25. October 2022
木星自轉 kah 木衛公轉
探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4。
- 原始文章:Jupiter Rotates as Moons Orbit
- 影像來源 kah 版權:Makrem Larnaout
- 超空間:Random APOD Generator
- 台文翻譯:An-Li Tsai (NCU)
[漢羅] 木星自轉 kah 木衛公轉
木星 kah 伊 ê 衛星 ê 運動,就親像是咱 ê 太陽 kah 行星 ê 運動仝款。 木星 哪咧自旋,伊 ê 衛星 嘛哪咧踅伊行。 咱會當 ùi 追蹤木星頂懸 環形 ê 暗帶 kah 光區 ê 運動,了解 木星咧自轉。 大紅斑 是目前咱知影上大 ê 木星風暴。這支 48 秒鐘 ê 影片開始放送了後,差不多 15 秒 ê 時陣你就會看著伊踅過來矣。 這支影片 是 kā 頂個月幾若暗翕 ê 相片,用數位組合 ê 方式重新鬥做伙,變做這支 24 點鐘 ê 連紲影片。 木星上光 ê 衛星 總是踅木星 ê 行星平面咧行。 毋過地球自轉予 in 看起來 趨一爿。 咱會當佇影片內底 看著 木衛二 Europa、木衛三 Ganymede、kah 木衛一 Io。 冷吱吱 ê 加利略衛星 ùi 木星面頭前行過 ê 時陣,木衛二 Europa ê 烏影就出現 佇木星盤面頂。 木星這個月猶 佇「衝」附近,這表示講伊這馬是足光--ê。 伊欲行到離地球上倚 ê 所在矣,咱這馬是差不多規暗攏看會著伊。
[POJ] Bo̍k-chhiⁿ chū-choán kah Bo̍k-ūi kong-choán
Bo̍k-chhiⁿ kah i ê ūi-chhiⁿ ê ūn-tōng, to̍h chhin-chhiūⁿ sī lán ê Thài-iông kah kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ ê ūn-tōng kāng-khoán. Bo̍k-chhiⁿ ná leh chū-soân, i ê ūi-chhiⁿ mā ná leh se̍h i kiâⁿ. Lán ē-tàng ùi tui-chong Bo̍k-chhiⁿ téng-koân khoân-hêng ê àm-tòa kah kng-khu ê ūn-tōng, liáu-kái Bo̍k-chhiⁿ leh chū-choán. Tōa-âng-pan sī bo̍k-chêng lán chai-iáⁿ siōng tōa ê Bo̍k-chhiⁿ hong-pō. Chit ki 48 bió-cheng ê iáⁿ-phìⁿ khai-sí hòng-sàng liáu-āu, chha-put-to 15 bió ê sî-chūn lí to̍h ē khòaⁿ-tio̍h i se̍h kòe-lâi ah. Chit ki iáⁿ-phìⁿ sī kā téng kò goe̍h kúi-ā àm hip ê siòng-phìⁿ, iông sò͘-ūi cho͘-ha̍p ê hong-sek tiông-sin tàu chò-hóe, piàn-chò chi̍t ki 24 tiám-cheng ê liân-sòa iáⁿ-phìⁿ. Bo̍k-chhiⁿ siōng kng ê ūi-chhiⁿ chóng--sī se̍h Bo̍k-chhiⁿ ê kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ pêⁿ-bīn leh kiâⁿ. M̄-koh Tē-kiû chū-choán hō͘ in khòaⁿ--khí-lâi chhu chi̍t-pêng. Lán ē-tàng tī iáⁿ-phìⁿ lāi-té khòaⁿ-tio̍h Bo̍k-ùi-jī Europa, Bo̍k-ūi-saⁿ Ganymede, kah Bo̍k-ūi-it Io. Léng-ki-ki ê Ka-lī-lio̍h ūi-chhiⁿ ùi Bo̍k-chhiⁿ bīn-thâu-chêng kiâⁿ-kòe ê sî-chūn, Bo̍k-ūi-jī Europa ê o͘-iáⁿ to̍h chhut-hiān tī Bo̍k-chhiⁿ-pôaⁿ bīn-téng. Bo̍k-chhiⁿ chit kò goe̍h iáu tī "Chhiong" hù-kīn, che piáu-sī kóng i chit-má sī chiok kng--ê. I beh kiâⁿ kàu lī Tē-kiû siōng óa ê só͘-chāi ah, lán chit-má chha-put-to kui-àm lóng khòaⁿ-ē-tio̍h i.
[KIP] Bo̍k-tshinn tsū-tsuán kah Bo̍k-uī kong-tsuán
Bo̍k-tshinn kah i ê uī-tshinn ê ūn-tōng, to̍h tshin-tshiūnn sī lán ê Thài-iông kah kiânn-tshinn ê ūn-tōng kāng-khuán. Bo̍k-tshinn ná leh tsū-suân, i ê uī-tshinn mā ná leh se̍h i kiânn. Lán ē-tàng uì tui-tsong Bo̍k-tshinn tíng-kuân khuân-hîng ê àm-tuà kah kng-khu ê ūn-tōng, liáu-kái Bo̍k-tshinn leh tsū-tsuán. Tuā-âng-pan sī bo̍k-tsîng lán tsai-iánn siōng tuā ê Bo̍k-tshinn hong-pō. Tsit ki 48 bió-tsing ê iánn-phìnn khai-sí hòng-sàng liáu-āu, tsha-put-to 15 bió ê sî-tsūn lí to̍h ē khuànn-tio̍h i se̍h kuè-lâi ah. Tsit ki iánn-phìnn sī kā tíng kò gue̍h kuí-ā àm hip ê siòng-phìnn, iông sòo-uī tsoo-ha̍p ê hong-sik tiông-sin tàu tsò-hué, piàn-tsò tsi̍t ki 24 tiám-tsing ê liân-suà iánn-phìnn. Bo̍k-tshinn siōng kng ê uī-tshinn tsóng--sī se̍h Bo̍k-tshinn ê kiânn-tshinn pênn-bīn leh kiânn. M̄-koh Tē-kiû tsū-tsuán hōo in khuànn--khí-lâi tshu tsi̍t-pîng. Lán ē-tàng tī iánn-phìnn lāi-té khuànn-tio̍h Bo̍k-uì-jī Europa, Bo̍k-uī-sann Ganymede, kah Bo̍k-uī-it Io. Líng-ki-ki ê Ka-lī-lio̍h uī-tshinn uì Bo̍k-tshinn bīn-thâu-tsîng kiânn-kuè ê sî-tsūn, Bo̍k-uī-jī Europa ê oo-iánn to̍h tshut-hiān tī Bo̍k-tshinn-puânn bīn-tíng. Bo̍k-tshinn tsit kò gue̍h iáu tī "Tshiong" hù-kīn, tse piáu-sī kóng i tsit-má sī tsiok kng--ê. I beh kiânn kàu lī Tē-kiû siōng uá ê sóo-tsāi ah, lán tsit-má tsha-put-to kui-àm lóng khuànn-ē-tio̍h i.
[English] Jupiter Rotates as Moons Orbit
Jupiter and its moons move like our Sun and its planets. Similarly, Jupiter spins while its moons circle around. Jupiter’s rotation can be observed by tracking circulating dark belts and light zones. The Great Red Spot, the largest storm known, rotates to become visible after about 15 seconds in the 48-second time lapse video. The video is a compilation of shorts taken over several nights last month and combined into a digital recreation of how 24-continuous hours would appear. Jupiter's brightest moons always orbit in the plane of the planet's rotation, even as Earth’s spin makes the whole system appear to tilt. The moons Europa, Ganymede, and Io are all visible, with Europa's shadow appearing as the icy Galilean moon crosses Jupiter's disk. Jupiter remains near opposition this month, meaning that it is unusually bright, near to its closest to the Earth, and visible nearly all night long.
漢羅 | POJ | KIP | 華語 | English |
木星 | Bo̍k-chhiⁿ | Bo̍k-tshinn | 木星 | Jupiter |
自轉 | chū-choán | tsū-tsuán | 自轉 | rotation |
公轉 | kong-choán | kong-tsuán | 公轉 | orbit |
自旋 | chū-soân | tsū-suân | 自旋 | spin |
大紅斑 | Tōa-âng-pan | Tuā-âng-pan | 大紅斑 | Great Red Spot |
暗帶 | àm-tòa | àm-tuà | 暗帶 | dark belts |
光區 | kng-khu | kng-khu | 光區 | light zones |
加利略衛星 | Ka-lī-lio̍h ūi-chhiⁿ | Ka-lī-lio̍h uī-tshinn | 加利略衛星 | Galilean moon |
木衛二 Europa | Bo̍k-ūi-jī Europa | Bo̍k-uī-jī Europa | 木衛二歐羅巴 | Europa |
木衛一 Io | Bo̍k-ūi it Io | Bo̍k-uī-it Io | 木衛一埃歐 | Io |
木衛三 Ganymede | Bo̍k-ūi-saⁿ Ganymede | Bo̍k-uī-sann Ganymede | 木衛三蓋尼米德 | Ganymede |
衝 | Chhiong | Tshiong | 衝 | opposition |