Ùi 獵戶座太空船看著 ê 地球


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] Ùi 獵戶座太空船看著 ê 地球

11 月 16 美國東岸時間 半暝 1:47,太空發射系統 載 Artemis 1 號 任務 ê 獵戶座太空船 離開地球。 這是 NASA 深空探索系統 ê 頭一个整合試驗。 In ùi 歷史久長 ê 美國 Kennedy 太空中心 39B 發射場飛出去。 過一點鐘了後,獵戶座太空船 ê 其中一台 外部攝影機,翕著這个 ùi 太空 看著 ê 景色。 前景是獵戶座軌道機動系統 iăn-jín kah 輔助 iăn-jín,就 tī 歐洲服務艙下底。 Tī 服務艙 7 公尺長 ê 太陽能枋陣列 遠方,是太空船 美麗 in 兜Artemis 1 號任務 會運作 4 禮拜,欲試驗看有法度予人類踮月球抑是火星面頂探索。 這台無載人 ê 獵戶座太空船按算欲 tī 11 月 21 飛過月球,ùi 7 萬公里遠 ê 逆行軌道,飛倚到月球表面。

[POJ] Ùi La̍h-hō͘-chō Thài-khong-chûn khòaⁿ tio̍h ê Tē-kiû

11 goe̍h 16 Bí-kok tang-hōaⁿ sî-kan pòaⁿ-mî 1:47, thài-khong hoat-siā hē-thóng chài Artemis 1 hō jīm-bū ê La̍h-hō͘-chō thài-khong-chûn lī-khui Tē-kiû. Che sī NASA chhim-khong thàm-soh hē-thóng ê thâu chi̍t ê chéng-ha̍p chhì-giām. In ùi le̍k-sú kú-tn̂g ê Bí-kok Kennedy thài-khong tiong-sim 39B hoat-siā-tiûⁿ poe–chhut-khì. Kòe chi̍t tiám-cheng liáu-āu, La̍h-hō͘-chō thài-khong-chûn ê kî-tiong chi̍t tâi gōa-pō͘ liap-iáⁿ-ki, hip tio̍h chi̍t ê ùi thài-khong khòaⁿ–tio̍h ê kéng-sek. Chiân-kéng sī La̍h-hō͘-chō kúi-tō ki-tōng hē-thóng iăn-jín kah hú-chō͘ iăn-jín, to̍h tī Au-chiu ho̍k-bū-chhng ē-té. Tī ho̍k-bū-chhng 7 kong-chhioh tn̂g ê thài-iông lêng-pang tīn-lia̍t oán-hong, sī thài-khong-chûn bí-lē in tau. Artemis 1 hō jīm-bū ē ūn-chok 4 lé-pài, beh chhì-giām khòaⁿ ū hoat-tō͘ hō͘ jîn-lūi tiàm Goe̍h-kiú ia̍h-sī Hóe-chhiⁿ bīn-téng thàm-soh. Chit tâi bô chài lâng ê La̍h-hō͘-chō thài-khong-chûn àn-sǹg beh tī 11 goe̍h 21 poe kòe Goe̍h-kiû, ùi 7 bān kong-lí hn̄g ê ge̍k-hêng kúi-tō, poe óa kàu Goe̍h-kiû piáu-bīn.

[KIP] Uì La̍h-hōo-tsō Thài-khong-tsûn khuànn tio̍h ê Tē-kiû

11 gue̍h 16 Bí-kok tang-huānn sî-kan puànn-mî 1:47, thài-khong huat-siā hē-thóng tsài Artemis 1 hō jīm-bū ê La̍h-hōo-tsō thài-khong-tsûn lī-khui Tē-kiû. Tse sī NASA tshim-khong thàm-soh hē-thóng ê thâu tsi̍t ê tsíng-ha̍p tshì-giām. In uì li̍k-sú kú-tn̂g ê Bí-kok Kennedy thài-khong tiong-sim 39B huat-siā-tiûnn pue–tshut-khì. Kuè tsi̍t tiám-tsing liáu-āu, La̍h-hōo-tsō thài-khong-tsûn ê kî-tiong tsi̍t tâi guā-pōo liap-iánn-ki, hip tio̍h tsi̍t ê uì thài-khong khuànn–tio̍h ê kíng-sik. Tsiân-kíng sī La̍h-hōo-tsō kuí-tō ki-tōng hē-thóng iăn-jín kah hú-tsōo iăn-jín, to̍h tī Au-tsiu ho̍k-bū-tshng ē-té. Tī ho̍k-bū-tshng 7 kong-tshioh tn̂g ê thài-iông lîng-pang tīn-lia̍t uán-hong, sī thài-khong-tsûn bí-lē in tau. Artemis 1 hō jīm-bū ē ūn-tsok 4 lé-pài, beh tshì-giām khuànn ū huat-tōo hōo jîn-luī tiàm Gue̍h-kiú ia̍h-sī Hué-tshinn bīn-tíng thàm-soh. Tsit tâi bô tsài lâng ê La̍h-hōo-tsō thài-khong-tsûn àn-sǹg beh tī 11 gue̍h 21 pue kuè Gue̍h-kiû, uì 7 bān kong-lí hn̄g ê gi̍k-hîng kuí-tō, pue uá kàu Gue̍h-kiû piáu-bīn.

[English] Planet Earth from Orion

A Space Launch System rocket left planet Earth on Wednesday, November 16 at 1:47am EST carrying the Orion spacecraft on the Artemis 1 mission, the first integrated test of NASA’s deep space exploration systems. Over an hour after liftoff from Kennedy Space Center’s historic Launch Complex 39B, one of Orion’s external video cameras captured this view of its new perspective from space. In the foreground are Orion’s Orbital Maneuvering System engine and auxillary engines, at the bottom of the European Service Module. Beyond one of the module’s 7-meter long extended solar array wings lies the spacecraft’s beautiful home world. The Artemis 1 mission will last almost four weeks, testing capabilities to enable human exploration of the Moon and Mars. The uncrewed Orion spacecraft is expected to fly by the Moon on November 21, performing a close approach to the lunar surface on its way to a retrograde orbit 70,000 kilometers beyond the Moon.


  • 【獵戶座太空船】La̍h-hō͘-chō thài-khong-chûn/La̍h-hōo-tsō thài-khong-tsûn/獵戶座太空船/Orion spacecraft
  • 【Artemis 1 號】Artemis it hō/Artemis it hō/阿提米絲1號/Artemis 1
  • 【軌道機動系統 iăn-jín】kúi-tō ki-tōng hē-thóng iăn-jín/kuí-tō ki-tōng hē-thóng iăn-jín/軌道機動系統引擎/Orbital Maneuvering System engine
  • 【輔助 iăn-jín】hú-chō͘ iăn-jín/hú-tsōo iăn-jín/輔助引擎/auxillary engine
  • 【歐洲服務艙】Au-chiu ho̍k-bū-chhng/Au-tsiu ho̍k-bū-tshng/歐洲服務艙/European Service Module
  • 【太陽能枋陣列】thài-iông lêng-pang tīn-lia̍t/thài-iông lîng-pang tīn-lia̍t/太陽能板陣列/solar array wings
  • 【逆行軌道】ge̍k-hêng kúi-tō/gi̍k-hîng kuí-tō/逆行軌道/retrograde orbit
  • 【整合試驗】chéng-ha̍p chhì-giām/tsíng-ha̍p tshì-giām/整合試驗/integrated test
  • 【39B 發射場】hoat-siā-tiûⁿ/huat-siā-tiûnn/39B 發射場/Launch Complex 39B
  • 【Kennedy 太空中心】Kennedy Thài-khong Tiong-sim/Kennedy Thài-khong Tiong-sim/甘迺迪太空中心/Kennedy Space Center

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