Ùi 星系面頭前捽過 ê 流星


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4

[漢羅] Ùi 星系面頭前捽過 ê 流星

彼个 ùi 仙女座星系面頭前捽過 ê 青色光跡是啥物? 是流星啦! 這張相片是 tī 2016 年翕--ê,本底是欲翕 仙女座星系。 是講彼當陣 嘛是 英仙座 流星 上濟 ê 時,有一粒深空 ê 細粒星石,拄仔好 ùi 咱 銀河系 遙遠 ê 星系伴 面頭前捽過。 這粒細粒 流星 干焦開一秒鐘 ê 時間就行過 10 度闊 ê 天區。 流星入來到 地球大氣層 是足猛--ê,予 伊 tī 天頂爍 幾若擺。 流星會發 青光,是因為有一部份 ê 氣體蒸發 發光--ê。 雖罔講這个時陣 翕著--ê 流星應該是 英仙座流星,毋閣 ùi 相片內底流星軌跡方向來判斷,敢若較成是 寶瓶座 δ 南流星雨。 這个 流星雨 上濟 ê 時間,應該是 tī 幾若禮拜進前才著。 無拄好,英仙座流星雨 上濟 ê 時陣是幾工後,時到會去拄著月圓,夜空會足光--ê。 按呢 今年 ê 流星 愛比夜空閣較光 才看會著。

[POJ] Ùi Seng-hē bīn-thâu-chêng sut kòe ê Liû-chhiⁿ

Hit-ê ùi Sian-lú-chō seng-hē bīn-thâu-chêng sut kòe ê chhiⁿ-sek kng-jiah sī siáⁿ-mih? Sī liû-chhiⁿ la̍h! Chit-tiuⁿ siòng-phìⁿ sī tī 2016 nî hip--ê, pún-té sī beh hip Sian-lú-chō seng-hē. Sī-kóng hit-tang-chūn mā-sī Eng-sian-chō liû-chhiⁿ-hō͘ siōng chōe ê sī, ū chi̍t-lia̍p chhim-khong ê sè-lia̍p chhiⁿ-chio̍h, tú-á-hó ùi lán Gîn-hô-hē iâu-oán ê seng-hē-pôaⁿ bīn-thâu-chêng sut kòe. Chit-lia̍p sè-lia̍p liû-chhiⁿ kan-na khai chi̍t bió-cheng ê sî-kan to̍h kiâⁿ kòe 10 tō͘ khoah ê thian-khu. Liû-chhiⁿ ji̍p-lâi kàu Tē-kiû tōa-khì-chân sī chiok béng--ê, hō͘ i tī thiⁿ-téng sih kúi-ā-pái. Liû-chhiⁿ ē hoat chhiⁿ-kng, sī in-ūi ū chi̍t-pō͘-hūn ê khì-thé cheng-hoat hoat-kng--ê. Sui-bóng-kóng chit-ê sî-chūn hip-tio̍h--ê liû-chhiⁿ èng-kai sī Eng-sian-chō liû-chhiⁿ, m̄-koh ùi siòng-phìⁿ lāi-té liû-chhiⁿ kúi-jiah hong-hiòng lâi phòaⁿ-toàn, ká-ná khah sêng sī Pó-pân-chō δ Lâm liû-chhiⁿ-hō͘. Chit-ê liû-chhiⁿ-hō͘ siōng chōe ê sî-kan, èng-kai sī tī kúi-ā lé-pài chìn-chêng chia̍h-tio̍h. Bô-tú-hó, Eng-sian-chō liû-chhiⁿ-hō͘ siōng chōe ê sî-chūn sī kúi-kang āu, sî-kàu ē khì tú-tio̍h goe̍h-îⁿ, iā-khong ē chiok kng--ê. Án-ni kin-nî ê liû-chhiⁿ ài pí iā-khong koh khah kng chiah khòaⁿ-ē-tio̍h.

[KIP] Uì Sing-hē bīn-thâu-tsîng sut kuè ê Liû-tshinn

Hit-ê uì Sian-lú-tsō sing-hē bīn-thâu-tsîng sut kuè ê tshinn-sik kng-jiah sī siánn-mih? Sī liû-tshinn la̍h! Tsit-tiunn siòng-phìnn sī tī 2016 nî hip--ê, pún-té sī beh hip Sian-lú-tsō sing-hē. Sī-kóng hit-tang-tsūn mā-sī Ing-sian-tsō liû-tshinn-hōo siōng tsuē ê sī, ū tsi̍t-lia̍p tshim-khong ê sè-lia̍p tshinn-tsio̍h, tú-á-hó uì lán Gîn-hô-hē iâu-uán ê sing-hē-puânn bīn-thâu-tsîng sut kuè. Tsit-lia̍p sè-lia̍p liû-tshinn kan-na khai tsi̍t bió-tsing ê sî-kan to̍h kiânn kuè 10 tōo khuah ê thian-khu. Liû-tshinn ji̍p-lâi kàu Tē-kiû tuā-khì-tsân sī tsiok bíng--ê, hōo i tī thinn-tíng sih kuí-ā-pái. Liû-tshinn ē huat tshinn-kng, sī in-uī ū tsi̍t-pōo-hūn ê khì-thé tsing-huat huat-kng--ê. Sui-bóng-kóng tsit-ê sî-tsūn hip-tio̍h--ê liû-tshinn ìng-kai sī Ing-sian-tsō liû-tshinn, m̄-koh uì siòng-phìnn lāi-té liû-tshinn kuí-jiah hong-hiòng lâi phuànn-tuàn, ká-ná khah sîng sī Pó-pân-tsō δ Lâm liû-tshinn-hōo. Tsit-ê liû-tshinn-hōo siōng tsuē ê sî-kan, ìng-kai sī tī kuí-ā lé-pài tsìn-tsîng tsia̍h-tio̍h. Bô-tú-hó, Ing-sian-tsō liû-tshinn-hōo siōng tsuē ê sî-tsūn sī kuí-kang āu, sî-kàu ē khì tú-tio̍h gue̍h-înn, iā-khong ē tsiok kng--ê. Án-ni kin-nî ê liû-tshinn ài pí iā-khong koh khah kng tsiah khuànn-ē-tio̍h.

[English] Meteor before Galaxy

What's that green streak in front of the Andromeda galaxy? A meteor. While photographing the Andromeda galaxy in 2016, near the peak of the Perseid Meteor Shower, a small pebble from deep space crossed right in front of our Milky Way Galaxy's far-distant companion. The small meteor took only a fraction of a second to pass through this 10-degree field. The meteor flared several times while braking violently upon entering Earth's atmosphere. The green color was created, at least in part, by the meteor's gas glowing as it vaporized. Although the exposure was timed to catch a Perseid meteor, the orientation of the imaged streak seems a better match to a meteor from the Southern Delta Aquariids, a meteor shower that peaked a few weeks earlier. Not coincidentally, the Perseid Meteor Shower peaks later this week, although this year the meteors will have to outshine a sky brightened by a nearly full moon.


仙女座星系Sian-lú-chō seng-hēSian-lú-tsō sing-hē仙女座星系the Andromeda galaxy
星系伴seng-hē-phōaⁿsing-hē-phuānn星系伴galaxy companion
英仙座流星Eng-sian-chō liû-chhiⁿIng-sian-tsō liû-tshinn英仙座流星Perseid meteor
寶瓶座 δ 南流星雨Pó-pân-chō Delta Lâm liû-chhiⁿ-hō͘Pó-pân-tsō Delta Lâm liû-tshinn-hōo寶瓶座 δ 南流星雨the Southern Delta Aquariids
英仙座流星雨Eng-sian-chō liû-chhiⁿ-hō͘Ing-sian-tsō liû-tshinn-hōo英仙座流星雨the Perseid Meteor Shower
銀河系Gîn-hô-hēGîn-hô-hē銀河系Milky Way Galaxy

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昨昏 ê 圖:火衛一 Phobos ê 3D 影像 明仔載 ê 圖:無恆星 ê 內海仔星雲