木衛一 Io 誠實 ê 色彩


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 木衛一 Io 誠實 ê 色彩

這粒 太陽系 內底 ê 奇怪月娘是淺黃色--ê。 這張 相片主要是欲展示 木衛一 Io tī 一般人類目睭看著--ê 誠實--ê 色彩是生做按怎。 這張相片是 1995 年到 2003 年 踅木星行 ê 加利略太空船 tī 1999 年翕--ê。 木衛一 Io ê 色彩主要是 ùi 硫磺 kah 熔去--ê 矽酸鹽岩石 來--ê。 這个無四常 ê 木衛一 Io 表面 是足少年--ê,因為伊有足濟 活火山木星 足強 ê 潮汐重力木衛一 Io 搝甲變形,嘛予 木星 另外三粒 加利略衛星 袂幌來幌去。 這个 磨擦力 造成 木衛一 Io ê 內部溫度變甲足懸--ê,所以 熔去 ê 岩石 ùi 地表噴出來。 木衛一 Io ê 火山 活動是足活潑--ê,就親像是 kā 規粒衛星 ê 內部反--出來仝款。 木衛一 Io 有一寡火山岩漿是燒甲會 tī 夜空中發光

[POJ] Bo̍k-ōe-it Io chiâⁿ-si̍t ê sek-chhái

Chit lia̍p Thài-iông-hē lāi-té ê kî-koài goe̍h-niû sī chhián-n̂g-sek--ê. Chit tiuⁿ siòng-phìⁿ chú-iàu sī beh tián-sī Bo̍k-ōe-it Io tī it-poaⁿ lîn-lūi ba̍k-chiu khòaⁿ--tio̍h--ê chiâⁿ-si̍t ê sek-chhái sī seⁿ chò án-nóa. Chit tiuⁿ siòng-phìⁿ sī 1995 nî kàu 2003 nî se̍h Bo̍k-chheⁿ kiâⁿ ê Ka-lī-lioh thài-khong-chûn tī 1999 nî hi̍p--ê. Bo̍k-ōe-it Io ê sek-chhái chú-iàu sī ùi liû-hông kah iûⁿ--khì--ê se̍k-sng-iâm giâm-chio̍h lâi--ê. Chit ê bô sù-siông ê Bo̍k-ōe-it Io piáu-bīn sī chiok siàu-liân--ê, in-ūi i ū chiok chōe oa̍h-hóe-soaⁿ. Bo̍k-chheⁿ chiok kiông ê tiâu-se̍k tiōng-le̍k kā Bo̍k-ōe-it Io giú kah piàn-hêng, mā hō͘ Bo̍k-chheⁿ lēng-gōa saⁿ lia̍p Ka-lī-lioh ōe-chheⁿ bē hàiⁿ lâi hàiⁿ khì. Chit ê mô͘-chhat-le̍k chō-sêng Bo̍k-ōe-it Io ê lōe-pō͘ un-tō͘ piàn kah chiok koân--ê, só͘-í iûⁿ--khì ê giâm-chio̍h ùi tē-piáu phùn--chhut-lâi. Bo̍k-ōe-it Io ê hóe-soaⁿ oa̍h-tāng sī chiok oa̍h-phoat--ê, to̍h chhiⁿ-chhiūⁿ sī kā kui-lia̍p ōe-chheⁿ ê lōe-pō͘ péng--chhut-lâi kāng-khoán. Bo̍k-ōe-it Io ū chi̍t-kóa hóe-soaⁿ giâm-chiuⁿ sī sio kah ē tī iā-khong tiong hoat-kng.

[KIP] Bo̍k-uē-it Io tsiânn-si̍t ê sik-tshái

Tsit lia̍p Thài-iông-hē lāi-té ê kî-kuài gue̍h-niû sī tshián-n̂g-sik--ê. Tsit tiunn siòng-phìnn tsú-iàu sī beh tián-sī Bo̍k-uē-it Io tī it-puann lîn-luī ba̍k-tsiu khuànn--tio̍h--ê tsiânn-si̍t ê sik-tshái sī senn tsò án-nuá. Tsit tiunn siòng-phìnn sī 1995 nî kàu 2003 nî se̍h Bo̍k-tshenn kiânn ê Ka-lī-lioh thài-khong-tsûn tī 1999 nî hi̍p--ê. Bo̍k-uē-it Io ê sik-tshái tsú-iàu sī uì liû-hông kah iûnn--khì--ê si̍k-sng-iâm giâm-tsio̍h lâi--ê. Tsit ê bô sù-siông ê Bo̍k-uē-it Io piáu-bīn sī tsiok siàu-liân--ê, in-uī i ū tsiok tsuē ua̍h-hué-suann. Bo̍k-tshenn tsiok kiông ê tiâu-si̍k tiōng-li̍k kā Bo̍k-uē-it Io giú kah piàn-hîng, mā hōo Bo̍k-tshenn līng-guā sann lia̍p Ka-lī-lioh uē-tshenn bē hàinn lâi hàinn khì. Tsit ê môo-tshat-li̍k tsō-sîng Bo̍k-uē-it Io ê luē-pōo un-tōo piàn kah tsiok kuân--ê, sóo-í iûnn--khì ê giâm-tsio̍h uì tē-piáu phùn--tshut-lâi. Bo̍k-uē-it Io ê hué-suann ua̍h-tāng sī tsiok ua̍h-phuat--ê, to̍h tshinn-tshiūnn sī kā kui-lia̍p uē-tshenn ê luē-pōo píng--tshut-lâi kāng-khuán. Bo̍k-uē-it Io ū tsi̍t-kuá hué-suann giâm-tsiunn sī sio kah ē tī iā-khong tiong huat-kng.

[English] Io in True Color

The strangest moon in the Solar System is bright yellow. The featured picture, an attempt to show how Io would appear in the "true colors" perceptible to the average human eye, was taken in 1999 July by the Galileo spacecraft that orbited Jupiter from 1995 to 2003. Io's colors derive from sulfur and molten silicate rock. The unusual surface of Io is kept very young by its system of active volcanoes. The intense tidal gravity of Jupiter stretches Io and damps wobbles caused by Jupiter's other Galilean moons. The resulting friction greatly heats Io's interior, causing molten rock to explode through the surface. Io's volcanoes are so active that they are effectively turning the whole moon inside out. Some of Io's volcanic lava is so hot it glows in the dark.


木衛一 IoBo̍k-ōe-it IoBo̍k-uē-it Io木衛一埃歐Io
加利略太空船Ka-lī-lioh thài-khong-chûnKa-lī-lioh thài-khong-tsûn加利略太空船Galileo spacecraft
潮汐重力tiâu-se̍k tiōng-le̍ktiâu-si̍k tiōng-li̍k潮汐重力tidal gravity
加利略衛星Ka-lī-lioh ōe-chheⁿKa-lī-lioh uē-tshenn加利略衛星Galilean moons
活火山oa̍h-hóe-soaⁿua̍h-hué-suann活火山active volcanoes

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