Tajikistan 共和國 天頂 ê 月全食

探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] Tajikistan 共和國 天頂 ê 月全食

月圓 ê 時陣,月娘若是忽然間暗去,你會看著啥物? 這个答案就記錄 tī 這支 2011 年 踮 Tajikistan 共和國 翕--ê,戲劇性變化--ê 月全食 縮時攝影 影片 內底。 月全食 ê 時陣,地球行到月球 kah 太陽中央,所以月娘才會忽然間暗去。 毋過 月球袂完全無去,這是因為地球 ê 大氣會 屈折 一寡太陽光。 這支影片 開始 ê 時陣,看起來敢若是 tī 日時 ê 日光,毋過實際上這是暗暝,而且這个光線是月圓時 ê 月光。 月娘 去予食去了後就變暗去矣,這个時陣咱就會當看著背景 ê 天星反射 tī 湖面。 上壯觀--ê,是發生月食彼陣,天頂 煞忽然間變做 攏是天星,上光 ê 所在就是天星上濟 ê 銀河盤 遐。 影片放送第二擺 ê 時陣,是 kā 景色搝近來看,上落尾 ê 影像是 鴟鴞星雲天鵝星雲三叉星雲、kah 內海仔星雲 附近 ê 食月。 月食開始差不多兩點鐘了後,月娘就 ùi 地球烏影下底出來矣,月圓時 ê 月光就 變做天頂上光 ê 天體矣。 下暗抑是明仔載,愛看你 kah 國際換日線 差偌濟,你若是踮 亞洲 ê 東北爿、抑是 北美洲 ê 西北爿,就會閣看著一擺 月全食

[POJ] Tajikistan Kiōng-hô-kok thiⁿ-téng ê Goe̍h-choân-si̍t

Goe̍h-îⁿ ê sî-chūn, goe̍h-niû nā-sī hut-jiân-kan àm--khì, lí ē khòaⁿ tio̍h siáⁿ-mih? Chit ê tap-àn to̍h kì-lo̍k tī chit ki 2011 nî tiàm Tajikistan Kiōng-hô-kok hip--ê, hì-kio̍k sèng piàn-hòa--ê goe̍h-choân-si̍t sok-sî-liap-iáⁿ iáⁿ-phìⁿ lāi-té. Goe̍h-choân-si̍t ê sî-chūn, Tē-kiû kiâⁿ kàu Goe̍h-kiû kah Thài-iông tiong-ng, só͘-í goe̍h-niû chiah-ē hut-jiân-kan àm--khì. M̄-koh Goe̍h-kiû bē oân-choân bô--khì, che sī in-ūi Tē-kiû ê tōa-khì ē khut-chiat chit-kóa thài-iông-kng. Chit ki iáⁿ-phìⁿ khai-sí ê sî-chūn, khòaⁿ--khí-lâi ká-ná sī tī ji̍t-sî ê ji̍t-kng, m̄-koh si̍t-chè-siōng che sī àm-mî, jî-chhiáⁿ chit-ê kng-sòaⁿ sī goe̍h-îⁿ sî ê goe̍h-kng. Goe̍h-niû khì hō͘ chia̍h khì liáu-āu to̍h piàn àm--khì ah, chit-ê sî-chūn lán to̍h ē-táng khòaⁿ-tio̍h pōe-kéng ê thiⁿ-chhiⁿ hoán-siā tī ô͘-bīn. Siōng chòng-koan--ê, sī hoat-seng goe̍h-si̍t hit-chūn, thiⁿ-téng soah hut-jiân-kan piàn-chò lóng sī thiⁿ-chhiⁿ, siōng kng ê só͘-chāi to̍h sī thiⁿ-chhiⁿ siōng chōe ê Gîn-hô-pôaⁿ hiah. Iáⁿ-phìⁿ hòng-sàng tē jī pái ê sî-chūn, sī kā kéng-sek giú kīn lâi khòaⁿ, siōng lo̍h-bóe ê iáⁿ-siōng sī Ba̍h-hio̍h-seng-hûn, Thian-gô-seng-hûn, Sam-chhe-seng-hûn, kah Lāi-hái-á seng-hûn hū-kīn ê si̍t-goe̍h. Goe̍h-si̍t khai-sí chha-put-to nn̄g tiám-cheng liáu-āu, goe̍h-niû to̍h ùi Tē-kiû o͘-iáⁿ ē-té chhut-lâi ah, goe̍h-îⁿ sî ê goe̍h-kng to̍h sûi piàn-chò thiⁿ-téng siōng kng ê thian-thé ah. E-àm ia̍h-sī miâ-á-chài, ài khòaⁿ lí kah Kok-chè Ōaⁿ-jī-sòaⁿ chha gōa che, lí nā-sī tiàm A-chiu ê tang-pak pêng, ia̍h-sī Pak-bí-chiu ê sai-pak pêng, to̍h ē koh khòaⁿ tio̍h chi̍t pái Goe̍h-choân-si̍t.

[KIP] Tajikistan Kiōng-hô-kok thinn-tíng ê Gue̍h-tsuân-si̍t

Gue̍h-înn ê sî-tsūn, gue̍h-niû nā-sī hut-jiân-kan àm--khì, lí ē khuànn tio̍h siánn-mih? Tsit ê tap-àn to̍h kì-lo̍k tī tsit ki 2011 nî tiàm Tajikistan Kiōng-hô-kok hip--ê, hì-kio̍k sìng piàn-huà--ê gue̍h-tsuân-si̍t sok-sî-liap-iánn iánn-phìnn lāi-té. Gue̍h-tsuân-si̍t ê sî-tsūn, Tē-kiû kiânn kàu Gue̍h-kiû kah Thài-iông tiong-ng, sóo-í gue̍h-niû tsiah-ē hut-jiân-kan àm--khì. M̄-koh Gue̍h-kiû bē uân-tsuân bô--khì, tse sī in-uī Tē-kiû ê tuā-khì ē khut-tsiat tsit-kuá thài-iông-kng. Tsit ki iánn-phìnn khai-sí ê sî-tsūn, khuànn--khí-lâi ká-ná sī tī ji̍t-sî ê ji̍t-kng, m̄-koh si̍t-tsè-siōng tse sī àm-mî, jî-tshiánn tsit-ê kng-suànn sī gue̍h-înn sî ê gue̍h-kng. Gue̍h-niû khì hōo tsia̍h khì liáu-āu to̍h piàn àm--khì ah, tsit-ê sî-tsūn lán to̍h ē-táng khuànn-tio̍h puē-kíng ê thinn-tshinn huán-siā tī ôo-bīn. Siōng tsòng-kuan--ê, sī huat-sing gue̍h-si̍t hit-tsūn, thinn-tíng suah hut-jiân-kan piàn-tsò lóng sī thinn-tshinn, siōng kng ê sóo-tsāi to̍h sī thinn-tshinn siōng tsuē ê Gîn-hô-puânn hiah. Iánn-phìnn hòng-sàng tē jī pái ê sî-tsūn, sī kā kíng-sik giú kīn lâi khuànn, siōng lo̍h-bué ê iánn-siōng sī Ba̍h-hio̍h-sing-hûn, Thian-gô-sing-hûn, Sam-tshe-sing-hûn, kah Lāi-hái-á sing-hûn hū-kīn ê si̍t-gue̍h. Gue̍h-si̍t khai-sí tsha-put-to nn̄g tiám-tsing liáu-āu, gue̍h-niû to̍h uì Tē-kiû oo-iánn ē-té tshut-lâi ah, gue̍h-înn sî ê gue̍h-kng to̍h suî piàn-tsò thinn-tíng siōng kng ê thian-thé ah. E-àm ia̍h-sī miâ-á-tsài, ài khuànn lí kah Kok-tsè Uānn-jī-suànn tsha guā tse, lí nā-sī tiàm A-tsiu ê tang-pak pîng, ia̍h-sī Pak-bí-tsiu ê sai-pak pîng, to̍h ē koh khuànn tio̍h tsi̍t pái Gue̍h-tsuân-si̍t.

[English] A Total Lunar Eclipse Over Tajikistan

If the full Moon suddenly faded, what would you see? The answer was recorded in a dramatic time lapse video taken during the total lunar eclipse in 2011 from Tajikistan. During a total lunar eclipse, the Earth moves between the Moon and the Sun, causing the moon to fade dramatically. The Moon never gets completely dark, though, since the Earth's atmosphere refracts some light. As the featured video begins, the scene may appear to be daytime and sunlit, but actually it is a nighttime and lit by the glow of the full Moon. As the Moon becomes eclipsed and fades, background stars become visible and here can be seen reflected in a lake. Most spectacularly, the sky surrounding the eclipsed moon suddenly appears to be full of stars and highlighted by the busy plane of our Milky Way Galaxy. The sequence repeats with a closer view, and the final image shows the placement of the eclipsed Moon near the Eagle, Swan, Trifid, and Lagoon nebulas. Nearly two hours after the eclipse started, the moon emerged from the Earth's shadow and its bright full glare again dominated the sky. Later today or tomorrow, depending on your location relative to the International Date Line, a new total lunar eclipse will take place -- with totality being primarily visible over northeastern Asia and northwestern North America.


Tajikistan 共和國Tajikistan kiōng-hô-kokTajikistan kiōng-hô-kok塔吉克共和國Tajikistan
月全食goe̍h-choân-si̍tgue̍h-tsuân-si̍t月全食total lunar eclipse
月圓goe̍h-îⁿgue̍h-înn滿月full moon
食月si̍t-goe̍hsi̍t-gue̍h食月eclipsed moon
銀河盤Gîn-hô-pôaⁿGîn-hô-puânn銀河盤the plane of the Milky Way
鴟鴞星雲Ba̍h-hio̍h seng-hûnBa̍h-hio̍h seng-hûn老鷹星雲Eagle Nebula
天鵝星雲Thian-gô-seng-hûnThian-gô-sing-hûn天鵝星雲Swan Nebula
三叉星雲Sam-chhe-seng-hûnSam-tshe-sing-hûn三裂星雲、三葉星雲Trifid Nebula
內海仔星雲Lāi-hái-á seng-hûnLāi-hái-á sing-hûn潟湖星雲Lagoon Nebula
國際換日線Kok-chè Ōaⁿ-ji̍t-sòaⁿKok-chè Ōaⁿ-ji̍t-sòaⁿ國際換日線International Date Line
縮時攝影sok-sî-liap-iáⁿsok-sî-liap-iánn縮時攝影time lapse

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