04. December 2022
影片:十 ê 次方
探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4。
- 原始文章:Video: Powers of Ten
- 影像來源 kah 版權:Charles & Ray Eames (Eames Office)
- 台文翻譯:An-Li Tsai (NCU)
[漢羅] 影片:十 ê 次方
宇宙佇足細 ê 尺度看起來有偌無仝?佇足大 ê 尺度看起來有偌無仝? 這支彼个時代有名 ê 科學短片,予咱看著這个壯觀 ê 比較。 這支「十 ê 次方」影片,是 1960 年代正式製作、囥佇 YouTube 頂懸。 是 ùi 佇 Chicago 附近 leh 野餐 ê 毯仔 到 室女座星系團。 每 10 秒,這支影像就搝遠一擺,來看 10 倍 大平方 ê 景色是啥物。 了後這支 9 分鐘 ê 影片就開始回送,每 2 秒搝近 10 倍來看,一直到看著一粒質子為止。 10 ê 平方 實際上是照 Kees Boeke 佇 1957 年出版 ê「宇宙觀」這本冊來--ê。 1960 年代尾期閣有一支以動畫為主 ê 影片「宇宙變焦」嘛是按呢。 改變觀看宇宙 ê 觀點是足 迷人--ê,嘛足有教育意義--ê。 這个部份有用 較現代 ê 電腦技術 kā 重新製作,包括開始彼幾若分鐘 ê 電影「接觸未來」。 這支影片 ê 創作者 Ray 佮 in 尪 Charles Eames 攏足有遠見 ê 精神,而且嘛 開創一條流行路。
[POJ] Iáⁿ-phìⁿ: Cha̍p ê Chhù-hong
Ú-tiū tī chiok sè ê chhioh-tō͘ khòaⁿ--khí-lâi ū gōa bô kāng? Tī chiok tōa ê chhioh-tō͘ khòaⁿ--khí-lâi ū gōa bô kāng? Chit ki hit-ê sî-tāi ū-miâ ê kho-ha̍k té-phìⁿ, hō͘ lán khòaⁿ-tio̍h chit ê chòng-koan ê pí-kàu. Chit ki "Cha̍p ê Chhù-hong" iáⁿ-phìⁿ, sī 1960 nî-tāi chèng-sek chè-chok, khǹg tī YouTube téng-koân. Sī ùi tī Chicago hù-kīn leh iá-chhan ê thán-á kàu Sek-lú-chō seng-hē-thoân. Múi 10 bió, chit ki iáⁿ-siōng to̍h giú hn̄g chi̍t pái, lâi khòaⁿ 10 pōe tōa pêng-hong ê kéng-sek sī siáⁿ-mih. Liáu-āu chit ki 9 hun-cheng ê iáⁿ-phìⁿ to̍h khai-sí hôe-sàng, múi 2 bió giú kīn 10 pōe lâi khòaⁿ, it-ti̍t kàu khòaⁿ-tio̍h chi̍t lia̍p chit-chú ûi-chú. 10 ê pêng-hong si̍t-chè-siōng sī chiàu Kees Boeke tī 1957 nî chhut-pán ê "Ú-tiū-koan" chit pún chheh lâi--ê. 1960 nî-tāi bóe-kî koh ū chit ki í tōng-ōe ûi-chú ê iáⁿ-phìⁿ "Ú-tiū Piàn Chiau" mā sī án-ni. Kái-piàn koan-khòaⁿ ú-tiū ê koan-tiám sī chiok bê-lâng--ê, mā chiok ū kàu-io̍k ì-gī--ê. Chit ê pō͘-hūn ū iōng khah hiān-tāi ê tiān-náu ki-su̍t kā tiông-sin chè-chok, pau-koat khai-sí hit kúi-ā hun-cheng ê tiān-iáⁿ "Chiap-chhiok Bī-lâi". Chit ki iáⁿ-phìⁿ ê chhòng-chok-chiá Ray kah in ang Charles Eames lóng chiok ū oán-kiàn ê cheng-sîn, jî-chhiáⁿ mā khai-chhòng chi̍t tiâu liû-hêng lō͘.
[KIP] Iánn-phìnn: Tsa̍p ê Tshù-hong
Ú-tiū tī tsiok sè ê tshioh-tōo khuànn--khí-lâi ū guā bô kāng? Tī tsiok tuā ê tshioh-tōo khuànn--khí-lâi ū guā bô kāng? Tsit ki hit-ê sî-tāi ū-miâ ê kho-ha̍k té-phìnn, hōo lán khuànn-tio̍h tsit ê tsòng-kuan ê pí-kàu. Tsit ki "Tsa̍p ê Tshù-hong" iánn-phìnn, sī 1960 nî-tāi tsìng-sik tsè-tsok, khǹg tī YouTube tíng-kuân. Sī uì tī Chicago hù-kīn leh iá-tshan ê thán-á kàu Sik-lú-tsō sing-hē-thuân. Muí 10 bió, tsit ki iánn-siōng to̍h giú hn̄g tsi̍t pái, lâi khuànn 10 puē tuā pîng-hong ê kíng-sik sī siánn-mih. Liáu-āu tsit ki 9 hun-tsing ê iánn-phìnn to̍h khai-sí huê-sàng, muí 2 bió giú kīn 10 puē lâi khuànn, it-ti̍t kàu khuànn-tio̍h tsi̍t lia̍p tsit-tsú uî-tsú. 10 ê pîng-hong si̍t-tsè-siōng sī tsiàu Kees Boeke tī 1957 nî tshut-pán ê "Ú-tiū-kuan" tsit pún tsheh lâi--ê. 1960 nî-tāi bué-kî koh ū tsit ki í tōng-uē uî-tsú ê iánn-phìnn "Ú-tiū Piàn Tsiau" mā sī án-ni. Kái-piàn kuan-khuànn ú-tiū ê kuan-tiám sī tsiok bê-lâng--ê, mā tsiok ū kàu-io̍k ì-gī--ê. Tsit ê pōo-hūn ū iōng khah hiān-tāi ê tiān-náu ki-su̍t kā tiông-sin tsè-tsok, pau-kuat khai-sí hit kuí-ā hun-tsing ê tiān-iánn "Tsiap-tshiok Bī-lâi". Tsit ki iánn-phìnn ê tshòng-tsok-tsiá Ray kah in ang Charles Eames lóng tsiok ū uán-kiàn ê tsing-sîn, jî-tshiánn mā khai-tshòng tsi̍t tiâu liû-hîng lōo.
[English] Video: Powers of Ten
How different does the universe look on very small scales? On very large scales? The most famous short science film of its generation gives breathtaking comparisons. That film, Powers of Ten, originally created in the 1960s, has been officially posted to YouTube and embedded here. From a picnic blanket near Chicago out past the Virgo Cluster of Galaxies, every ten seconds the film zooms out to show a square a factor of ten times larger on each side. The 9-minute video then reverses, zooming back in a factor of ten every two seconds and ends up inside a single proton. The Powers of Ten sequence is actually based on the book Cosmic View by Kees Boeke in 1957, as is a similar but mostly animated film Cosmic Zoom that was also created in the late 1960s. The changing perspectives are so enthralling and educational that sections have been recreated using more modern computerized techniques, including the first few minutes of the movie Contact. Ray and husband Charles Eames, the film's creators, were known as quite visionary spirits and even invented their own popular chair.
漢羅 | POJ | KIP | 華語 | English |
室女座星系團 | Sek-lú-chō seng-hē-thoân | Sik-lú-tsō sing-hē-thuân | 室女座星系團 | Virgo Cluster of Galaxies |
質子 | chit-chú | tsit-tsú | 質子 | proton |
宇宙變焦 | Ú-tiū Piàn Chiau | Ú-tiū Piàn Tsiau | 宇宙變焦 | Cosmic Zoom |
接觸未來 | Chiap-chhiok Bī-lâi | Tsiap-tshiok Bī-lâi | 接觸未來 | Contact |
宇宙觀 | Ú-tiū-koan | Ú-tiū-kuan | 宇宙觀 | Cosmic View |