoân àm kah iōng ba̍k-chiu ti̍t-chiap khòaⁿ, ē khòaⁿ bô. Ka-lī-lio̍h thâu-pái khòaⁿ-tio̍h chit-ê seng-thoân sī ùi i chò--ê bōng-oán-kiàⁿ khòaⁿ--tio̍h--ê. Lán ùi hit-má khai-sí to̍h chai-iáⁿ in sī khah cha̍t-ba̍t ê chi̍t-tīn hêng-chheⁿ. Charles Messier kā chit ê ūi-tì ê seng-thoân pian tī i hit-ê siōng ū-miâ, m̄-koh m̄-sī hūi-chhiⁿ ê seng-pió lāi-té, i sī tē 45 hō thian-thé. Tī Hi-la̍h sîn-ōe lāi-té, "Báu" sī kng chi̍t-lia̍p thian-kiû ê Titan cho̍k thian-sîn Atlas kah hái-iûⁿ lú-sîn Pleione ê chhit ê cha-bó͘-kiáⁿ. In ê miâ kah in lāu-pē lāu-bú ê miâ lóng tī chit-ê seng-thoân lāi-té, sī seng-thoân lāi-té siōng kng ê 9 lia̍p chhiⁿ. Chit ê chò-kòe chu-liāu chhú-lí, má chò-kòe sek-chha kàu-chèng ê thian-bûn iáⁿ-siōng, sī khai chhiau-kòe 9 tiám-cheng ê sî-kan kám-kng--ê. Ū hip-tio̍h ū kng-chiam ê hêng-chhiⁿ kah seng-chè thô͘-hún-si ê sè-chiat. Báu-siù-seng-thoân ê tōa-sè chha-put-to ū 20 kng-nî khoah.
[KIP] Messier 45: Thian-sîn Atlas kah Hái-sîn Pleione ê Tshit ê Tsa-bóo-kiánn
Thàng-kuè té-té 400 kng-nî ê ú-tiū thôo-hún-hûn liáu-āu, lán ē tú-tio̍h tsit-ê kóo-tsui ê Báu-siù-sing-thuân. I mā kiò-tsò Tshit-tsí-muē-á sing-thuân, sī tsi̍t ê khai-hòng-sing-thuân, siōng tshut-miâ ê pōo-hūn to̍h sī i huán nâ ê huán-siā-sing-hûn. I to̍h tshāi tī lán Gîn-hô-hē ê La̍h-hōo-tsō tshiú-kut hit tah, tī Kim-gû-tsō ê hong-hiòng hiah. Tshit-tsí-muē-á sing-thuân lāi-té ê hîng-tshinn kah thôo-hún-hûn bô ti̍t-tsiap ê kuan-hē. In tsí-sī tī lán ê sī-suànn hong-hiòng king-kuè kāng tsi̍t-ê ú-tiū khong-kan. Tsit ê sing-thuân àm kah iōng ba̍k-tsiu ti̍t-tsiap khuànn, ē khuànn bô. Ka-lī-lio̍h thâu-pái khuànn-tio̍h tsit-ê sing-thuân sī uì i tsò--ê bōng-uán-kiànn khuànn--tio̍h--ê. Lán uì hit-má khai-sí to̍h tsai-iánn in sī khah tsa̍t-ba̍t ê tsi̍t-tīn hîng-tshenn. Charles Messier kā tsit ê uī-tì ê sing-thuân pian tī i hit-ê siōng ū-miâ, m̄-koh m̄-sī huī-tshinn ê sing-pió lāi-té, i sī tē 45 hō thian-thé. Tī Hi-la̍h sîn-uē lāi-té, "Báu" sī kng tsi̍t-lia̍p thian-kiû ê Titan tso̍k thian-sîn Atlas kah hái-iûnn lú-sîn Pleione ê tshit ê tsa-bóo-kiánn. In ê miâ kah in lāu-pē lāu-bú ê miâ lóng tī tsit-ê sing-thuân lāi-té, sī sing-thuân lāi-té siōng kng ê 9 lia̍p tshinn. Tsit ê tsò-kuè tsu-liāu tshú-lí, má tsò-kuè sik-tsha kàu-tsìng ê thian-bûn iánn-siōng, sī khai tshiau-kuè 9 tiám-tsing ê sî-kan kám-kng--ê. Ū hip-tio̍h ū kng-tsiam ê hîng-tshinn kah sing-tsè thôo-hún-si ê sè-tsiat. Báu-siù-sing-thuân ê tuā-sè tsha-put-to ū 20 kng-nî khuah.
[English] Messier 45: The Daughters of Atlas and Pleione
Hurtling through a cosmic dust cloud a mere 400 light-years away, the lovely Pleiades or Seven Sisters open star cluster is well-known for its striking blue reflection nebulae. It lies in the night sky toward the constellation Taurus and the Orion Arm of our Milky Way galaxy. The sister stars are not related to the dusty cloud though. They just happen to be passing through the same region of space. Known since antiquity as a compact grouping of stars, Galileo first sketched the star cluster viewed through his telescope with stars too faint to be seen by eye. Charles Messier recorded the position of the cluster as the 45th entry in his famous catalog of things which are not comets. In Greek myth, the Pleiades were seven daughters of the astronomical titan Atlas and sea-nymph Pleione. Their parents names are included in the cluster's nine brightest stars. This well-processed, color-calibrated telescopic image features pin-point stars and detailed filaments of interstellar dust captured in over 9 hours of exposure. It spans more than 20 light-years across the Pleiades star cluster.
漢羅 | POJ | KIP | 華語 | English |
昴宿星團 | Báu-siù-seng-thoân | Báu-siù-sing-thuân | 昴宿星團 | Pleiades |
七姊妹仔星團 | Chhit-chí-mōe-á seng-thoân | Tshit-tsí-muē-á sing-thuân | 七姊妹星團 | seven daughters |
開放星團 | khai-hòng-seng-thoân | khai-hòng-sing-thuân | 開放星團 | open star cluster |
反射星雲 | hoán-siā-seng-hûn | huán-siā-sing-hûn | 反射星雲 | reflection nebulae |
獵戶座手骨 | La̍h-hō͘-chō chhiú-kut | La̍h-hōo-tsō tshiú-kut | 獵戶座旋臂 | the Orion Arm |
金牛座 | Kim-gû-chō | Kim-gû-tsō | 金牛座 | Taurus |
銀河系 | Gîn-hô-hē | Gîn-hô-hē | 銀河系 | the Milky Way galaxy |
塗粉雲 | thô͘-hún-hûn | thôo-hún-hûn | 灰塵雲 | dust cloud |
星際塗粉絲 | seng-chè thô͘-hún-si | sing-tsè thôo-hún-si | 星際灰塵絲狀結構 | filaments of interstellar dust |
視線 | sī-sòaⁿ | sī-suànn | 視線 | line-of-sight |
加利略 | Ka-lī-lio̍h | Ka-lī-lio̍h | 加利略 | Galileo |
扛一粒天球 ê Titan 族天神 Atlas | kng chi̍t lia̍p thian-kiû ê Titan cho̍k thian-sîn Atlas | kng tsi̍t lia̍p thian-kiû ê Titan tso̍k thian-sîn Atlas | 扛著天球的泰坦族天神阿特拉斯 | the astronomical titan Atlas |
海洋女神 Pleione | Hái-iûⁿ lú-sîn Pleione | Hái-iûnn lú-sîn Pleione | 海洋女神普勒俄涅 | the sea-nymph Pleione |