01. October 2022
探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4。
- 原始文章:Lunation Matrix
- 影像來源 kah 版權:Tunc Tezel (TWAN)
- 下暗:國際觀測月娘暗暝
- 台文翻譯:An-Li Tsai (NCU)
[漢羅] 月相矩陣圖
你若是逐工 觀測月娘,就會看著伊去予日頭照著 ê 部份,逐工會小可仔無仝。 月相 ê 變化 ùi 月眉 到 月圓 閣轉來到 月眉,這規个月相循環差不多是 29.5 工。 這个 7x4 ê 望遠鏡影像距陣,是 月相 28 暗 ê 連紲變化。 Ùi 倒爿頂懸 到 正爿下跤,是 ùi 7 月 29 天欲暗彼陣,到 8 月 26 透早彼陣,按呢差不多是一个完整 ê 月相。 月眉 前後 24 點鐘無翕,因為彼陣 ê 月相是月眉,kah 太陽較倚,真歹看著。 為著欲 tī 地中海天氣上好 ê 時陣翕著月相,有當時仔嘛是需要做一擺 ê 公路旅行,才有法度完成這个月相循環 ê 攝影計畫。 月相前半段是前半暝翕--ê,後半段是後半暝抑是透早翕--ê。 所有 ê 影像攏有調整到仝款 ê 大細,按呢才有法度予你利用這个距陣,tī 一个月相週期內底追蹤月娘 tī 仝款視寸尺 ê 變化。 另外閣有一个好處,咱會當 tī 月相距陣圖內底,揣著 離近地點上倚 彼工 ê 月娘。
[POJ] Goe̍h-siòng Kū-tīn-tô͘
Lí nā-sī ta̍k-kang koan-chhek goe̍h-niû, to̍h ē khòaⁿ-tio̍h i khì hō͘ ji̍t-thâu chiò-tio̍h ê pō͘-hūn, ta̍k-kang ē sió-khóa-á bô-kâng. Goe̍h-siòng ê piàn-hòa ùi goe̍h-bâi kàu goe̍h-îⁿ koh tńg-lâi kàu goe̍h-bâi, che kui-ê goe̍h-siòng sûn-khoân chha-put-to sī 29.5 kang. Chit-ê 7x4 ê bōng-oán-kiàⁿ iáⁿ-siōng kū-tīn, sī goe̍h-siòng 28 àm ê liân-sòa piàn-hòa. Ùi tò-pêng téng-koân kàu chiàⁿ-pêng ē-kha, sī ùi 7 goe̍h 29 thiⁿ beh àm hit-chūn, kàu 8 goe̍h 26 thàu-chá hit-chūn, án-ne chha-put-to sī chi̍t-ê oân-chéng ê goe̍h-siòng. Goe̍h-bâi chêng-āu 24 tiám-cheng bô hip, in-ūi hit-chūn ê goe̍h-siòng sī goe̍h-bâi, kah Thài-iông khah óa, chin phái khòaⁿ-tio̍h. Ūi-tio̍h beh tī Tē-tiong-hái thiⁿ-khì siōng hó ê sî-chūn hip-tio̍h goe̍h-siòng ū-tang-sî-á mā-sī su-iàu chò chi̍t-pái ê kong-lō͘ lú-hêng, chiah ū-hoat-tō͘ oân-sêng chit-ê goe̍h-siòng sûn-khoân ê liap-iáⁿ kè-ōe. Goe̍h-siòng chêng poàn-tōaⁿ sī chêng pòaⁿ-mî hip--ê, āu poàn-tōaⁿ sī āu pòaⁿ-mî iah-sī thàu-chá hip--ê. Só͘-ū ê iáⁿ-siōng lóng-ū tiâu-chéng kàu kāng-khoán ê tōa-sè, án-ni chiah ū-hoat-tō͘ hō͘ lí lī-iōng chit-ê kū-tīn, tī chi̍t ê goe̍h-siòng chiu-kî lāi-té tui-chong goe̍h-niû tī kāng-khoán sī-chhùn-chhioh ê piàn-hòa. Lēng-gōa koh ū chi̍t-ê hó-chhù, lán ē-tàng tī goe̍h-siòng kū-tīn-tô͘ lāi-té, chhōe-tio̍h kīn-tē-tiám siōng óa hit-kang ê goe̍h-niû.
[KIP] Gue̍h-siòng Kū-tīn-tôo
Lí nā-sī ta̍k-kang kuan-tshik gue̍h-niû, to̍h ē khuànn-tio̍h i khì hōo ji̍t-thâu tsiò-tio̍h ê pōo-hūn, ta̍k-kang ē sió-khuá-á bô-kâng. Gue̍h-siòng ê piàn-huà uì gue̍h-bâi kàu gue̍h-înn koh tńg-lâi kàu gue̍h-bâi, tse kui-ê gue̍h-siòng sûn-khuân tsha-put-to sī 29.5 kang. Tsit-ê 7x4 ê bōng-uán-kiànn iánn-siōng kū-tīn, sī gue̍h-siòng 28 àm ê liân-suà piàn-huà. Uì tò-pîng tíng-kuân kàu tsiànn-pîng ē-kha, sī uì 7 gue̍h 29 thinn beh àm hit-tsūn, kàu 8 gue̍h 26 thàu-tsá hit-tsūn, án-ne tsha-put-to sī tsi̍t-ê uân-tsíng ê gue̍h-siòng. Gue̍h-bâi tsîng-āu 24 tiám-tsing bô hip, in-uī hit-tsūn ê gue̍h-siòng sī gue̍h-bâi, kah Thài-iông khah uá, tsin phái khuànn-tio̍h. Uī-tio̍h beh tī Tē-tiong-hái thinn-khì siōng hó ê sî-tsūn hip-tio̍h gue̍h-siòng ū-tang-sî-á mā-sī su-iàu tsò tsi̍t-pái ê kong-lōo lú-hîng, tsiah ū-huat-tōo uân-sîng tsit-ê gue̍h-siòng sûn-khuân ê liap-iánn kè-uē. Gue̍h-siòng tsîng puàn-tuānn sī tsîng puànn-mî hip--ê, āu puàn-tuānn sī āu puànn-mî iah-sī thàu-tsá hip--ê. Sóo-ū ê iánn-siōng lóng-ū tiâu-tsíng kàu kāng-khuán ê tuā-sè, án-ni tsiah ū-huat-tōo hōo lí lī-iōng tsit-ê kū-tīn, tī tsi̍t ê gue̍h-siòng tsiu-kî lāi-té tui-tsong gue̍h-niû tī kāng-khuán sī-tshùn-tshioh ê piàn-huà. Līng-guā koh ū tsi̍t-ê hó-tshù, lán ē-tàng tī gue̍h-siòng kū-tīn-tôo lāi-té, tshuē-tio̍h kīn-tē-tiám siōng uá hit-kang ê gue̍h-niû.
[English] Lunation Matrix
Observe the Moon every night and you'll see its visible sunlit portion gradually change. In phases progressing from New Moon to Full Moon to New Moon again, a lunar cycle or lunation is completed in about 29.5 days. Top left to bottom right, this 7x4 matrix of telescopic images captures the range of lunar phases for 28 consecutive nights, from the evening of July 29 to the morning of August 26, following an almost complete lunation. No image was taken 24 hours or so just after and just before New Moon, when the lunar phase is at best a narrow crescent, close to the Sun and really hard to see. Finding mostly clear Mediterranean skies required an occasional road trip to complete this lunar cycle project, imaging in early evening for the first half and late evening and early morning for the second half of the lunation. Since all the images are registered at the same scale you can use this matrix to track the change in the Moon's apparent size during the single lunation. For extra credit, find the lunar phase that occurred closest to perigee.
漢羅 | POJ | KIP | 華語 | English |
月相矩陣圖 | goe̍h-siòng kū-tīn-tô͘ | gue̍h-siòng kū-tīn-tôo | 月相矩陣圖 | Lunation Matrix |
月相 | goe̍h-siòng | gue̍h-siòng | 月相 | lunar phase |
距陣 | kū-tīn | kū-tīn | 距陣 | matrix |
月眉 | goe̍h-bâi | gue̍h-bâi | 新月 | crescent |
月圓 | goe̍h-îⁿ | goe̍h-îⁿ | 滿月 | full moon |
視寸尺 | sī-chhùn-chhioh | sī-tshùn-tshioh | 視尺寸 | apparent size |
近地點 | kīn-tē-tiám | kīn-tē-tiám | 近地點 | perigee |
29.5 工 | jī-cha̍p-káu tiám gō͘ kang | jī-tsa̍p-káu tiám gōo kang | 29.5 天 | 29.5 days |
7x4 | chhit sêng sì | tshit sîng sì | 7x4 | 7x4 |