鬱金香星雲 kah 天鵝座 X-1


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 鬱金香星雲 kah 天鵝座 X-1

這个望遠鏡景色 是一个光 iàⁿ-iàⁿ ê 發射線區。 Ùi 遮看出去,是咱銀河盤面頂 有足濟星雲 ê 天鵝座。 這个發紅光 ê 星際氣體塗粉雲,一般人攏 kā 叫做鬱金香星雲。 伊嘛有 tī 天文學家 Stewart Sharpless 1959 年編 ê 目錄 內底,叫做 Sh2-101。 這个複雜美麗 ê 鬱金香星雲差不多有 70 光年闊。 這蕊花就開 tī 8000 光年遠 ê 所在。 Tī 天鵝座上邊仔 ê OB3 星協 內底有 O 型星 HDE 227018。 這寡少年高能 ê 恆星發出紫外光輻射,kā 鬱金香星雲內底 ê 原子 離子化,驅動發射線。 這个視野內底閣有 微類星體 天鵝座 X-1,是天頂上強 ê X-光 天體之一。 Tī 這个宇宙鬱金香花葉 ê 正爿,咱會當看著較暗較藍 ê 衝擊波,彼是 ùi 藏 tī 星雲內底 ê 烏洞 噴出來 ê 噴流 驅動--ê。

[POJ] Ut-kim-hiong seng-hûn kah Thian-gô-chō X-1

Chit-ê bōng-oán-kiàⁿ kéng-sek sī chit-ê kng-iàⁿ-iàⁿ ê hoat-siā-sòaⁿ khu. Ùi chiah khòaⁿ--chhut-khì, sī lán Gîn-hô-pôaⁿ bīn-téng ū chiok-chōe seng-hûn ê Thian-gô-chō. Chit-ê hoat âng-kng ê seng-chè thô͘-hún khì-thé hûn, it-poaⁿ-lâng lóng kā kiò-chò Ut-kim-hiong seng-hûn. I mā ū tī Thian-bûn ha̍k-ka Stewart Sharpless 1959 nî pian ê bo̍k-lo̍k lāi-té, kiò-chò Sh2-101. Chit-ê ho̍k-cha̍p bí-lē ê Ut-kim-hiong seng-hûn chha-put-to ū 70 kng-nî khoah. Chit lúi hoe to̍h khui tī 8000 kng-nî hn̄g ê só͘-chāi. Tī Thian-gô-chō siōng piⁿ-á ê OB3 seng-hiap lāi-té ū O hêng chhiⁿ HDE 227018. Chit kóa siàu-liân ko-lêng ê hêng-chhiⁿ hoat-chhut chí-gōa-kng hok-siā, kā Ut-kim-hiong seng-hûn lāi-té ê goân-chú lî-chú-hòa, khu-tōng hoat-siā-sòaⁿ. Chit-ê sī-iá lāi-té koh ū bî lūi-seng-thé Thian-gô-chō X-one, sī thiⁿ-téng siōng-kiông ê X-kng thian-thé chi-it. Tī chit-ê ú-tiū ut-kim-hiong hoe-hio̍h ê chiàⁿ-pêng, lán ē-tàng khòaⁿ-tio̍h khah àm khah nâ ê chhiong-kek-phō, he sī ùi chhàng tī seng-hûn lāi-té ê o͘-tōng phùn--chhut-lâi ê phùn-liû khu-tōng--ê.

[KIP] Ut-kim-hiong sing-hûn kah Thian-gô-tsō X-1

Tsit-ê bōng-uán-kiànn kíng-sik sī tsit-ê kng-iànn-iànn ê huat-siā-suànn khu. Uì tsiah khuànn--tshut-khì, sī lán Gîn-hô-puânn bīn-tíng ū tsiok-tsuē sing-hûn ê Thian-gô-tsō. Tsit-ê huat âng-kng ê sing-tsè thôo-hún khì-thé hûn, it-puann-lâng lóng kā kiò-tsò Ut-kim-hiong sing-hûn. I mā ū tī Thian-bûn ha̍k-ka Stewart Sharpless 1959 nî pian ê bo̍k-lo̍k lāi-té, kiò-tsò Sh2-101. Tsit-ê ho̍k-tsa̍p bí-lē ê Ut-kim-hiong sing-hûn tsha-put-to ū 70 kng-nî khuah. Tsit luí hue to̍h khui tī 8000 kng-nî hn̄g ê sóo-tsāi. Tī Thian-gô-tsō siōng pinn-á ê OB3 sing-hiap lāi-té ū O hîng tshinn HDE 227018. Tsit kuá siàu-liân ko-lîng ê hîng-tshinn huat-tshut tsí-guā-kng hok-siā, kā Ut-kim-hiong sing-hûn lāi-té ê guân-tsú lî-tsú-huà, khu-tōng huat-siā-suànn. Tsit-ê sī-iá lāi-té koh ū bî luī-sing-thé Thian-gô-tsō X-one, sī thinn-tíng siōng-kiông ê X-kng thian-thé tsi-it. Tī tsit-ê ú-tiū ut-kim-hiong hue-hio̍h ê tsiànn-pîng, lán ē-tàng khuànn-tio̍h khah àm khah nâ ê tshiong-kik-phō, he sī uì tshàng tī sing-hûn lāi-té ê oo-tōng phùn--tshut-lâi ê phùn-liû khu-tōng--ê.

[English] The Tulip and Cygnus X-1

Framing a bright emission region, this telescopic view looks out along the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy toward the nebula rich constellation Cygnus the Swan. Popularly called the Tulip Nebula, the reddish glowing cloud of interstellar gas and dust is also found in the 1959 catalog by astronomer Stewart Sharpless as Sh2-101. Nearly 70 light-years across, the complex and beautiful Tulip Nebula blossoms about 8,000 light-years away. Ultraviolet radiation from young energetic stars at the edge of the Cygnus OB3 association, including O star HDE 227018, ionizes the atoms and powers the emission from the Tulip Nebula. Also in the field of view is microquasar Cygnus X-1, one of the strongest X-ray sources in planet Earth's sky. Blasted by powerful jets from a lurking black hole its fainter bluish curved shock front is only just visible though, beyond the cosmic Tulip's petals near the right side of the frame.


鬱金香星雲Ut-kim-hiong seng-hûnUt-kim-hiong sing-hûn鬱金香星雲the Tulip Nebula
天鵝座 X-1Thian-gô-chō X-oneThian-gô-tsō X-one天鵝座 X-1Cygnus X-1
銀河盤Gîn-hô-pôaⁿGîn-hô-puânn銀河盤the plane of Milky Way
OB3 星協OB-three seng-hiapOB-three sing-hiapOB3 星協OB3 association
O 型星O hêng chhiⁿO hîng tshinnO 型星O star
微類星體bî lūi-seng-thébî luī-sing-thé微類星體micoquasa
衝擊波chhiong-kek-phōtshiong-kik-phō衝擊波shock wave
Sh2-101Sh-two it-khòng-itSh-two it-khòng-itSh2-101Sh2-101
HDE 22701HDE jī-jī-chhit-khóng-itHDE jī-jī-tshit-khóng-itHDE 22701HDE 22701

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