17. June 2022
踮智利翕--ê 透早星

探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4。
- 原始文章:Good Morning Planets from Chile
- 影像來源 kah 版權:Elke Schulz (Daniel Verschatse Observatory)
- 台文翻譯:An-Li Tsai (NCU)
[漢羅] 踮智利翕--ê 透早星
6 月 15 這工,太陽系上內底 ê 行星,水星,佇地球天頂 行到離太陽上遠 ê 所在。 這張速翕相片,是天欲光進前 踮智利 Rio Hurtado 山谷翕--ê。 佇 日頭欲 peh--起來進前,水星出現佇東爿地平線附近彼个遙遠 ê Andes 山脈面頂。 佇 6 月,別粒透早星攏會排踮比水星較懸 ê 所在。 這寡會當用目睭直接看著 ê 太陽系行星,會踮 黃道面 排排做一逝,按呢一張闊幅相片就會當 kā 這个行星連珠 ê 現象翕入去。 踮南半球,太陽系 ê 黃道面崎崎迒過天頂,趨 tùi 北方去。 毋閣踮北半球,這寡佇黃道面 排好勢 ê 透早星 peh 起來了後,會用較淺 ê 角度趨 tùi 南方去。 毋管是踮北半球抑是南半球,佇 6 月美麗 ê 早起時,攏會當看著這寡透早星,會照 in 到太陽距離 ê 順序,踮天頂排做一逝。
[POJ] Tiàm Tì-lī hip--ê Thàu-chá-chhiⁿ
6 goe̍h 15 chit-kang, Thài-iông-hē siōng lāi-té ê kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ, Chúi-chhiⁿ, tī Tē-kiû thiⁿ-téng kiâⁿ kàu lî Thài-iông siōng hn̄g ê só͘-chāi. Chit tiuⁿ sok-hip siòng-phìⁿ, sī thiⁿ beh-kng chìn-chêng tiám Tì-lī Rio Hurtado soaⁿ-kok hip--ê. Tī ji̍t-thâu beh peh--khí-lâi chìn-chêng, Chúi-chhiⁿ chhut-hiān tī tang-pêng tē-pêng-sòaⁿ hū-kīn hit-ê iâu-oán ê Andes soaⁿ-me̍h bīn-téng. Tī 6 goe̍h, pa̍t-lia̍p thàu-chá-chhiⁿ lóng ē pâi tiám pí Chúi-chhiⁿ khah koân ê só͘-chāi. Chit-kóa ē-tàng iōng ba̍k-chiu ti̍t-chiap khòaⁿ--tio̍h ê Thài-iông-hē kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ, ē tiàm n̂g-tō-bīn pâi-pâi chò chi̍t chōa, án-ni chi̍t tiuⁿ khoah-pak siòng-phìⁿ to̍h ē-tàng kā chit ê kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ-liân-chu ê hiān-siōng hip ji̍p-khì. Tiàm lâm-pòaⁿ-kiû, Thài-iông-hē ê n̂g-tō-bīn kiā-kiā hāⁿ kòe thiⁿ-téng, chhu tùi pak-hong khì. M̄-koh tiàm pak-pòaⁿ-kiû, chit-kóa tī n̂g-tō-bīn pâi hó-sè ê thàu-chá-chhiⁿ peh--khí-lâi liáu-āu, ē iōng khah chhián ê kak-tō͘ chhu tùi lâm-hong khì. M̄-koán sī tiàm pak-pòaⁿ-kiû iah-sī lâm-pòaⁿ-kiû, tī 6 goe̍h bí-lē ê chá-khí-sî, lóng ē-tàng khòaⁿ-tio̍h chit-kóa thàu-chá-chhiⁿ, ē chiàu in kàu Thài-iông kū-lî ê sūn-sī, tiàm thiⁿ-téng pâi chò chi̍t chōa.
[KIP] Tiàm Tì-lī hip--ê Thàu-tsá-tshinn
6 gue̍h 15 tsit-kang, Thài-iông-hē siōng lāi-té ê kiânn-tshinn, Tsuí-tshinn, tī Tē-kiû thinn-tíng kiânn kàu lî Thài-iông siōng hn̄g ê sóo-tsāi. Tsit tiunn sok-hip siòng-phìnn, sī thinn beh-kng tsìn-tsîng tiám Tì-lī Rio Hurtado suann-kok hip--ê. Tī ji̍t-thâu beh peh--khí-lâi tsìn-tsîng, Tsuí-tshinn tshut-hiān tī tang-pîng tē-pîng-suànn hū-kīn hit-ê iâu-uán ê Andes suann-me̍h bīn-tíng. Tī 6 gue̍h, pa̍t-lia̍p thàu-tsá-tshinn lóng ē pâi tiám pí Tsuí-tshinn khah kuân ê sóo-tsāi. Tsit-kuá ē-tàng iōng ba̍k-tsiu ti̍t-tsiap khuànn--tio̍h ê Thài-iông-hē kiânn-tshinn, ē tiàm n̂g-tō-bīn pâi-pâi tsò tsi̍t tsuā, án-ni tsi̍t tiunn khuah-pak siòng-phìnn to̍h ē-tàng kā tsit ê kiânn-tshinn-liân-tsu ê hiān-siōng hip ji̍p-khì. Tiàm lâm-puànn-kiû, Thài-iông-hē ê n̂g-tō-bīn kiā-kiā hānn kuè thinn-tíng, tshu tuì pak-hong khì. M̄-koh tiàm pak-puànn-kiû, tsit-kuá tī n̂g-tō-bīn pâi hó-sè ê thàu-tsá-tshinn peh--khí-lâi liáu-āu, ē iōng khah tshián ê kak-tōo tshu tuì lâm-hong khì. M̄-kuán sī tiàm pak-puànn-kiû iah-sī lâm-puànn-kiû, tī 6 gue̍h bí-lē ê tsá-khí-sî, lóng ē-tàng khuànn-tio̍h tsit-kuá thàu-tsá-tshinn, ē tsiàu in kàu Thài-iông kū-lî ê sūn-sī, tiàm thinn-tíng pâi tsò tsi̍t tsuā.
[English] Good Morning Planets from Chile
On June 15, innermost planet Mercury had wandered about as far from the Sun as it ever gets in planet Earth's sky. Near the eastern horizon just before sunrise it stands over distant Andes mountain peaks in this predawn snapshot from the valley of Rio Hurtado in Chile. June's other morning planets are arrayed above it, as all the naked-eye planets of the Solar System stretch in a line along the ecliptic in the single wide-field view. Tilted toward the north, the Solar System's ecliptic plane arcs steeply through southern hemisphere skies. Northern hemisphere early morning risers will see the lineup of planets along the ecliptic at a shallower angle tilting toward the south. From both hemispheres June's beautiful morning planetary display finds the visible planets in order of their increasing distance from the Sun.
漢羅 | POJ | KIP | 華語 | English |
透早星 | thàu-chá-chhiⁿ | thàu-tsá-tshinn | 晨星 | morning planet |
水星 | chúi-chhiⁿ | tsuí-tshinn | 水星 | Mercury |
地平線 | tē-pêng-sòaⁿ | tē-pîng-suànn | 地平線 | horizon |
黃道面 | n̂g-tō-bīn | n̂g-tō-bīn | 黃道面 | ecliptic plane |
北半球 | pak-pòaⁿ-kiû | pak-puànn-kiû | 北半球 | northern hemisphere |
南半球 | lâm-pòaⁿ-kiû | lâm-puànn-kiû | 南半球 | southern hemisphere |
行星連珠 | kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ-liân-chu | kiânn-tshinn-liân-tsu | 行星連珠 | lineup of planets |
速翕 | sok-hip | sok-hip | 快照 | snapshot |