

探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 太陽系全家福相片

是哩!毋知你敢捌同齊看過太陽系八大行星? 這个真罕得看著 ê 太陽系朝會點名,會當佇 6 月 透早時 看著。 這張 魚眼全景相片,是幾若工前踮 智利 San Pedro de Atacama 鎮 附近翕–ê。 這張毋若翕著行星連珠,嘛翕著 chhāi 佇火星 kah 金星中央 ê 月娘。 太陽系 全家福相片內底 ê 成員攏 chhāi 佇 黃道面 頂懸,in 照順序 ùi 倒爿到正爿是: 地球土星海王星木星火星天王星金星水星、kah 地球。 為著欲強調海王星 kah 天王星 ê 位置,有 kā in 撨較光咧。 水星下底 ê 火山是智利 ê Licancabur 火山。 7 月彼陣,水星 會行到太陽光 ê 範圍內。毋閣幾若工後,伊就會 ùi 欲暗仔彼爿出現。 等到 8 月 ê 時陣,土星離太陽愈來愈遠,落尾就袂 tī 天欲光彼陣出現,顛倒會 tī 天欲暗彼陣出現。 後擺閣 拄著八星連珠,應該愛等到 2122 年 才看有矣!

[POJ] Thài-iông-hē Choân-ka-hok siòng-phìⁿ

Sī lih! M̄-chai lí kám bat tâng-chê khòaⁿ-kòe Thài-iông-hē Pe̍h-tōa-kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ? Chit-ê chin hán-tit khòaⁿ-tio̍h ê Thài-iông-hē tiâu-hōe tiám-miâ, ē-tàng tī 6 goe̍h thàu-chá sī khòaⁿ-tio̍h. Chit-tiuⁿ hî-gán choân-kéng siòng-phìⁿ, sī kúi-ā kang chêng tiàm Tì-lī San Pedro de Atacama tìn hū-kīn hip–ê. Chit-tiuⁿ m̄-nā hip-tio̍h kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ-liân-chu, mā hip-tio̍h chhāi tī Hóe-chhiⁿ kah Kim-chhiⁿ tiong-ng ê goe̍h-niû. Thài-iông-hē choân-ka-hok siòng-phìⁿ lāi-té ê sêng-goân lóng chhāi tī n̂g-tō-bīn téng-koân, in chiàu sūn-sī ùi tò-pêng kàu chiàⁿ-pêng sī: Tē-kiû, Thó͘-chhiⁿ, Hái-ông-chhiⁿ, Bo̍k-chhiⁿ, Hóe-chhiⁿ, Thian-ông-chhiⁿ, Kim-chhiⁿ, Chúi-chhiⁿ, kah Tē-kiû. Ūi-tio̍h beh kiông-tiāu Hái-ông-chhiⁿ kah Thian-ông-chhiⁿ ê ūi-tì, ū kā in chhiâu khah kng leh. Chúi-chhiⁿ ē-té ê hóe-soaⁿ sī Tì-lī ê Licancabur hóe-soaⁿ. 7 goe̍h hit-chūn, Chúi-chhiⁿ ē kiâⁿ kàu Thài-iông-kng ê hoān-ûi lāi. M̄-koh kúi-ā kang āu, i to̍h ē ùi beh-àm-á hit-pêng chhut-hiān. Tán kàu 8 goe̍h ê sî-chūn, Thó͘-chhiⁿ ē lî Thài-iông lú lâi lú hn̄g, lo̍h-bóe to̍h bōe tī thiⁿ beh-kng hit-chūn chhut-hiān, tian-tò ē tī thiⁿ beh-àm hit-chūn chhut-hiān. Āu-pái koh tú-tio̍h peh-chhiⁿ-liân-chu, èng-kai ài tán kàu 2122 nî chiah khòaⁿ-ū ah!

[KIP] Thài-iông-hē Tsuân-ka-hok siòng-phìnn

Sī lih! M̄-tsai lí kám bat tâng-tsê khuànn-kuè Thài-iông-hē Pe̍h-tuā-kiânn-tshinn? Tsit-ê tsin hán-tit khuànn-tio̍h ê Thài-iông-hē tiâu-huē tiám-miâ, ē-tàng tī 6 gue̍h thàu-tsá sī khuànn-tio̍h. Tsit-tiunn hî-gán tsuân-kíng siòng-phìnn, sī kuí-ā kang tsîng tiàm Tì-lī San Pedro de Atacama tìn hū-kīn hip–ê. Tsit-tiunn m̄-nā hip-tio̍h kiânn-tshinn-liân-tsu, mā hip-tio̍h tshāi tī Hué-tshinn kah Kim-tshinn tiong-ng ê gue̍h-niû. Thài-iông-hē tsuân-ka-hok siòng-phìnn lāi-té ê sîng-guân lóng tshāi tī n̂g-tō-bīn tíng-kuân, in tsiàu sūn-sī uì tò-pîng kàu tsiànn-pîng sī: Tē-kiû, Thóo-tshinn, Hái-ông-tshinn, Bo̍k-tshinn, Hué-tshinn, Thian-ông-tshinn, Kim-tshinn, Tsuí-tshinn, kah Tē-kiû. Uī-tio̍h beh kiông-tiāu Hái-ông-tshinn kah Thian-ông-tshinn ê uī-tì, ū kā in tshiâu khah kng leh. Tsuí-tshinn ē-té ê hué-suann sī Tì-lī ê Licancabur hué-suann. 7 gue̍h hit-tsūn, Tsuí-tshinn ē kiânn kàu Thài-iông-kng ê huān-uî lāi. M̄-koh kuí-ā kang āu, i to̍h ē uì beh-àm-á hit-pîng tshut-hiān. Tán kàu 8 gue̍h ê sî-tsūn, Thóo-tshinn ē lî Thài-iông lú lâi lú hn̄g, lo̍h-bué to̍h buē tī thinn beh-kng hit-tsūn tshut-hiān, tian-tò ē tī thinn beh-àm hit-tsūn tshut-hiān. Āu-pái koh tú-tio̍h peh-tshinn-liân-tsu, ìng-kai ài tán kàu 2122 nî tsiah khuànn-ū ah!

[English] Solar System Family Portrait

Yes, but have you ever seen all of the planets at once? A rare roll-call of planets has been occurring in the morning sky for much of June. The featured fisheye all-sky image, taken a few mornings ago near the town of San Pedro de Atacama in Chile, caught not only the entire planet parade, but the Moon between Mars and Venus. In order, left to right along the ecliptic plane, members of this Solar System family portrait are Earth, Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter, Mars, Uranus, Venus, Mercury, and Earth. To emphasize their locations, Neptune and Uranus have been artificially enhanced. The volcano just below Mercury is Licancabur. In July, Mercury will move into the Sun’s glare but reappear a few days later on the evening side. Then, in August, Saturn will drift past the direction opposite the Sun and so become visible at dusk instead of dawn. The next time that all eight planets will be simultaneously visible in a morning sky will be in 2122.


  • 【太陽系】Thài-iông-hē/Thài-iông-hē/太陽系/Solar System
  • 【全家福】choân-ka-hok/tsuân-ka-hok/全家福/family portrait
  • 【行星連珠】kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ-liân-chu/kiânn-tshinn-liân-tsu/行星連珠/planet parade
  • 【八星連珠】peh-chhiⁿ-liân-chu/peh-tshinn-liân-tsu/八星連珠/line up of 8 planets
  • 【八大行星】Pe̍h-tōa-kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ/Pe̍h-tuā-kiânn-tshinn/八大行星/planets of the Solar System
  • 【水星】chúi-chhiⁿ/tsuí-tshinn/水星/Mercury
  • 【金星】Kim-chhiⁿ/Kim-tshinn/金星/Venus
  • 【火星】Hóe-chhiⁿ/Hué-tshinn/火星/Mars
  • 【木星】Bo̍k-chhiⁿ/Bo̍k-tshinn/木星/Jupiter
  • 【土星】Thó͘-chhiⁿ/Thóo-tshinn/土星/Saturn
  • 【天王星】Thian-ông-chhiⁿ/Thian-ông-tshinn/天王星/Uranus
  • 【海王星】Hái-ông-chhiⁿ/Hái-ông-tshinn/海王星/Neptune
  • 【黃道面】n̂g-tō-bīn/n̂g-tō-bīn/黃道面/ecliptic
  • 【魚眼】hî-gán/hî-gán/魚眼/fisheye
  • 【2122 年】jī-it-jī-jī nî/jī-it-jī-jī nî/2122 年/in 2122

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昨昏 ê 圖:Ùi BepiColombo 太空船 面頭前行過 ê 水星 明仔載 ê 圖:彗星 C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS)