北緯 63 度 ê 日暈


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4

[漢羅] 北緯 63 度 ê 日暈

冬節快樂! 今仔日是 冬節,tī 天文 ê 定義內底,這工 tī 南半球是熱天 ê 開始,北半球是寒天 ê 開始。 咱若是來看太陽 tī 地球天頂 逐年 ê 運動,就會發現伊 tī 世界時 UTC 21:48 行到 至點,就是赤緯 ê 上南點,南緯 23.5 度。 4 工前,太陽才拄行到這季 ê 上南點。 Tī 瑞典中部 Ostersund 市 ê 太陽 tī 中晝時才 peh 到地平線頂懸一屑屑仔。 這个看 tùi 北爿遙遠湖邊城市 ê 景色內底,有揣著中晝 ê 太陽 kah 美麗 ê 太陽冰暈。 自然發生 ê 大氣冰晶 ê 六角形幾何結構,會 kā 日光 屈折 kah 反射,產生美麗 ê 冰暈。 Tī 這个清氣 ê 天空,太陽 ê 出現是低甲欲倚地平線。 伊外圍強烈 ê 冰暈是 ùi 人工造雪機 噴出來 ê 冰晶產生--ê。 這台 tī 當地趨雪場 ê 人工造雪機,就 tī 這張全景相片正爿 ê Froson 島產生足明顯 ê 雪煙。

[POJ] Pak-hūi 63 tō͘ ê Ji̍t-n̄g

Tang-cheh khoài-lo̍k! Kin-á-ji̍t 時 tang-cheh, tī thian-bûn ê tēng-gī lāi-té, chit-kang tī lâm-pòaⁿ-kiû 時 loa̍h-thiⁿ ê khai-sí, pak-pòaⁿ-kiû 時 kôaⁿ-thiⁿ ê khai-sí. Lán nā-sī lâi khòaⁿ Thài-iông tī Tē-kiû thiⁿ-téng ta̍k-nî ê ūn-tōng, to̍h ē hoat-hiān i tī sè-kài-sî 21:48 kiâⁿ kàu chì-tiám, to̍h sī chhek-hūi ê siōng lâm tiám, lâm-hūi 23.5 tō͘. 4 kang chêng, Thài-iông chiah tú kiâⁿ kàu chit kùi ê siōng lâm tiám. Tī Sūi-tián tiong-pō͘ Ostersund chhī ê Thài-iông tī tiong-tàu sî chiah peh kàu tē-pêng-sòaⁿ téng-koân chi̍t-sut-sut-á. Chit-ê khòaⁿ tùi pak-pêng iâu-oán ô͘-piⁿ siâⁿ-chhī ê kéng-sek lāi-té, ū chhōe tio̍h tiong-tàu ê Thài-iông kah bí-lē ê Thài-iông peng-n̄g. Chū-jiân hoat-seng ê tōa-khì peng-chiⁿ ê la̍k-kak-hêng kí-hô kiat-kò͘, ē kā ji̍t-kng khut-chiat kah hoán-siā, sán-seng bí-lē ê peng-n̄g. Tī chit ê chheng-khì ê thian-khong, Thài-iông ê chhut-hiān sî kē kah beh óa tē-pêng-sòaⁿ. I gōa-ûi kiông-lia̍t ê peng-n̄g sī ùi jîn-kang chō-soat-ki phùn--chhut-lâi ê peng-chiⁿ sán-seng--ê. Chit-tâi tī tong-tē chhu-soat-tiûⁿ ê jîn-kang chō-soat-ki, to̍h tī chit-tiuⁿ choân-kéng siòng-phìⁿ chiàⁿ-pêng ê Froson tó sán-seng chiok bêng-hián ê soat-ian.

[KIP] Pak-huī 63 tōo ê Ji̍t-n̄g

Tang-tseh khuài-lo̍k! Kin-á-ji̍t 時 tang-tseh, tī thian-bûn ê tīng-gī lāi-té, tsit-kang tī lâm-puànn-kiû 時 lua̍h-thinn ê khai-sí, pak-puànn-kiû 時 kuânn-thinn ê khai-sí. Lán nā-sī lâi khuànn Thài-iông tī Tē-kiû thinn-tíng ta̍k-nî ê ūn-tōng, to̍h ē huat-hiān i tī sè-kài-sî 21:48 kiânn kàu tsì-tiám, to̍h sī tshik-huī ê siōng lâm tiám, lâm-huī 23.5 tōo. 4 kang tsîng, Thài-iông tsiah tú kiânn kàu tsit kuì ê siōng lâm tiám. Tī Suī-tián tiong-pōo Ostersund tshī ê Thài-iông tī tiong-tàu sî tsiah peh kàu tē-pîng-suànn tíng-kuân tsi̍t-sut-sut-á. Tsit-ê khuànn tuì pak-pîng iâu-uán ôo-pinn siânn-tshī ê kíng-sik lāi-té, ū tshuē tio̍h tiong-tàu ê Thài-iông kah bí-lē ê Thài-iông ping-n̄g. Tsū-jiân huat-sing ê tuā-khì ping-tsinn ê la̍k-kak-hîng kí-hô kiat-kòo, ē kā ji̍t-kng khut-tsiat kah huán-siā, sán-sing bí-lē ê ping-n̄g. Tī tsit ê tshing-khì ê thian-khong, Thài-iông ê tshut-hiān sî kē kah beh uá tē-pîng-suànn. I guā-uî kiông-lia̍t ê ping-n̄g sī uì jîn-kang tsō-suat-ki phùn--tshut-lâi ê ping-tsinn sán-sing--ê. Tsit-tâi tī tong-tē tshu-suat-tiûnn ê jîn-kang tsō-suat-ki, to̍h tī tsit-tiunn tsuân-kíng siòng-phìnn tsiànn-pîng ê Froson tó sán-sing tsiok bîng-hián ê suat-ian.

[English] Sun Halo at Sixty-three Degrees North

Happy Solstice! Today is the December solstice, marking an astronomical beginning of summer in the southern hemisphere and winter in the north. On its yearly trek through planet Earth's skies, at this solstice the Sun reaches its southern most declination, 23.5 degrees south, at 21:48 UTC. About 4 days ago the Sun was near this seasonal southern limit and so only just above the horizon at local noon over Ostersund in central Sweden. This view looking over the far northern lakeside city finds the midday Sun with a beautiful solar ice halo. Naturally occurring atmospheric ice crystals can produce the tantalizing halo displays, refracting and reflecting the sunlight through their hexagonal geometry. Still, with the Sun low and near the horizon in the clear sky, likely sources of the ice crystals producing this intense halo are snow cannons. Operating at a local ski area, the snowmaking machines create a visible plume at the top of the nearby island Froson toward the right side of the panorama.


日暈ji̍t-n̄gji̍t-n̄g日暈Sun Halo
冬節tang-chehtang-tseh冬至the December solstice
北緯pak-hūipak-huī北緯north latitude
南半球lâm-pòaⁿ-kiûlâm-puànn-kiû南半球southern hemisphere
北半球pak-pòaⁿ-kiûpak-puànn-kiû北半球northern hemisphere
冰暈peng-n̄gping-n̄g冰暈ice halo
冰晶peng-chiⁿping-tsinn冰晶ice crystal
人工造雪機jîn-kang chō-soat-kijîn-kang tsō-suat-ki人工造雪機snow cannons
世界時sè-kài-sîsè-kài-sî世界時Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)

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