尖岩石林天頂 ê 人造衛星


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4

[漢羅] 尖峰石林天頂 ê 人造衛星

背景這寡光巡是啥物? 是人造衛星 ê 軌跡啦! 欲講這進前,咱先來看前景這寡美麗 ê 尖峰石林。 In 是佇 澳洲 西爿 ê Nambung 國家公園 揣著--ê,in kah 人差不多平懸,是用古早時代一款 石灰石 貝殼,毋知經過啥物過程做出來--ê。 毋閣閣較引人注目--ê,是背景 ê 天景。 In 是 低軌道踅地 衛星 反射日光 ê 光巡,攏是佇 2 點鐘內 ê 時間翕著--ê。 前景是等背景翕煞了後,用仝一台 kha-mé-lah 踮仝一位翕--ê。 落尾才用數位合成 ê 方式,疊出 這張相片。 大部份 ê 光巡 是這馬猶咧發展 ê 通訊衛星 星鏈 衛星網來--ê,毋閣有一寡毋是。 這寡 光巡 表示講,天欲暗了後抑是天欲光進前,地球 天頂會當連紲看著 人造衛星 ê 數量增加矣。 這个現象 tùi 地面 kha-mé-lah 抑是地面天文望遠鏡來講,攏是足重要 ê 議題。 因為毋管是想欲翕 優美 ê 天文相片,抑是人類想欲理解 遙遠宇宙 背後 ê 科學智識,咱攏愛 了解 這寡衛星軌跡,才有法度 kā in tùi 影像造成 ê 影響 刣掉

[POJ] Chiam-hong-chio̍h-nâ thiⁿ-téng ê Jîn-chō-ūi-chhiⁿ

Pōe-kéng chit-kóa kng-sûn sī siáⁿ-mih? Sī jîn-chō-ūi-chhiⁿ ê kúi-jiah la̍h! Beh kóng che chìn-chêng, lán seng-lâi khòaⁿ chiân-kéng chit-kóa bí-lē ê Chiam-hong-chio̍h-nâ. In sī tī Ò-chiu sai-pêng ê Nambung Kok-ka-kong-hn̂g chhōe-tio̍h--ê, in kah lâng chha-put-to pêⁿ koân, sī iōng kó͘-chá sî-tāi chi̍t-khoán chio̍h-hoe-chio̍h pòe-khak, m̄-chai kéng-kòe siáⁿ-mih kòe-têng chò--chhut-lâi--ê. M̄-koh koh-khah ìn-lâng-chù-bo̍k--ê, sī pōe-kéng ê thian-kéng. In sī kē-kúi-tō se̍h-tē-ūi-chhiⁿ hoán-siā ji̍t-kng ê kng-sûn, lóng sī tī 2 tiám-cheng lāi ê sî-kan hip-tio̍h--ê. Chiân-kéng sī tán pōe-kéng hip-soah liáu-āu, iōng kâng chi̍t tâi kha-mé-lah tiàm kâng chi̍t ūi hip--ê. Lo̍h-bóe chiah iōng só͘-ūi ha̍p-sêng ê hong-sek, tha̍h-chhut chit tiuⁿ siòng-phìⁿ. Tōa-pō͘-hūn ê kng-sûn sī chit-má iáu-leh hoat-tián ê thong-sìn ūi-chhiⁿ Seng-liān ūi-chhiⁿ-bāng lâi--ê, m̄-koh ū chi̍t-kóa m̄-sī. Chit-kóa kng-sûn piáu-sī kóng, thiⁿ beh àm liáu-āu iah-sī thiⁿ beh kng chìn-chêng, Tē-kiû thiⁿ-téng ē-tàng liân-sòa khòaⁿ-tio̍h jîn-chō-ūi-chhiⁿ ê sò͘-liōng cheng-ka ah. Chit ê hiān-siōng tùi tē-bīn kha-mé-lah iah-sī tē-bīn thian-bûn bōng-oán-kiàⁿ lâi kóng, lóng sī chiok tiōng-iàu ê gī-tê. In-ūi m̄-koán sī siūⁿ beh hip iu-bí ê thian-bûn siòng-phìⁿ, iah-sī jîn-lūi siūⁿ beh lí-kái iâu-oán ú-tiū pōe-āu ê kho-ha̍k tì-sek, lán lóng ài liáu-kái chit-kóa ūi-chhiⁿ kúi-jiah, chiah ū hoat-tō͘ kā in tùi iáⁿ-siōng chō-sêng ê éng-hióng thâi-tiāu.

[KIP] Tsiam-hong-tsio̍h-nâ thinn-tíng ê Jîn-tsō-uī-tshinn

Puē-kíng tsit-kuá kng-sûn sī siánn-mih? Sī jîn-tsō-uī-tshinn ê kuí-jiah la̍h! Beh kóng tse tsìn-tsîng, lán sing-lâi khuànn tsiân-kíng tsit-kuá bí-lē ê Tsiam-hong-tsio̍h-nâ. In sī tī Ò-tsiu sai-pîng ê Nambung Kok-ka-kong-hn̂g tshuē-tio̍h--ê, in kah lâng tsha-put-to pênn kuân, sī iōng kóo-tsá sî-tāi tsi̍t-khuán tsio̍h-hue-tsio̍h puè-khak, m̄-tsai kíng-kuè siánn-mih kuè-tîng tsò--tshut-lâi--ê. M̄-koh koh-khah ìn-lâng-tsù-bo̍k--ê, sī puē-kíng ê thian-kíng. In sī kē-kuí-tō se̍h-tē-uī-tshinn huán-siā ji̍t-kng ê kng-sûn, lóng sī tī 2 tiám-tsing lāi ê sî-kan hip-tio̍h--ê. Tsiân-kíng sī tán puē-kíng hip-suah liáu-āu, iōng kâng tsi̍t tâi kha-mé-lah tiàm kâng tsi̍t uī hip--ê. Lo̍h-bué tsiah iōng sóo-uī ha̍p-sîng ê hong-sik, tha̍h-tshut tsit tiunn siòng-phìnn. Tuā-pōo-hūn ê kng-sûn sī tsit-má iáu-leh huat-tián ê thong-sìn uī-tshinn Sing-liān uī-tshinn-bāng lâi--ê, m̄-koh ū tsi̍t-kuá m̄-sī. Tsit-kuá kng-sûn piáu-sī kóng, thinn beh àm liáu-āu iah-sī thinn beh kng tsìn-tsîng, Tē-kiû thinn-tíng ē-tàng liân-suà khuànn-tio̍h jîn-tsō-uī-tshinn ê sòo-liōng tsing-ka ah. Tsit ê hiān-siōng tuì tē-bīn kha-mé-lah iah-sī tē-bīn thian-bûn bōng-uán-kiànn lâi kóng, lóng sī tsiok tiōng-iàu ê gī-tê. In-uī m̄-kuán sī siūnn beh hip iu-bí ê thian-bûn siòng-phìnn, iah-sī jîn-luī siūnn beh lí-kái iâu-uán ú-tiū puē-āu ê kho-ha̍k tì-sik, lán lóng ài liáu-kái tsit-kuá uī-tshinn kuí-jiah, tsiah ū huat-tōo kā in tuì iánn-siōng tsō-sîng ê íng-hióng thâi-tiāu.

[English] Satellites Behind Pinnacles

What are all those steaks across the background? Satellite trails. First, the foreground features picturesque rock mounds known as Pinnacles. Found in the Nambung National Park in Western Australia, these human-sized spires are made by unknown processes from ancient sea shells (limestone). Perhaps more eye-catching, though, is the sky behind. Created by low-Earth orbit satellites reflecting sunlight, all of these streaks were captured in less than two hours and digitally combined onto the single featured image, with the foreground taken consecutively by the same camera and from the same location. Most of the streaks were made by the developing Starlink constellation of communication satellites, but some are not. In general, the streaks are indicative of an increasing number of satellites nearly continuously visible above the Earth after dusk and before dawn. Understanding and removing the effects of satellite trails on images from Earth's ground-based cameras and telescopes is now important not only for elegant astrophotography, but for humanity's scientific understanding of the distant universe.


低軌道踅地衛星kē kúi-tō se̍h-tē-ūi-chhiⁿkē kuí-tō se̍h-tē-uī-chhiⁿâ低軌道繞地衛星low-Earth orbit satellite
通訊衛星thong-sìn ūi-chhiⁿthong-sìn uī-tshinn通訊衛星communication satellites
星鏈衛星網Seng-liān-ūi-chhiⁿ-bāngSing-liān-uī-tshinn-bāng星鏈衛星網Starlink constellation
人造衛星jîn-chō-ūi-chhiⁿjîn-tsō-uī-tshinn人造衛星artificial satellite
Nambung 國家公園Nambung Kok-ka-kong-hn̂gNambung Kok-ka-kong-hn̂g南邦國家公園Nambung National Park

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昨昏 ê 圖:M51:Hubble 太空望遠鏡翕--ê 渦輪星系 明仔載 ê 圖:室女座星系團 ê 中心