星系:Hubble 翕 ê Wild 三重奏


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4

[漢羅] 星系:Hubble 翕 ê Wild 三重奏

遮有偌濟星系咧進行交互作用? 這陣星系叫做 Wild 三重奏 抑是 Wild 三生仔。 這毋但是因為這是 Wild 發現 ê,嘛是因為 in 看起來有三个較光 ê 星系。 這三个做伙去予編做 Arp 248,本底叫是講 in 三个攏有 交互作用。 毋過 最近 ê 研究 發現講,干焦上光彼兩个有引力 ê 交纏,就是頂懸 kah 下底較大彼兩个星系。 這張 Hubble 太空望遠鏡 翕 ê 相片內底,中央彼个 捲螺仔星系 實際上是較遠 ê,伊下底 kah 附近 ê 其他濟濟星系 嘛是仝款攏較遠。 這寡 巨人決鬥 ê 結果,就是 tī in 之間搝出一條長長 ê 星橋,內底攏是恆星、氣體、kah 塗粉。 這條星橋有 20 萬 光年 遐爾長。 咱今仔日看著 ê Wild 三生仔是差不多 2 億年前 留落來--ê,彼陣地球 ê 主人是 恐龍。 差不多閣 10 億年,這兩个交互星系就會合併一个 較大 ê 捲螺仔星系。

[POJ] Seng-hē: Hubble hip--ê Wild Saⁿ-têng-chàu

Chiah ū gōa chōe seng-hē leh chìn-hêng kau-hō͘-chok-iōng? Chit tīn seng-hē kiò-chò Wild Saⁿ-têng-chàu ia̍h-sī Wild Saⁿ-siⁿ-á. Che m̄-nā sī in-ūi che sī Wild hoat-hiān ê, mā sī in-ūi in khòaⁿ--khí-lâi ū saⁿ ê khah kng ê seng-hē. Chit saⁿ ê chò-hóe khì hō͘ pian chò Arp 248, pún-té kiò-sī kóng in saⁿ ê lóng ū kau-hō͘-chok-iōng. M̄-koh chòe-kīn ê gián-kiù hoat-hiān kóng, kan-na siōng kng hit nn̄g ê 有 ín-le̍k ê kau-tîⁿ, to̍h sī téng-koân kah ē-té khah tōa hit nn̄g ê seng-hē. Chit tiuⁿ Hubble Thài-khong Bōng-oán-kiàⁿ hip ê siòng-phìⁿ lāi-té, tiong-ng hit ê kńg-lê-á seng-hē si̍t-chè-siōng sī khah hn̄g ê, i ē-té kah hū-kīn ê kî-tha chē-chē seng-hē mā sī kāng-khoán lóng khah hn̄g. Chit kóa kū-jîn koat-tàu ê kiat-kò͘, to̍h sī tī in chi-kan giú chhut chi̍t tiâu tn̂g-tn̂g ê seng-kiô, lāi-té lóng sī hêng-chhiⁿ, khì-thé, kah thô͘-hún. Chit tiâu seng-kiô ū 20 bān kng-nî hiah-nī tn̂g. Lán kin-á-ji̍t khòaⁿ--tio̍h--ê Wild Saⁿ-siⁿ-á sī chha-put-to 2 ek nî chêng lâu lo̍h-lâi--ê, hit-chūn Tē-kiû ê chú-lâng sī khióng-liông. Chha-put-to koh 10 ek nî, chi̍t nn̄g ê kau-hō͘-seng-hē to̍h ē ha̍p-pèng chò chi̍t ê khah tōa ê kńg-lê-á seng-hē.

[KIP] Sing-hē: Hubble hip--ê Wild Sann-tîng-tsàu

Tsiah ū guā tsuē sing-hē leh tsìn-hîng kau-hōo-tsok-iōng? Tsit tīn sing-hē kiò-tsò Wild Sann-tîng-tsàu ia̍h-sī Wild Sann-sinn-á. Tse m̄-nā sī in-uī tse sī Wild huat-hiān ê, mā sī in-uī in khuànn--khí-lâi ū sann ê khah kng ê sing-hē. Tsit sann ê tsò-hué khì hōo pian tsò Arp 248, pún-té kiò-sī kóng in sann ê lóng ū kau-hōo-tsok-iōng. M̄-koh tsuè-kīn ê gián-kiù huat-hiān kóng, kan-na siōng kng hit nn̄g ê 有 ín-li̍k ê kau-tînn, to̍h sī tíng-kuân kah ē-té khah tuā hit nn̄g ê sing-hē. Tsit tiunn Hubble Thài-khong Bōng-uán-kiànn hip ê siòng-phìnn lāi-té, tiong-ng hit ê kńg-lê-á sing-hē si̍t-tsè-siōng sī khah hn̄g ê, i ē-té kah hū-kīn ê kî-tha tsē-tsē sing-hē mā sī kāng-khuán lóng khah hn̄g. Tsit kuá kū-jîn kuat-tàu ê kiat-kòo, to̍h sī tī in tsi-kan giú tshut tsi̍t tiâu tn̂g-tn̂g ê sing-kiô, lāi-té lóng sī hîng-tshinn, khì-thé, kah thôo-hún. Tsit tiâu sing-kiô ū 20 bān kng-nî hiah-nī tn̂g. Lán kin-á-ji̍t khuànn--tio̍h--ê Wild Sann-sinn-á sī tsha-put-to 2 ik nî tsîng lâu lo̍h-lâi--ê, hit-tsūn Tē-kiû ê tsú-lâng sī khióng-liông. Tsha-put-to koh 10 ik nî, tsi̍t nn̄g ê kau-hōo-sing-hē to̍h ē ha̍p-pìng tsò tsi̍t ê khah tuā ê kńg-lê-á sing-hē.

[English] Galaxies: Wild's Triplet from Hubble

How many galaxies are interacting here? This grouping of galaxies is called the Wild Triplet, not only for the discoverer , but for the number of bright galaxies that appear. It had been assumed that all three galaxies, collectively cataloged as Arp 248, are interacting, but more recent investigations reveal that only the brightest two galaxies are sparring gravitationally: the big galaxies at the top and bottom. The spiral galaxy in the middle of the featured image by the Hubble Space Telescope is actually far in the distance, as is the galaxy just below it and all of the other numerous galaxies in the field. A striking result of these giants jousting is a tremendous bridge of stars, gas, and dust that stretches between them -- a bridge almost 200,000 light-years long. Light we see today from Wild's Triplet left about 200 million years ago, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. In perhaps a billion years or so, the two interacting galaxies will merge to form a single large spiral galaxy.


Wild 三重奏Wild Saⁿ-têng-chàuWild Sann-tîng-tsàu懷爾德三重星系Wild's Triplet
Wild 三生仔Wild Saⁿ-siⁿ-áWild Sann-sinn-á懷爾德三重星系Wild's Triplet
Arp 248Arp jī-sù-patArp jī-sù-patArp 248Arp 248
Hubble 太空望遠鏡Hubble Thài-khong Bōng-oán-kiàⁿHubble Thài-khong Bōng-uán-kiànn哈伯太空望遠鏡Hubble Space Telescope
捲螺仔星系kńg-lê-á seng-hēkńg-lê-á sing-hē螺旋星系spiral galaxy
交互星系kau-hō͘-seng-hēkau-hōo-sing-hē交互星系interacting galaxies

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